《The Toy human》Chapter 2 Biding time until Mommy



The afternoon dragged on. Charnessa Henshaw was bored out of her mind. Outside of the visits to be changed and sent off to bed at night she had no human interaction. She didn't count the blurry faces and muffled voices jeering from above. These people couldn't possibly be human.

Relief from boredom was provided by a computer. Charnessa sat at her desk and tried again to search anything that could lead to her freedom. Her online access was severely restricted. She could look up listings for popular sites like Facebook, Youtube, or instagram. When she clicked on the link the message said "access denied". So much for logging into her accounts and begging for help.

If she were able to log in and contact family and friends, what information could Charnessa supply them? She didn't know where she was. The dizzying events of 5 days ago that led to her current predicament all happened so fast. The bottom line was that she blacked out and woke up in this room. She didn't know what city or state she was in. She speculated wildly that she could be in a foreign country or even, god forbid, no longer on planet earth.

One website Charnessa was encouraged to spend time on was a place called littlespace online. It was her home page. After much initial reluctance, she had made a profile for herself on day 2 of her imprisonment. Charnessa was not a little. She had no ideal a community like this existed. She was given no choice but to list herself as a toddler, 2 years of age. She was assigned a caregiver. Any attempt to ask the caregiver what the hell was going on resulted in being put in timeout. She was given 10 minutes of blank screen time. After a frustrating day and a half of timeouts, Charnessa started modifying her questions. Her only hope was to play along and learn what she could.


Charnessa sat cross legged on the floor in her diapered bottom in anticipation. She counted down minutes on the big digital clock mounted on the wall. She was hungry. Meals were served like strictly on time. Breakfast was 7am, lunch was at noon, dinner at 5pm. She had her food pushed through a slot in the bottom of the door. That's where Charnessa was sitting now.


Finally it was 5 o'clock on the dot. A green trey was pushed through the slot with an accompanying robotic voice reminder.

"Here you go, baby C, enjoy! If you clean all your bowls, you may be given a second helping of baby food."

Charnessa lifted the top trey and put it next to her. Hmm..., dinner didn't look too bad today.

She took stock of her meager offering. A bowl of peaches in juice, green apple slices. a package of saltine crackers, a peel off cup of fruit juice, milk, and of course, in the bright pink bowl, baby food. Each part of the meal was set in it's own colorful little bowl. The baby food was always in the pink bowl and was served with every meal. The rest of the food choices varied.

Charnessa gobbled up the light meal in a matter of minutes. She made sure she cleaned each bowl and drank her milk and juice. She placed the trey top back on and gently pushed the trey through the door. The opening was just large enough for the trey to be pushed through, even then you had to line it up just so, or it would get caught on one of the edges.

"Very good, baby C!" Came the robotic voice, "You made the trey go through on your first try today. You are indeed learning, baby C. You have earned your extra helping this evening."

Charnessa sat quietly. Two days ago she earned an extra helping of dinner. She wisecracked loudly that she really wanted an order of rib tips as her reward. A second trey never came back through the door. Snide remarks were punished. It was better to stay quiet and receive any extra scraps she could earn.

"Oh well," She thought to herself, "I've always wanted to lose weight. I keep eating like this and I should be a supermodel by Christmas."

Charnessa quickly let thoughts like this run in and out of her mind. She had a fear of reacting with body language. Smirking, smiling or otherwise making "inappropriate faces" was noticed by her captors. They usually warranted a verbal rebuke over the PA system.


On her first two days she made many inappropriate faces and inappropriate remarks. Almost instantly Daddy would appear in the room and give her either a rap on the hand with a ruler for the bad face.

Inappropriate remarks resulted in being bent over Daddy's knee and given a a spanking through her diaper. If she used profanity, her diaper would be untaped and the spanking would be bare bottom. Daddy's hand was firm and unforgiving. Her big, light brown buttocks would be turned visibly red.

Charnessa would hear the cruel howls and laughter from above when she was being punished. The online streaming red light would start flashing and beeping as the viewing numbers shot up. By the third day, she decided being "inappropriate" wasn't worth the shame and humiliation. She started greatly restraining her behavior and her reactions to things.


Charnessa looked up from her desk and noticed the time. Mommy would be along in 5 minutes to put her baby C to sleep.

"My goodness, where did all the time go?" Charnessa thought to herself.

Her online cruising of littlespace was actually starting to get interesting. She was being given greater interaction as a reward for good behavior. Right now she was only allowed to chat with her mysterious caregiver. His name was daddy Dominic, not to be confused with the Daddy who visited the room. Daddy Dominic had answered a few basic questions about life as a little. He promised Charnessa, who also went by baby C online, that if she were good and obedient to her real life Mommy and Daddy, she would be allowed to communicate with other "young friends" via chat.

Charnessa put all littlespace thoughts aside and quickly scampered to her bed. Mommy wouldn't like it if she wasn't on her bed with her barefoot legs crossed and her hands folded in her lap when she entered the room. She would be given a rap on the hand by Mommy if she weren't positioned correctly.

On her first day of captivity Charnessa didn't observe the rules for Mommy's appearance. When 7:30 rolled by she remained sitting at her computer trying to figure out a way to call for help. She was warned beforehand what proper etiquette was but she ignored it, not realizing the gravity of her situation and total dependence on her captors for everything.

Mommy came into the room that first evening and was displeased. She didn't spank baby C, only Daddy spanked, but she gave her 5 sharp raps on the hand with a thick ruler. Each hit stung more than the last. If baby C flinched before the ruler landed, they had to do the hit over again. Charnessa received a total of 10 hits that night and was sent to bed with a poopy diaper.

Now this was the 5th evening in this odd human containment. Charnessa accepted that Mommy and Daddy meant business. It was easier for her to observe protocol and not put up a fight. She had decided to go along with the rules until she could figure a way out of this hellish baby jail.

As the clock struck 7:30pm Charnessa waited patiently with legs crossed and hands folded in lap. Mommy would soon come in the room and perform the end of the day routine.

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