《The Toy human》Chapter 3 Mommy and the end of the day


"Very good, Baby C, bravo! You just look delightful!"

The enthusiasm that Mommy greets Charnessa with makes her swell. She is embarrassed to feel so good in front of her captors but she can't help it. 5 days of misery, toil, and being punished has worn on her. She is finally doing something right. Praise is praise.

"Let me check on your diapy, Baby C. Are you all dry and smelling nice back there?"

Charnessa suppresses the urge to say 'yes mommy, I'm all dry, no need to look'. She tried that yesterday. It got her 5 sharp raps on the hand. After 5 days as a prisoner no type of objection has made any difference. The end of the day routine is always the same. She can't get out of the upcoming public humiliation.

She tried it all on the first 4 days. She tried swinging on Mommy, tried reasoning with Mommy, tried pleading with Mommy, and yesterday, tried sweet talking mommy. Nothing works. Today Charnessa has decided the best thing to do is comply. Let's get this over with.

Mommy plods over to the bed and gently strokes Charnessa's kinky, long hair. Then she slips on a rubber glove. Mommy is a large and muscular woman, easily close to 6 feet. She wears a mask that is identical to Daddy's. The only difference is that Mommy has a head full of black hair behind her and she wears a conservatively long length, floral print dress.

Charnessa knows what's coming. She doesn't want to move too early and get reprimanded. She listens close. Finally, Mommy gives her the command.

"Assume the position, dear."

Charnessa rolls her eyes for a second then unfolds her legs and lays flat on her stomach. Her palms are facing up and at her side. She tries not to move as Mommy sits on the bed and starts caressing her diapered bottom.

Charnessa glances out the corner of her eye at the beeping light above the camera. The view count is exploding. Above, she hears the muffled cheers and jeers from the watching crowd. She wants to see the sinister grins pressed up against the opaque glass but she knows turning her head would be a strict no-no.


"Why the hell do they have to build the anticipation up like this?" Charnessa thinks to herself. "Just fucking get this over with, already!"

Outwardly Charnessa is careful not to change expression on her face. She is regretting her eye roll from a moment ago. It was only for a second. Did Mommy catch it? Will she be punished for it? She holds her breath.

Mommy continues rubbing her legs and her bottom. She says nothing about the eye roll. Charnessa breathes out slowly. She's escaped having her hands stung. She still waits with a sense of dread. The next part is the worst.

After a few more seconds of caressing, Mommy unfastens the edges of her diaper. She slides her gloved hand around Charnessa's backside. She squeezes hard, wiggles her fingers, and pinches. The roar from above grows louder. Then comes the moment everyone has been waiting for. Mommy places a mysterious substance on her gloved hand. She explores Charnessa's butt crack briefly before diving in violently between her butt cheeks.

Every movement is exaggerated for maximum effect. The substance stings. Charnessa tries not to flinch as her rear end shakes,wobbles and becomes heated. She knows any objection will only force the procedure to be repeated.

After 15 seconds of this unseemly abuse, Mommy stops.

"Very good, dear. I know it stings, baby C. Mommy is putting on special ointment that will make it easier for baby to go poo poo during the night. Mommy will change your stinky diaper in the morning, baby C.

Mommy takes off her stained glove and holds it up for the camera and the watchers from above. Charnessa closes her eyes as she hears the claps and cheers. What sick purpose does this ritual serve?

Mommy discards her glove in the trash and tapes up Charnessa's diaper. The heating sensation in her rear slowly fades.

"You were very good today, Baby C. Mommy didn't have to reprimand you a single time. You are becoming a very obedient child."

Charnessa gritted her teeth behind her poker face.


"Up now, baby C. Straddle mommy, arms up!

Charnessa was up at the command and onto Mommy's lap. She raised her arms above her head. Mommy quickly lifted her t-shirt up on off of her body. Charnessa's large bare breasts hung free and shook with every movement. Wolf whistles rained down on her. Her bra had been removed on the first day of containment and she hadn't seen one since.

Mommy cooed.

"There you go, that's much better now, isn't it baby C? Babies don't wear t-shirts to bed. It gets all hot and stuffy at night. Babies needs to be comfortable when they sleep."

Charnessa gently laid her head down on Mommy's shoulder and wrapped her arms around her. The crowd above let out a collective 'aww' at the tender moment. Charnessa was not being affectionate. She was bracing herself. Mommy discreetly pulled out a long syringe from a side pouch in her dress.

"Injection time, Baby C. It does hurt some but don't flinch, baby C. Mommy's got you."

Mommy removes the top of the syringe. Charnessa knows what's coming. She closes her eyes and holds on to Mommy. She knows how long the needle is and doesn't want to see it.

Mommy viciously plunges the needle deep into Charnessa's left butt check, just below the edges of her diaper. Charnessa winces and lets out a hint of a whimper. It takes Mommy almost 5 seconds to depress all the ingredients of the needle into her baby's backside. Charnessa arches her back as the needle is removed, then slumps back down on Mommy's shoulder.

"Very good, baby C. You took your medicine well this evening. You are getting so much better at this. Mommy wants you to close your eyes now, baby."

The effect is instantaneous. The momentary pain dissolves into fog around her head and then a floating sensation. Charnessa knows whatever is in that syringe is powerful and probably being given in way too high a dose. But she welcomes the pleasant euphoria hitting her.

Charnessa is high. She's no longer worried about being naked and leered at. She's not wondering who her sadistic captors are. She can't feel Mommy holding her and sticking a pacifier in her mouth. The room she is in is disappearing.

This is the part of the day that Charnessa has been waiting for. It is the only escape she has from her current misery. She let's her eyes fall shut and allows her mind to wander under the influence of the drug. Her favorite hallucination awaits.

Charnessa is back home, her childhood home. She is back on the south side of Chicago, Illinois. She is a little girl again maybe 6 or 7 years old. She is the youngest of four siblings. She shares the bedroom with her year older brother, Charles. She hates sharing a room with Charles. He's always making fun of her. She has been promised a room of her own in one year. That's when her oldest brother, Chauncy, goes to college.

It's night. Charnessa is scared of the dark. She wants to leave the bathroom light on in the hall. Charles won't stop calling her a chicken. Finally mom comes into the room. This is her real mom, the mom she loves. Mom tells Charles to cool it. She explains to Charnessa that when she grows up, she will have to face the darkness alone. Henshaw's don't run from darkness, mom says, we stand up to the dark with our heart and our eyes open.

Mom sings Charnessa a lullaby as she gently strokes her hair. The young Charnessa falls asleep.

Charnessa knows this is all an illusion. Her mom passed away last year. Still, in her drugged, dreamy bliss her mom looks and feels real. She wants to cry. She misses her mother so much.

The drug has taken full effect. Charnessa is deep sleep. She is unaware as Mommy puts her down under the covers and quietly leaves the room.

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