《Dazai x reader - sleeping beauty》Part 3


Your eyes reopened with Atsushi and the mysterious man both bent down next to you. "Are you hurt?" Atsushi asked comfortingly. You coughed and shook your head. You began to wonder why Akutagawa was willing to attack such a kindhearted and forgiving boy as he helped you to your feet. "My apologies miss." The other male began, "that wasn't such a proper introduction under certain circumstances, My name is Osamu Dazai, you may call me Dazai if you so please." "And my name is Nakajima Atsushi, Atsushi is fine!" They were both so calm, but your brain was bubbling with questions. "I bet you're rather confused." Dazai said practically hitting the nail on the head, "We both work for the Armed Detective Agency, I'm sure Akutagawa told you all about us, and as I promised to protect you earlier, I will do so." You nodded shyly. "You made the right decision, I know it was probably hard." Atsushi informed examining the scene, "try your best not to get associated with the port Mafia like that ever again." You glanced over at Akutagawa's unconscious body and frowned. Dazai noticed this, "We best be on our way before that big old meany wakes up. My guess is, your new to all this. Akutagawa works on his own and unless he's showing a newbie the routine, he'd never work with a partner." He said naturally lightening the mood. "Follow us to the agency and we'll get you a job! Our organization proudly takes in gifted ability users, I'm sure my co-workers will be thrilled!" You dusted yourself off and obediently followed. You weren't quite sure what it was about Dazai, but his aura made you fret less about everything the more he smiled.

"We're here!" Dazai said lifting his arms to the sky. You stared at a corner office building. You liked it. Upon opening the doors to the proper room, Dazai rushed in with the most cheerful expression, "We've rescued the fair princess from her captor!!" One hand was upon his chest as the other flailed in the air dramatically. "A rare jewel such as this has no place in the hands of the dreaded Port Mafia!" Everyone else in the room stared silently at the three of you. "Whaaaaaa?~" they all questioned simultaneously.


Dazai wore a proud smile as he entered the room. "This lovely flower before you is our soon-to-be new employee!" Astsushi held a hopeless expression as he watched the crazed maniac flail his skinny arms around, "Calm down Dazai..." he said hoping to catch his attention, "she's been through a lot." All you could manage to do was stare at the ground as eyes started to wander in your direction. Everyone noticed this and quieted down. "Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency, It's a pleasure to meet you." A short spiky black haired male said approaching you, "my name is Edogawa Ranpo, you may address me as Ranpo." You lifted your eyes from the floor to glance that the handsome gentleman, you wanted to speak, but your nerves wouldn't allow it. "Well if it's formal introductions we're doing... my name is Naomi Tanizaki! And this is my handsome brother Junnichiro, at your service!" said a quirky young girl on the other side of the room as she tightly hugged who you assumed to be the brother she previously mentioned... though they had no resemblance whatsoever. She had long black hair and resembled a student fresh out of collage, he did as well, but his hair was orange and spiky. "Please Naomi... your choking me..." Junnichiro said gasping for air. "Nice to meet you, I'm Akiko Yosano, the agencies private doctor. Are you hurt? Any fractured bones? Internal bleeding? I have special treatment for those~♡" An older woman with short purple hair and tall heels said walking forward invasively. A mysterious smile grew upon her lips. "No... I'm alright." You responded nervously, noticing the long knife in her left hand. "I'm Kenji Miyazawa!! You city folk sure do introductions weird, we greet our guests by exchanging fresh goat milk where I come from!" A young boy dressed in jean overalls and a straw hat said making you instantly assume he was from the countryside. The young man rushed to his feet to shake your hand violently. "Uh yeah I wouldn't-" Dazai tried to stop Kenji from coming in contact with your skin but it was much too late. He passed out on the floor in a matter of seconds as you sighed awaiting your moment as well. "Wow Kenji-kun, is her hand really that soft!?" You could hear Naomi squeal from across the room just before you collapsed on the ground next to Kenji. You woke up to see Dazai smiling at you once again, "My apologies, Kenji doesn't think before he acts... or at all..." he stated between laughs. You smiled for the fist time in a while. Everyone noticed how cute you where and paused for a moment before saying "awww...~"


A few seconds passed before another man entered the room. He was tall and skinny, with long blond hair. He froze to adjust his glasses and get a good glance at the room. You then noticed how awkward the situation looked with you on the ground and Dazai positioned in front of you. There was a deadly silence before the unknown man suddenly screamed, "DAZAIIIIIIIIIIII" "Its not what it looks like! It's not what it's looks like! It's not what it looks like!" Dazai exclaimed preparing to be attacked by the red faced man in the doorway. You stood up awkwardly and cleared your throat as the room silenced once more. "My name is Okae Takano. I'm here for a job." Your sudden confidence made everyone, "awwwww...~" once more, including this violent gentleman before you. You blushed slightly at everyone's admiration which only made their eyes widen more. "My apologies for the past few seconds..." The man in the doorway said scratching the back of his neck. "My name is Kanikida Doppo." You noticed the green book in his right hand and examined the tittle: "ideal..." you accidentally read out loud pondering the books contents. Dazai snuck up behind Kanikida and slipped the book from under his arm. "Now that you've introduced yourselves, why don't we take a peek into this book and see what kind of exciting stuff he's into!" He chimed sliding next to you excitedly. You didn't want to intrude, however you simply couldn't help but let your curiosity get the best of you. You both scanned the pages in shock at its contents. Kanikida felt around his suit frantically for his journal, once he realized who had gained possession of it, Kanikida slammed his fist against the back of Dazais head. "Dazaiiiiiii-san..." Akiko said with an ear to ear smile, "Looks like you'll need some special treatment if this continues~♡"

You stared at everyone acting crazy and erratic, Naomi cuddling Junnichiro, Dazai running from Kanikida in circles, Kenji's confused look after just having awoken, and Akiko preparing to dissect Dazai... you couldn't help but let out a laugh that broke the calamity. Everyone smiled warmly knowing that you one day you'd be able to join them in their antics. You noticed everyone had stopped to stare and you covered your mouth with a gasp as they all laughed. "Oh Miss Takano, you're a riot!" Dazai exclaimed putting a hand on your shoulder. Ranpo nodded his head in approval spinning around in his leather office chair. You looked around for a moment then stopped when your eyes met Dazai's. He winked and you couldn't hold it back any more. You closed your eyes and broke out in laughter.

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