《Land Before Love.》CH10- Needing Answers
Seanne didn't talk much... not at all. But she never let one eye off me as I walked from place to place. The day before I had spent my time inside. Seanne had kept to herself, sharpening a ray of weapons kept in places I didn't want to know.
I studied her. She was pretty with wide brown eyes and a defined boned nose. Her jawbones were just as pronounced and deep. My mother use to say when I was little that something different was what made a pretty face. I never really agreed with that statement but it matched Seanne perfectly. With all her angled and sharp features her lips were rounded and plump. A contrast to soften her look.
My constant stare on her face made her uncomfortable. I could tell as she shifted and gave me irritate glances. I think one day I would want to sketch her, possibly send it to my sisters. A female carrying weapons was new to me. In my culture woman weren't allowed to draw a bow or wield a sword. But here it seemed encouraged.
But today it didn't take me long until I was craving fresh air. I had taken one step outside and Seanne was already on my heels. I didn't really want to go into the forest, as my experiences there consisted of life threatening positions. So I wondered around the haven.
It wasn't as crowed in winter, many of the people stayed in their tents, away from the cold. But the few that scattered about on there daily business stopped what they're doing to stare. They seemed openly curious and I mustered a small smile in there direction whenever I received their looks.
Seanne actually got the most attention. Children mostly flocked to her, hugging her legs or jumping up and down to gain her attention. A little girl who could just walk waddled over to her with a bright smile on her face. Seanne to my surprised scooped her arm and whirled her round in the air, big toothy grins on both their faces.
These people all had connections with one another; it remained me of my people back in Fellshore. Yet here I was, the outsider...
We had gone to a quieter part of the haven, a trail that just bordered the forest on the way to the farm.
" Do you know where Zachan is?" As well as making conversation in the silence, I was interested. I had not seen him last night and he hasn't appeared this morning.
Seanne remains quiet, as if she didn't understand. But I could tell by the way she forcefully looked away it meant otherwise.
"I know you can understand me." I say, stopping in my tracks.
Surprised my abruptness Seanne stops to. Her eyes now focus on mine. She gives me a thorough look." I have orders to guard you, Zachan is where he his."
"Which is?" I furrow my eyebrows. Her accent wasn't as think as the others, and her words were carefully pronounced.
She rolls her eyes." I don't have to tell you, those are not my orders."
"Or, you don't want to tell me?" I fling back and she huffs out a laugh in response, walking on in front of me.
"If that is the way you like to see it." She humors me, and I can't help but roll my eyes as well. I follow her now on the trail.
"So..." I drag out, crossing my arms from the bite of the cold." What got you on guard duty?"
The jab didn't seem to affect here, as she looked over her shoulder at me." Someone had to do it, we didn't want you helpless once again."
I swear I could see a ghost of a smirk on her lips." I am not helpless. I handled my self fine the other day."
Seanne nods along." I'm know, I was there. But if I didn't shoot an arrow in my brother's shoulder we would not be having this conversation."
My steps short. Did she just say-" Brother?"
She turns around to face me, her eyebrows raised in surprise." Kern, yes."
My body refused to move any closer towards her. Alarm bells were going off in my head. If Kern was her brother then I dread to think of what she thinks about me. I didn't realize how much right then I would have wanted another person with us now.
" Why would Zachan make you my guard?" I question. "Its...Its-" I couldn't find the word.
"Its quite clever actually." She says. I watch her with wide eyes to elaborate." If Kern did come after you, which is highly unlikely, he would have to go through me. And I doubt he would want to battle against his younger sister."
"Yet you shot him with an arrow..." I ponder aloud; I nearly slap a hand over my mouth after I had said it.
Seanne however laughs aloud." True..." She sobers." He wouldn't hurt me... nor you anymore. My brother acts before he thinks, a skill in battle. But not in everyday life. If it is worth anything I am sorry for what he tried to do."
I could tell by her tone she genuinely meant it. But still she had nothing to be sorry for, her brother was the accused. So in return I give her a thankful nod.
"Is there any other siblings of yours I should be worried about?" I ask trying to lighten the mood... but it does quiet the opposite.
Seanne's eyes grow wide and she studies my face as my smile vanishes. She was trying to work something out, but I had no clue what. Quickly she composes herself, the odd moment passing on.
"No... no you don't." She says grimly, and the conversation was over. We walked in silence from then on. I tried to think what could have put her on edge. Maybe one of her siblings had died? Murdered? All I know was I had hit a nerve.
The next few days went by in a blur. Mainly because I occupied my time by doing very little. I went on daily walks around the haven , still avoiding the forest. The walks were for Seanne mostly, as she got very agitated when she was forced to sit and watch me in my tent all day, sketching. But my drawings turned into doodling, nothing intricate or of anything special I would want to keep.
Zachan drifted in out of the tent, and he hadn't slept in the same bed with me in these passing days. It didn't really bother me as I liked my space. But I was more intrigued of where he was going, what he was doing.
One morning I woke up to a commotion outside. A scream turned into a smattering of gasps and I avoided Jaida's warnings to stay inside. Luckily Seanne hadn't arrived yet from her morning break. In my nightclothes I wrapped myself in my bear fur and scrambled out of the tent.
As I started to approach the heart of the haven other people were streaming out of their tents to. My bare feet stung under the small pills of snow scattered about but I followed the crowd. And soon a mob of people appeared all straining their necks to get a look at whatever was frightening the people.
When close enough to the crowd a few people had noticed me and starting parting to make way. Others followed their lead, and I soon was walking through until the people become fewer and an empty space was made in the center.
There appeared at first to be nothing.
But when looking down a small wisp of air escaped my lungs at the sight.
In the dirt coated in shallow snow lay footprints. Huge animal paw prints to be exact.
Four pads of a paw were tipped with huge sharped claws. I crouched down and laid my hand next to one pressed into the snow. The paw was twice the size of my hand.
I looked up and noticed the other side of the crowd was parting, someone else was approaching. Someone important.
I looked down again at the paw, and from a small snow pile to my right something was flickering in the faint wind. I reached for it and sucked in a breath when I realized what it was.
"Zachan!" Someone said his name in alarm and I quickly stood up, tucking away my evidence in the sash of my dress.
I met the eyes of my husband watching me intently. He did not look impressed. Others around him were trying to talk to him but he silenced them with the strong motion of a raised hand.
He took a step inside the barren circle, and stepped over the paw prints. When reaching me he put a firm hand on my shoulder and led me out of the crowd. I avoided everyone's eyes watching us, wondering what was going on.
Zachan did not let go of me until I was back inside our tent. He stood there watching me, as if wanting an explanation.
" Do you believe me now?" I grit out, watching his face for a reaction. Those prints proved to everyone of what I say that night. That it was no bear or my imagination. But I don't feel a sense of relief from it being true. Because now this creature-wolf- god was stalking around at night in the haven.
At that moment Seanne appears, Zachan turns to her at the tent entrance.
"Aleenia doesn't leave the tent." Was all he said before storming out towards the entrance.
"Zachan!-" Seanne cries after him, seeming frustrated and surprised by his orders. Once my husband vanishes again, she sighs. Her gaze turns to me, her frustration clearly showing on her face.
She says nothing else as she heads in to the dinning room, a scowl on her face. I guess having to babysit me is just as fun as being babysat, if you're a grown woman.
I head to my bedroom; my fingers fiddling with my sash where my evidence lies.
Normally by now I would have seen Mr. Larkin. But after the incident I doubt anyone would be happy if I visited.
But I needed answers. I knew no one here would give them to me. They never would.
From being young I learnt things to trick my parents or maids when I didn't want to be found. Getting some cushions I arranged them on my side of the bed vertically. I throw a blanket over the top and plump the pillows the best I could to look like a person sleeping.
I wrapped my fur around me and put on my boots, my feet thankful for the extra warmth now. I took one quick look behind me to make sure Seanne was not coming in and crawled out of the small gap I used last time to escape.
I was more vigilant as I walked through the forest. My eyes seem to scan everything before I took another step. I didn't know why I wanted to walk thought this forest alone, but I needed to see Mr. Larkin. He had the answers I would need.
When reaching the bridge over the Tala River it took me a minute to gain the courage to walk over it. As last time I had ended up in it. Even if it was by someone pushing me, I didn't want to feel its icy claws again.
Mr.Larkin's tree house came into view. I listened to make sure no-one else was up there before heading up the ladder.
Mr.Larkin was sitting at his desk. I thought for once I would be polite and knock on his doorframe.
He looks up, eyebrows furrowed. Then something like wicked amusement was dancing in his eyes." What a surprise, Mi Lady."
"Really?" I decided to play along.
"Yes actually." He says, crossing his arms over his chest." I've heard all that has happened. And I ask you this with a deep worry. Do you know how to listen at all?"
I give him a bored look, biting back words that would stir him up even more.
"I want you to finish explaining their story of their Gods." I say, coming in and taking a seat at his desk. He looked annoyed that I invited myself in.
" After they tried to kill you last time, what makes you think I would tell you?"
He had a point, and I guess he was trying to protect me... but I needed to know the answers. I could barley sleep pondering on the possibilities.
"Prints were found in the snow this morning in the haven, evidence that the wolf I saw is here." I state, holding my gaze firm.
Mr. Larkin doesn't seem fazed by my information." I heard, The Chief has told the tribe's people it is a bear. The warriors will hunt it."
I was becoming angry. I knew that the paw prints were no bear's. They were to narrow when a bear's were wide and the toes spread out. I had seen pictures in my father's collection of endless books.
"Why are you lying to me?" I grit my teeth, I raise my voice unexpectedly." Why is everyone here lying to me?"
The tree house goes silent. Mr .Larkin looks down to his lap, his fingers pinching his chin. He takes his time to act tired with me, sighing when catching my heated gaze.
" You are very demanding..." He mummers to himself, leaning back on his chair." As it ever occurred to you that I am reluctant to share-why the whole tribe's people are reluctant to share things with you, is because you won't believe it?"
"I want to know the truth..." It came out weaker then I would have liked. I didn't want to show Mr. Larkin how hopeless I felt... but in that moment I was. I had no-one else to turn to.
"Mi Lady, the truth isn't always the thing you want to hear." He tries a different approach, a softer one. But I wasn't budging, my mouth set in a firm line. Mr. Larkin must know to as he throws his head back in exhaustion.
"Fine." He grits out." But you might not believe it, and I know your not going to like it."
"Try me." I say, watching as Mr. Larkin adjusts himself in his seat.
He lets out a wicked laugh." Before you came here, before I arranged a marriage for Fellshore and the Southern Lands to be united in peace, Zachan was in love with another woman."
It was like slap to the face. A wake up call to a bubble I was living in. Even though a trickle of jealousy ran down my spine I had no right to feel it. I wasn't even here then. And I knew now why Zachan had never wanted to marry me in the first place. Why he probably hated my presence.
"Do you want me to continue?" Mr Larkin asks, in his mock sympothy.
"What happened?" I ask, not showing the small part of me that didn't want to hear about the woman he really loved." And how does this have anything to do with the wolf I saw?"
"Patience, Mi Lady." Mr. Larkin addresses, putting his hand up." Her name was Saria, she was a warrior. I don't know the lovey dovey details of the two but they grew up side by side. And couple years before you arrived, they were together."
Saria, it was a pretty name. She is probably pretty too. I think in my head of her with Zachan. Did she ever make him smile? Laugh?
" Zachan loved her beyond anything and wouldn't let her go, but it was her that could not see it so clearly. As the chief to be Zachan would have to marry a woman worthy of the title of his wife. Saria must have seen the competition to be in such a powerful position in the future. Women here flock to empress their next chief, yet Zachan only had the eyes for Saria... only if she realized that sooner.
" One day she declared to her siblings she would climb the Mountains of Valdoor .Her quest was to collect a rare form of a healing herb that grows only in the cold climates up high. The herb is quite rare and anyone here in the Southern lands would trade a dear price for it. I suppose she thought that such a quest and triumph would make her worthy of Zachan... but she never returned. That was half a year ago."
The story abruptly stopped and my eyebrows involuntary pinch together." What- What happened to her then?"
"Zachan climbed the mountains with her siblings. All they found was her ripped clothes and her snapped spear, no body."
"So she died then?"
"No... here's the part of the story I never got to finish in the sacred caves. The part that you're not going to believe me about."
I watch Mr. Larkin warily. The story before had already make me queasy.
" The Guardians, now Gods are said to be immortalized. The few that have seen them, the ones lucky enough to have witnessed them say they still live in the mountains. Only a few have seen them and come back, the rest either are killed or... bitten."
I was lost once again." Bitten?"
" I'm sure you've heard the term lycanthropy before, Mi Lady."
The word mulls over into my head." Yes, in the book of Legends I read to my sisters..." the sentence dissolves on my tongue as I eye Mr. Larkin.
"Then I don't have to explain to you want happens when a human gets bitten by a wolf." Mr. Larkin says, graveness to his tone.
I force the ridiculous notion out of my heard. Surely this was Mr. Larkin teasing me or having a go at me. But his face was dead serious.
" She could have froze to death, slipped and fell down the mountain. You surely don't believe that she- she is a werewolf."
" How would you explain the ripped clothes, and surely they would have found her body by now." Mr. Larkin points out, watching on calmly as I try to gain some sense of reality.
"Say if it's true... then where is she now?"
" I thought you would have figured it out by now, Mi Lady." Mr. Larkin sighs, eyeing me with a tired look." The wolf you saw wasn't Luinen God of Wrath, it was Saria."
Gasp... I think some of you weren't expecting that? Tell me what you think?
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I will update soon.
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