《Dazai x reader - sleeping beauty》Part 5


- [x] You stood up and looked around as the sun began to climb up over the horizon, you stretched and decided to head home... the only issue with that was, you didn't know in which direction home was. You looked over the side of the bridge and widened your eyes at the sight of a body floating in the direction of the current. "Ah shit!" You said without hesitating to throw yourself in after them. You weren't quite sure what compelled you to jump in after a stranger, but you did and prayed you wouldn't regret it. Halfway down the fall, sudden realization struck you. You had made the jump after all.

You coughing up water, you drag the unknown figure from the rushing waters. "So... heavy..." you said finally able to pull yourself out as well. You caught your breath and stared at the body of the person you rescued. He was lying on his stomach face down, so there was no way to recognize him, though he was slightly familiar. "Oh please don't be deaaaaad..." you said nervously as you tapped a cold soggy shoulder. A moment passed before the person bolted in an upright sitting position. "Hmmmmm" you watched him in awe "My apologies, I'm experiencing slight deja vu..." he said squinting thoughtfully. You recognized his voice and once you finally got a good look at his face you screamed. "Dazai?!?" "Oh?" He said looking over. "Ahhhh Takano-san, what a lovely surprise!" He said as his confused expression quickly changed to a blissful smile. "Lovely...?" You cringed trying to understand his tendencies. You noticed his usual trench coat was missing, this was probably the reason you didn't recognize him at first glance. "Were you in the middle of submerging yourself as well, my dear?" He said romantically. "As well...?" You continued questioning. "Suicide?!" "My apologies for making you fret so," Dazai hopped to his feet mid-sentence. "I had a lot of paperwork due for the agency today and decided to cut the old chord, you know?" You still didn't quite understand. He rubbed the tip of his chin while thinking. "Well as you have just witnessed, I am at the moment, desiring my utmost self destruction... Though just think about how much better it would be if you were to join me in my submersion?!" His fantasizing causing you further dismay. "Though at first I was upset to not be 'swimming with the fishes', I now see that this encounter is a God sent message that we were meant to be!" You remembered the reason you had been here in the first place and frowned. Dazai noticed this. "Is something the matter..?" He said removing a wet strand of hair from your face. "I tried to die..." Dazai clearly wasn't following, then he put the pieces together and widened his eyes in excitement. "Could it BE?!" He exclaimed, "I've met my true soul mate!!... Would you like to join me for-" you placed your hand on his cheek before he could finish to catch his attention. "Ask me to jump off a building with you some other time. This endeavor is over with and I wish to forget it." You had a serious expression as you spoke but soon changed it to a smile. Dazai held an innocently unknowing look and responded, "I was going to say lunch..." There was a long silence before you responded awkwardly, "ah yes... of course..." Dazai was distracted as you began to blush slightly from embarrassment, which was good for you because he didn't notice the pink in your cheeks. "Ahhhh Kunikida-kuuuun!" He yelled up at the bridge where his long haired partner stood. "What the hell are you doing here!? You have work piling up at the agency!" Once he noticed you he gasped. "You didn't convince Takano san to jump off too, did you?!" He exclaimed angrily. "Hm?" Dazai questioned looked over at you. "Why of course not! We just crossed paths is all, isn't that correct Okae-san?" You were embarrassed at the fact that he addressed you by your first name. "Sure..." you responded moments later. "Now where were we..? Ah, I had just finished promising our new co-worker here some lunch, would you like to join us Kunikida-kun?" He offered holding out a hand. "Tch" Kanikida adjusted his glasses with his middle finger. "Pleaaaaase?" Dazai said in the most broken English you had ever heard. "You wouldn't want to disappoint this beautiful face, would you?" He said poking your cheek playfully. Kanikida looked away as his face filled up with anger, "you dirty good for nothing-" he whispered under his breath, "fine!"


At the restaurant, Dazai decided it was time to get to know you better. "So where are you from?" He asked folding his hands and resting his chin on them. "Um well... I've always kinda been all over the place, but I was born and lived in Toyokawa for the first few years of my life before I was separated from my family" your voice slowly became softer as you found it hard to talk about. "Separated...?" Dazai questioned mellowly. The intense conversation was interrupted by the waitress who was prepared to take your order, once she walked away, you where prepared to answer his question. "Well, quite a few years back I was kidnaped by a gang thanks to my useless ability. I couldn't control it, every time I touched someone, I'd be out like a light and there was no avoiding it, so terrible people took advantage of that." Kunikida adjusted his glasses seriously, "my apologies for your unfortunate situation." He said crossing his arms. Dazai was off in his own world staring down at the table. "Something the matter..?" You asked snapping him back to reality. "Oh no, I was just thinking... I've never really heard of an ability that hard to control... just a single touch is all it takes... I wonder if there was a way for you to control it..." a few moments later, he nearly bolted out of his chair. "I have it!" He exclaimed. "We could be twins!" He held up his bandage covered arm and you smiled. "Your right! I could cover my hands and since you have to touch directly on my skin in order for my ability to have an effect, I would only take it off when necessary!" You honestly didn't care at this point, but played along for Dazai's sake. "Wow Dazai, never knew you had it in you." Kunikida snarled sarcastically. "Mhmmm got any better ideas?" Dazai pouted poking kunikida's nose. "Actually yes, you could wear gloves." He answered. "Oh that'd be boring! Think of how mysterious she'd look with bandages wrapped around her hands!" Dazai threw his arms in the air dramatically. "Well it's all up to her" the blond said examining the menu awkwardly after having made eye contact with you. For some reason, you could tell he felt uncomfortable around you which made you feel slightly guilty. You thought so low of yourself that you felt the need to leave when you caused even the slightest bit of discomfort in others. You felt quite irrelevant no matter the situation.

- [x] The next few moment where completely silent. The heavy kind of silent that easily made anyone's heart skip a beat at the thought of someone interrupting it. You looked around anxiously for the source of the discomforting ora, then realized you where the only one feeling this way. Dazai caught on pretty fast and smirked playfully. "Okae-san's pretty cute, wouldn't you say Kanikida?" Your cheeks pinked lightly and so did Kanikidas as he buried his face behind the menu. This statement was a surprise to the both of you. Dazai noticed this and lowered the book with a single finger. "It's upside down..." he said as his mouth formed an O with his words. Kanikida was obviously shaken by this detail having been pointed out and crossed his arms. "I'm not here for you to ridicule me." Dazai smiled with his eyes closed, "oh but I was just wondering if you where testing that new tension releasing method the media's so infatuated with" His voice was calm and playful. "Tension releasing method?" Kanikida questioned preparing his notebook. "Oh you haven't heard?! Reading upside down is supposed to calm your nerves, write it down, write it down!" Dazai informed the gullible man of this information even you knew was false. After a few moments of Kunikida writing this down, Dazai's face took a serious expression and he stated, "I'm joking." It was odd how much two simple words could easily set off this already flustered young man. "You dirty cheating good for nothing piece of-" Kanikida's fowl language was cut off by the cute waitress. "Sumimasen! (Excuse me)" She said with a pleasant smile, "your food is ready!" As she placed the dishes on the table in front of the three of you, Dazai laid back in his chair and spoke almost to himself. "I'm having a major series of deja vu today, anyone else sensing this vibe?" "Feels like every day I spend wasted with you." Kunikida said preparing chop sticks. "I'm sensing some deja vu as well." The waitress turned around revealing her pleasant smile, "every time you come here your tab increases and not a penny of it is payed off." Dazai began to sweat nervously, "Did I forget to mention how stunning you look this morning?!" You where quiet unable to think of a single word to say as Dazai continued his antics in the background. After a bit, all three of you began to eat quietly, your eating was slow as you savored every bite. "So how long have you been with the port mafia?" Dazai asked examining a rice particle from between chop sticks. Kunikida jumped. "Port mafia?!" He exclaimed nearly leaving his seat. "Not long at all..." you answered ignoring the flustered blonde, "in fact, probably only a few hours. I was kidnapped by a man going by then name of Akutagawa..." both Kunikida's eyes widened at this name as you began to think hard. (Akutagawa) you thought intensely, (I feel like I should know that name from a place other than the mafia...) "what did they do to you?!" Kunikida said as sweat slowly dropped from his forehead. "Well, nothing much, Akutagawa promised me a huge sum of money if I worked for him, that's how I ended up attacking Atsushi." You spoke noticing that Dazai was able to follow as Kunikida fell behind in trying to understand the situation. "Why am I never told anything?!" He exclaimed his hair spiking up. "Because your too ignorant and narrow minded." Dazai said bluntly as he ducked preparing to have a chair thrown at him. You recalled events from the night before searching for a way to describe them. "Um... about earlier." You began noticing Dazai lean forward. "Well you see, for about a year now, I've constantly been waking up in places I don't recognize, I suppose it's due to my sleepwalking issue, which is why I found you floating away under the bridge this morning." Dazai nodded able to follow. "Anyway, I woke up some time last nigh about to jump off the bridge and stopped myself just in time. As I was sitting there, a man approached me trying his best to comfort me. He wanted me to return to the port mafia." Dazai's eyes were dark and his mind far off. You knew mentioning the port mafia triggered his serious side easily, he must've had a regrettable encounter with the organization a while back, you could sense it. "Are you familiar with the mans name?" Kunikida questioned trying not to sound too nosy. "It was.... Akutagawa actually..." This single name caused both men to shudder suspiciously. "He tried to comfort you?!" Kunikida further interrogated. In the background, Dazai forced a playful expression marking the end of the serious discussion, he knew it was becoming hard on you. "Well, why don't we head out then?" He placed his hands in his pockets as he stood up. "Lets go pay a certain someone a visit!" He lifted his hand as he turned to walk out the door. You and Kunikida followed obediently behind and the last thing you saw of the restaurant was a woman dressed in a flashy kimono and red hair wave you a warm farewell.

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