《The Toy human》Chapter 6 Bad baby


Charnessa paces the room nervously still trying to figure out what happened. A couple of hours ago she was in chat with Daddy Dominic. He was sympathetic to her predicament. He revealed more information about her confinement in 10 minutes than she had received in her first 6 days combined. He seemed to know a great deal of personal information about her.

The conversation brought her to tears. It was such a relief to cry. Daddy Dominic said it was okay to cry.

Then the computer screen went blank with no explanation. She hasn't been able to go online to littlespace.com since. As far as Charnessa knows it wasn't Daddy Dominic who pulled the plug on their conversation.

Now Charnessa is bored again. It's still early morning. What to do?

A voice comes over the PA system. It's the robotic voice of daddy, not to be confused with Daddy Dominic.

"Baby C, we're sorry your conversation with Daddy Dominic terminated. We are experiencing technical problems with the littlespace website. We hope to resume transmission shortly. In the meantime, we have a new website we'd like you to check out. We'd like your full participation, baby C. it should already be on your screen."

Well this is an odd announcement.

Charnessa is careful not to outwardly express surprise or irritation. A bad facial expression could cost her. She is savvy enough to recognize by now that any "suggestion" is actually a command.

She wanders back to her desk and refreshes her screen. She's at a website called Bad Baby. The screen is filled with colorful graphics and happy baby music. The premise of bad baby is simple. You are presented with 3 short videos, none more than 2 minutes long, of grown adults dressed like babies.

After each video Charnessa has to vote from 1 to 5 stars. The worse or more immature the behavior, the higher the vote. After the three video presentation is judged a bad baby winner will be awarded.

"Well this is pretty fucking stupid," Charnessa thinks to herself, "I guess I better go along with this or face punishment. Maybe I can learn something."

Charnessa smiles and pretends to be enthusiastic about participating. She claps her hands in glee as she waits for the contest to begin. Her reaction is a far cry from her first days in captivity where she screamed, cursed, and pouted about anything and everything happening around her.


The first video seems to be shot at someone's home. A young man with long blond hair is sitting in a baby chair at a table. The baby chair is obviously too small for him but his legs are squeezed through the openings anyway. He's wearing a diaper, a baby bib, and nothing else. What appeares to be a family is seated around him. The mother is feeding the blond man, called baby B, with small bites of cereal.

Baby B says he doesn't want cereal, he wants a cookie. He talks in a high pitched, baby like, voice. The mother sighs and hands him a chocolate chip cookie. Baby B devours it like cookie monster from Sesame Street. Pieces of cookie are sent flying everywhere, not much of it reaches his mouth. The mother raises up from her chair and shakes her finger at him for being so sloppy.

The screen freezes and a graphic comes up. Bad Baby? It asks the viewer. 5 stars are presented along the bottom of the screen.

Charnessa finds herself smiling at the video.

"Oh come on," She says playfully, "That's nothing, a minor offense at best. Baby B is just too excited. He's eating his cookie too fast."

She votes 1 star by touching the screen and waits for the next video to play.

Next she sees a middle aged man with salt and pepper hair. He is sitting in a small room. The walls are tight and painted white.

"That kind of looks like the type of room I'm in right now," She thinks to herself," but it's way too small, probably one-fourth the size of mine."

The man is dressed in a saggy diaper, sitting on a bed. He is not a happy camper. He has his arms folded defiantly and is swinging his legs back and forth over the edge of the bed. Some one off camera is talking to the man. It is a female voice, presumably a mommy.

"Assume the position, baby Watson, so you can be changed." She says.

"No!" He shouts.

Baby Watson doesn't change his position. He keeps his arms folded. His diaper is permeated with urine, it's practically glowing yellow.

"Assume the position, baby Watson, or you will remain in your stinky diaper." The mommy warns again.



Charnessa looks at the video quietly and is disturbed by it. The protocol is the same that she has to abide by. The man has visible bruises on his face. The camera pans out to reveal prison bars. Besides the bed, there is nothing else inside the cramped room. The video stops.

"Whoa!" Charnessa whoops out loud, putting her hand over her mouth. She looks around her quickly to see if her reaction is too strong or will be disapproved of. The only action comes from her computer screen. It is blinking a question in and out.

Bad Baby?

Charnessa's heart rate quickens but she keeps her poker face. Alarming thoughts are floating through her head. "Is that shot here? Is this where perennially bad babies go? Is there a prison inside of the prison?"

Daddy reminds baby C to participate vocally in the game. What does she think?

Charnessa tries to stay cool and talk in a childlike way bu the video gives her chills.

"Well, uh..., baby Watson is being naughty. He won't assume the position. He's bad."

She gives baby Watson 4 stars out of 5. She is afraid to give anything less.

"Very good, baby C." Daddy says. Scattered hand claps come from above.

On to video number 3.

If Charnessa was afraid before she nearly has a heart attack now. The third video shows a room exactly like the one she is in. It has the same bed, the same door with a slot at the bottom and the same two paintings on the wall. She can't see the dome up top but she assumes it's there, just out of view. This is probably the same room.

In the third video a tall, thin, woman, approximately 40 years of age, with long brown hair is standing looking at the camera. Defiance is in her eyes. Her name is baby Pattycakes, we are told with a graphic. Her diaper is full. There is no sound on the video but baby Pattycakes is clearly reacting to someone off screen talking to her.

Baby Pattycakes is standing next to the wall farthest away from the camera. Charnessa quickly glances at the camera in her room and then to the far wall. The angles line up identically.

What happens next is gross.

Baby Pattycakes turns to the wall and reaches inside the back of her diaper. She pulls out a piece of her poo and starts to write letters on the wall. She repeats the process, reaching for more of her number 2 and spelling out full words.

Finally she steps away and points to her message. She spelled out "FUCK YOU DADDY!" with her own shit. She gives a dirty middle finger to the camera as the scene stops.

Bad Baby?

Charnessa is sweating. She immediately gives the third video 5 stars without the slightest hesitation. She looks around the room nervously and points to her 5 star rating on the screen. She's too scared to talk. If this is indeed a warning or a test she wants to show everyone that she is a compliant and obedient baby.

Daddy's voice comes over the PA system.

"Very good, baby C. You made all the right choices in your selections. You are becoming a very fast learner around here. I think you have earned yourself an extra portion for lunch."

Charnessa fans herself and chuckles in relief. She thinks the tension is broken but isn't sure. Her head swivels from the camera, to the dome, to the door.

Daddy talks more.

"Yes, baby C. You see from the videos today that long term bad behavior has it's consequences. You'll be happy to know that baby Watson recovered from his bout of naughtiness. He has been returned to a full sized room with internet access restored. Isn't that good, baby C?"

Charnessa nervously nods her head in affirmation."Oh yes, very good for baby Watson."

Daddy continues.

"As for baby Pattycakes..., your predecessor in this room..., well, let's just say that she's..., no longer with us. How do you feel about her actions, baby C? We would like to hear your comments, dear."

"She's a bad baby!" Charnessa shouts pointing at the screen. "Bad Pattycakes! Bad baby!"

The gathering onlookers from above applaud and squeal in delight.

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