《The Toy human》Chapter 5 Chat with Daddy Dominic


Breakfast was over. There never seemed to be enough of it. For what it was worth, baby C did earn her extra portion of baby food this morning. It went quickly.

Charnessa was growing philosophical about her limited diet.

"Well girl, you have been trying to lose weight for the longest. This is your chance to get down to your dance weight at Columbia College."

13 years ago when Charnessa left school she was 5'9 and 160. Even then they used to call her chunky Charnessa. For as long as she could remember she was always a big boned girl who loved to eat. That never stopped her love for dance. The two were a bad mix. She had wanted to be a ballerina. Her mom tried to enter her into any program that would have her. "Too thick" "Too fat" and finally by age 14, "Too late", were the usual replies.

Charnessa looked at the clock. 8:30 am. The morning injection high was wearing off. The crowd outside her dome had dissipated. She was bored. There was nothing to do. She sat down at her desk and went to littlespace.com.

Charnessa was allowed to engage in online conversation with her Daddy Dominic. Past lessons having been learned, she tried to stay within the boundaries of appropriate conduct. She didn't tell him to fuck himself or plead for his help to escape,as she had on her first 4 days of containment. She tried to be courteous and find out what she could.

Daddy Dominic could not be seen. She hadn't earned the privilege of face to face. Charnessa was promised the right of visual if her behavior continued to improve. She would also be allowed to have contact with other young friends. They would be part of a community where they would have "fun all day long".

For now she was only allowed chat, in late 20th century fashion. Charnessa,, aka baby C, would ask Daddy Dominic a question in the chat box. Daddy Dominic would respond. Baby C soon discovered that Daddy Dominic gave thoughtful answers to all appropriate questions.

Baby C : What is being a little here all about?


Daddy Dominic: It's all about being you, baby C, the true you. This is about letting go. You are free from all those stressful adult responsibilities that have weighed you down. Here you experience emotion in it's purest form. When you are happy, you will smile and dance. When you are sad, you will cry. Every emotion you feel is pure and temporary. There is no need to hold back or restrain your reaction. The experience will run it's course. Those petty, mean, mind games that adults play have no place here. Babies do not deceive.

Baby C: Okay. And where is here exactly? What do I call this place that I'm in right now?

Daddy Dominic: Baby C, that is not an appropriate question. However I will not put you in a 10 minute blank screen timeout. I feel you ask your question out of ignorance and not duplicity. Your life here is carefree. You will not worry about where you are, when you will be allowed to leave, or who we are. Questions are for adult caregivers. We will do all the worrying. You as a little, are free not be concerned about such things. Trust you will have your needs met. Your caregivers will supply everything. Let go, child.

On day 6 now, Charnessa was hyper sensitive to making mistakes. She wanted to avoid pissing off Mommy or Daddy at all costs. Her first days here were a nightmare of continuous time outs, stinging smacks on her hand, and having her bare ass heated up with inhumanely hard spankings.

She understood that no idle threats were made. Punishments were always dealt for inappropriateness. It was better to be overly apologetic than to risk not appearing obedient and sub-servant. Even though Daddy Dominic had answered her question, she thought it best to apologize.

Baby C: I am sorry, Daddy Dominic. I did not mean to ask an inappropriate question.

Daddy Dominic: That is quite alright baby C. You are learning the rules and regulations. Feel free to explore. I am here to correct you when needed. That's what good daddy's do.

Charnessa smiles at Daddy Dominic's response. She senses he is a good person. She can trust and confide in him. One question has been bugging Charnessa since this who ordeal began. It is the big question. Why me? Why have I been selected to be here?


Why me? For the first three days of her imprisonment, Charnessa had screamed the question non-stop. She had been severely punished each time she asked it. Now she was feeling comfortable with Daddy Dominic. She was going to ask the question again. She was going to be nice and as non-threatening as possible, but she was going to ask it.

Baby C: Daddy, I

She had started typing then stopped. After 30 seconds Daddy Dominic inquired why.

Daddy Dominic : Yes, baby C? Don't be afraid. Daddy will correct you when needed but baby need not live in fear of exploring boundaries.

Gharnessa gathered her courage and started typing again.

Baby C: I'm sorry for the delay, Daddy Dominic. Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but as far as you know, can you think of any particular reason why I've been selected to be here?

Daddy Dominic didn't respond right away.

"Oh shit," Charnessa thought, "I've done it again. I'm going to have my ass set on fire." She turned her attention toward the door waiting for Daddy to pop in and deliver a heavy duty spanking.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Daddy Dominic was responding.

Daddy Dominic: Charnessa Henshaw, don't you realize? We didn't select you to be here. You selected us.

Charnessa's hair stood on end. It was the first time anyone addressed her by her given name. She was stunned, only able to type two words in response.

Baby C: I did?

Daddy Dominic: Yes dear. You are what we call a natural little. You slip into a littlespace as a response to stress. No caregiver needs to regress you. Do you remember last year when your mother died? You went into a shell baby C. Your younger siblings had to make all the burial arrangements. You wouldn't talk to anyone, not even your husband. On the day of the funeral your younger sister had to force you out of bed and dress you herself. Your husband had given up. He said you weren't coming to the service. You were back home, curled up in a ball, naked, and sucking your thumb. You broke down, baby C.

Charnessa sat looking at her computer screen holding her breath. She was in complete shock. This was simply not possible. She forced herself out of her trance.

Baby C: How in the world do you know all that about me?

Daddy Dominic: This is 2025, baby C. We know a lot of things about a lot of people. We have been watching you for some time. You have long been a candidate to be here. Your response last year cemented your placement in this program. We saw how you shut down. Do you remember the months after your mother's untimely passing? You wouldn't talk to your husband. He could not comfort you. You stop going to work. You spent all your time in bed, eating. Finally your husband divorced you. He said he couldn't reach you anymore. Do you remember those days, baby C? You were broken. You were shattered. You could no longer function in society.

Baby C: This isn't fair! This isn't fair to do this to me! Did my family commit me here? Please tell me, Daddy! I have a right to know!

Daddy Dominic: You committed yourself here, baby C. You have shut down. You have stopped feeling. We will help you feel again. Think about it, baby C. It is nearly a year since your mother died. It is nearly six months since you lost your job. It is nearly three months since your divorce. You are no longer a functioning adult. You are a child. We help children, dear. This is where you belong. Think about it, baby C. Have you mourned your losses at all? Have you cried once in the last year?

Charnessa closed her eyes and covered her head with her hands. Her body began to shake uncontrollably. Then she began to sob. Tears burst forth and rolled out from between her fingertips.

Her tears dripped down all over the keyboard until it was drenched. They would not stop.

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