《Land Before Love.》CH9- Someone Tried to Kill Me
I was able to scream before my body was shocked into silence.
Gasping for breathe I was slipping on the frozen stones buried at the bottom of the river. If I was standing up the water would probably reach mid thigh, but I was submerged in its icy chill.
Trying to gain composure and get out was my body's first obvious reaction.But I don't have time as Kern jumps in after me. Now I was trying to get away from him, even if it meant crawling through the river.
Hands grabbed me, spun me around and held me under by the throat. He wasn't putting so much pressure on it I couldn't breathe but being under water was what was suffocating me. Both my hands shot straight to his wrists, I couldn't see anything. Clawing at them wasn't helping, my fingers were so numb I could barley move them.
Desperation was kicking in as I thrashed, by chest constricting in pain wanting air in my lungs.
One hand still on his wrists, my right one fumbles beneath me. Scratching and pulling over rocks. One pulls free, my muscles scream at the strain but with out warning I aim it to hit Kern on the inside of his elbow.
I must hit something because Kern retracts back, enough time for me to pull myself away.
I inhale air when emerging from the water, my breaths coming out labored and quick. My eyes are blurry from the water but I can see Kern, and he is approaching me once again. But before he can get to me he is thrown back by an invisible force. He cries out, and in my blurry vision I can see and arrow sticking out of his shoulder.
My heart starts beating as I try to get out of the river. However I am panicking once again thinking there could be an arrow waiting for me.
Hands grip me under my arms, and with little strength I have left I fumble to get free. I don't succeed, but don't mind in the moment as I was pulled back onto land. My mind could barely string thoughts together from the harsh cold my body was experiencing. It was so cold my skin was starting to burn, and I knew that wasn't a good sign.
People were talking- shouting in another language at each other. I lay there shivering, gasping and splattering from the growing numbness running up my veins. My clothes were soaked through, and my hair clung to my face in wet chucks. They will probably freeze there soon.
I was disorientated as I was picked up, and my protests were mere babble. With hazy eyes I look to the culprit and find the familiar face of Zachan. From this angle I could see some small scars under his chin, something I hadn't recognized before.
We were moving and I was freezing cold. The small amount of warmth radiating from Zachan was comforting, but I didn't want to snuggle close to him to gain whatever heat he had. That was a stretch to far for our relationship in my opinion.
My eyes could recognize the tents of the haven as we entered, I didn't know how much time had past.
The next thing I remember was Zachan calling Jaida's name once we entered our tent. I was then forced to stand up in our room, with the support of my husband. My knees quaked so badly I would have fallen over. Yet I was led to the fire pit on the other side of our bedroom, and in that moment I would have gladly dived into the flames. But I couldn't get warm with my clothes dripping onto the rugs or my feet squelching in my soggy boots.
Jaida appeared and she wasted know time taking orders from Zachan. Even though I didn't understand, his tone suggested it.
But to my horror she starts ripping off my clothes. With my shaking limbs and jarred movements I couldn't fight her off. I was completely venerable as she did it. I stood there shaking in my bare skin, and it was worse as Zachan was in the same room. I was exposed to him.
Jaida then quickly wrapped me up in a bear fur, one that fully absorbed me in its soft bristles. She sat me down on a stool and took off my boots; my skin had twinges of blue lining my toe nails.I felt better then minutes ago, but I couldn't get warm. The fire wasn't helping as I would have hoped. And I didn't want to adjust my position fearing my naked body would show.
The other two people in the room must have noticed to. I was shaking so bad shivers were dancing up my spine, making me jolt and twitch. Words passed between them, and when they stopped talking I peered over my shoulder to see a very reluctant Zachan approach.
I watched with wide eyes as he made me stand up. He led me to the bed.
Pulling away from him was my first instinct but he grabbed my wrist, my head churning with the worst thoughts imaginable. But in my state I had no energy to fight back and he eased me onto my side of the bed. He lay down with me.
I fought him off; my hands might be stationed to the task of keeping my furs around me. My legs however I used freely to kick him.
"Be calm." He grunted softly, bringing me closer unto his side. I noticed then he had taken off his plate of leather armor. His plain light beige shirt was tight against his muscular body. He drew me in and I was forced to lay my check on his chest as an arm coiled around my twitching frame.
I lay there compliantly in shock. Jaida came from my other side and used a rag to try and dry my hair; the water was making my head ache from the chill. I kept very still as I lay there plastered to Zachan's body. But his warmth was thawing me inside and out. My shivers were disappearing slowly and my breathing went back to it's regular pace.
From all that had happened a wave of tiredness crashed down on me. Jaida removed the drying rag from my hair, and at the time I could barley keep my eyes open.
But as I finally felt safe the one deadly thought came to play in my head.
Someone tried to kill me.
I awoke alone.
It wasn't such a surprise then because the start of my day always resulted in me waking up alone. But something was tugging in my brain this morning. There was something different.
The day before starting coming back in quick bursts. I shiver again as the memory of the cold water hits me. The way Kern had gripped my neck and held me under... but I was saved by Zachan...
My eyes drift to the empty side of our bed. I slide a hand over the fluffy hides of his side, it was cold. Last night it had been warm-he had been warm and made sure I didn't freeze to death.He had saved my life. But I knew that he did it because of the simple fact he had to. To the tribes people it would have been seen as Zachan letting his friend kill his wife of less then a year. To my people it would have been an act of treason...
The longing part of me wanted to believe that a small slither of Zachan saved me because he actually cared. That by all odds, he had a heart. But that was a pipe dream. And I knew better then to dream.
Jaida had left out a new dress today, one made with a thick purple fabric that would keep me warm. The sash was made of orange and blues, the pattern was too lively as I wrapped it around me waist. The brightness didn't match my mood, and it gave me a headache.
I wasn't planning on going anywhere today. I think Jaida assumed that to, as she wasn't here to fix my hair or wash me. So I bundled up in my large bear fur from last night, and walked out of the bedroom. Creeping into the dinning room I had hoped Jaida had left a plate of food as I was starving.
But the dinning room was occupied. Zachan sat on one side of the low table, his legs crossed and large back straight. I was tempted to walk away but facing him now seemed much easier then facing the people outside.
His stare was hard and unreadable as I joined him. A small plate of flat bread and dips lay in the center and I carefully took a piece.
Silence followed as I nibbled on the bread, the small amount of spice and garlic giving it flavor.
My gaze returns to my husband's. It was the first time he had said my name. I didn't know if I liked it or not coming from his lips.
"Zachan." I reply back slowly.
He moves his arm and reaches for something near his feet. Placing it on the table the folded piece of parchment was wrinkled and I could see reminisce of water drops scattered on the sides. Some of the writing peeked out from the fold and I swallowed hard on my flat bread.
"Where did you get that?" I asked, knowing full well it was the letter I carelessly left on the ladder to Mr. Larkin's tree house. My fingers already wanted to crawl over and take it from his reach. However I was more worried about if Zachan could read my language as well as speak it.
"Kern found it." There was no waver in his voice.
His name already has me flinching. I was annoyed at how much it affected me already.
"He tried to kill me..." I whisper, the words sinking in once again. I was nearly murdered yesterday.
"He is being dealt with." Zachan says it dismissively but I can't help but look at him with wide eyes.
"What do you mean dealt with? He-he's still out there in the haven?" I gasp out, wrapping my fur tighter around me if it could protect me.
"His punishment will be decided soon."
" But he's still here." Fear was clutching my heart." What if he tries to do it again?"
"He will not." Zachan says dryly, his tone almost bored. It wasn't reassuring." He thinks your death would be justified."
My spine could have snapped from the tension in my back. Zachan must have seen my confusion and rigidness because he pushes the letter forward for emphasis.
"How does a letter justify killing me?" I grit out.
" These letters go to your home land, yes?" Zachan asks. I nod in response." Then Kern's first thought was your were sending them information... and it does not help you were doing it with out us knowing."
I purse my lips, my eyes only remaining on the letter. " So you would justify killing me because of a letter."
"No." The strength in Zachan's voice has me looking up in surprise. His tone left no unclear answer, and his eyes didn't make me think twice. For the first time in the last few days I felt comforted to know I wasn't in danger." But compared to Kern I can read this properly, and he would have seen your speak little about yourself or the tribe to Natalie or Yasmane."
It had been a while since I had heard another person say my sister's names aloud. The fact that Zachan was saying it though made me angry. What right did have? What right did have to read my private letters?
"Do you honestly think my sisters would believe me if I told them a wolf bigger then a bear and that has midnight fur roams the Southern lands. That it is said to be a God?" I challenge back.
I didn't think I could do it, but something in Zachan's demeanor cracked. I could tell by the way his jaw ticked and his straight face turned into a frown. In that moment I was triumphant to have shaken such a warrior with only my words.
"Andrew-" he says Mr. Larkin's first name with conviction." Had no right to show you Helir Nara. Those paintings- stories are sacred to our people. It is probably as sacred to me as it is to you to find someone to have read your private letters or diary."
Zachan's finger taps on my letter for emphasis.
"Does that make us even then? " I ask, my voice quiet. It was a silly question to ask by the look on his face.
"No, your saw the whole picture while I only got a glimpse."
"Not the whole picture, Kern came before Mr. Larkin finished explaining..." I added in an attempt to redeem myself. It wasn't my idea to go to their sacred caves, but my Zachan's tone I felt like imposed.
In a flash I saw something spark in Zachan's eyes. Hope? Relief? I couldn't tell. But it vanished quickly." Kern took it as an offense you were there, and this letter only added more logs to an already burning fire... but as I said he did not have the right to act the way he did."
"What will happen to him?" I was curious, but I mainly wanted to know if I had to ever see his face again.
"That is for the Chief, our warriors and myself to decide."
I gave up then on asking more on Kern, there was no point.
A hint of movement caught my eye behind me and someone stood in the doorway.
A woman I vaguely recognized was dressed in a warrior's outfit. She wore a cropped leather plate of armor and a long red sleeve shirt. Her high waisted skirt had high slits and tight pants clung to her toned legs underneath. The ends of her half braided head was spiked with feathers. They rested upon a thick white rabbit fur around her neck. I remembered her fierce face the day I first set foot on these lands.
"Aleenia, this is Seanne, she will be guarding you from now on." Zachan says, he stands up from the table. And to my dismay he takes the letter with him.
"I need a guard?" I ask, not practically liking the idea of being followed. But I was more worried about the reason why.
" As precaution... Kern will not reach you. But I will not risk the idea the he has told someone of his... accusations against you."
I sit and watch as Zachan approaches the fire. He reaches out the letter-"Wait!" I yelp.
"This letter has caused enough problems, Aleenia." He says simply, his eyes meeting mine. For the first time I saw remorse reflecting in them. " I'm sorry but for now writing to your home land is not possible, it is to dangerous."
He chucks the letter in the fire. It gets swallowed my flames in seconds, the white paper crisping to ash.
"To who?" I argue back while my precious words to my sisters disintegrate into nothing.
"To everyone." Zachan says before making his way past Seanne.
I don't know where my next words came from but they felt right."Zachan?"
He stops, turning around to face me.
"Thank you... for yesterday..." I got out awkwardly, but I meant them and I hope it showed.
My response was a deep furrow of his eyebrows before he left.
Finally we get some more words from Zachan, what do you think of him now that he talks? And what do you think is the big secret?
I hope your enjoying the story so far, its been quite fun to write.
So please Comment and Vote it means the world to me. Also if your on the app, if you would please watch the advertisement between chapters, you guys would make my day J
Update will hopefully be soon!
Love U
(Sorry if bad editing)
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