《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.2 His Firends


Niall's pov.

I know I was rude to my stepsister but she's so easy to push around and now she is me and my boys bitch. I called and told them to come over. I do have one thing to say I do think she a little hot. I door bell rings and I get it and Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam walk in and give me a bro-hug.

"So where is she?" Harry asked being his horny self.

"She in her room" I said then sat on the couch.

"Well can we see her?" Zayn asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah I want to meet her" Liam said pulling out a cigarette.

"I'll get her" I said getting up and walking up stairs.

I get to her door, go to open it and find it's locked.

"Open this door right now!" I yell and bang on the door.

"I am not coming out and you can't make me asshole" Avalon yelled and that just pissed me off.

"Oh I will make you and when I get you. You'll wish you had listen to me bitch" I yelled then hear foot steps and the boys come up.

"You can't get her out" Harry laughed. right now I just want to punch him.

"The bitch locked the door" I said.

"Ni why don't you use your key" Liam said.

"Thanks for reminding me" I said then ran in my room and get the key from under my bed and go back to the hall way and unlock the door. when we walk she runs to the bathroom but I grab here waist be for she can go in.

"Oh, you naughty little bitch. Don't you ever lock your door again! You hear me" I yelled and she said nothing.



"Yes I won't lock It again" she said not making eye contact with me she so scare of me I love having control over her.

"Now your coming with us down stairs" I said and she nodded. All of us walk down stairs and sit on the couch but I make her sit on me.

"So what's your name babe" Zayn ask Avalon but she did not answer him. I put my mouth to her ear and whisper "answer him or else".

"A-Avalon" she stuttered.

"That's a pretty name" Liam said lighting his cigarette.


"Stop stuttering" I said in to her ear and she nods.

"Niall so she's your new sister. she fucking hot" Harry said damit he's getting horny.

"Harry keep your pants on" I said causing all the boys to laugh except Harry.

"I can't help it if I get horny over a hot chick" he said causing Louis to slap him it the back of the head.

"Ow, what was that for"

"Maybe you should think about what you say when your is around" Louis said

"I'm sorry Lou" Harry apologize giving Lou a kiss.

"Your on thin ice styles but I except your apology" Louis said.

"Question Avalon are you a virgin?" Zayn asked. Why the hell does he want to know.


"Oh so you're one" he said then wink at her and she immediately looked at her lap.

"Zayn, why did you want to know that?" I asked

"I wanted to know if our bitch was a virgin or not. apparently she is." he said

"Okay" I said then looked at my phone and saw the time 11:30 pm.

"Um guys you got to go our parents will be home in like 20 minutes" I said and the boy got up and said bye and left.


"Niall what are you friends names?" Avalon ask

"Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Liam" I said then said, "Now come with me." We walk up to my room and I had her sit on my bed. I went to my closet and got a black dog collar and one of my shirts.

"Put this on" I said handing her the shirt and collar.

"Why?" She said standing up.

"Have you not learned that you do what I say to do no matter what!" I yelled in her face.

"Fine" she said then put the collar on.

"Now got get changed in to my shirts and what ever PJ bottoms you want" said then slap her ass making her jump and run to her room.

I took my Skinnys off then my shirt. Then walked in to the hallway.

"Av you done yet"

"Yeah why?" she said then I open the door to see her in a beanie, my shirt and shorts. Oh I wish they were shorter. Wait did I just think that about stepsister/bitch just forget it.

"Cause I was coming in"

"Can't you nock you Jackass"

"Oh now your pissing me off"

"Oh what you gonna do"

I slam her door shut and push her on the bed. I pinned her wrist above her head.

"You better lean to stop talking back to me or something bad will happen" I said then the house phone rings I get the phone.


"Is this Niall Horan speaking"

"Yes, why?"

"Is Avalon there with you"

"Yes, why"

"I need to tell you guys your parents...."

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