《mistakes like this, hockstetter ✩ೃ》xxii. it happened quiet





‧ : *: ‧ °✧

“no. no, this isn't good.” ryder paces the now empty interior of the house, feeble fingers immediately tugging at his honey colored curls.

“no shit it's not good! are you gonna help or not?” patrick stands with his hands tucked into his front pockets, face locked in a frown.

mason and olly nod, about to make a move to leave and start looking when the finch boy mutters a 'no’.

“what do you mean no?” henry gasps.

ryder continues to shake his head, his eyes red with angry fat tears.

“i—we can't. you know if we could we would but, we can't.”

“why not?” belch has his eyebrows raised, brown eyes glancing between all of the men standing in the room.

when no one answers, patrick growls.

“why isn't anyone fucking answering?! why in the hell can't you help? she loved you guys, you know? any time one of us would dirty talk you losers she'd defend you. so tell me, why?”

“it's hard to explain…” hunter sighs, a slight look of guilt on his features.

“just say it or i'll—”

“we're leaving. we can't stay here in derry any longer. we all knew from the start this would happen soon. our gang never stays in one place too long. we're not supposed to get attached. we do our business and then leave.” the curly haired leader speaks with his jaw clenched.

“but what about—”

“grayson will know where to find us if he needs us. i-i’m sorry, patrick. we're all very sorry. things shouldn't have to be this way, and i wish we didn't have to leave at a time like this but we do.” and with that, the boy's begin grabbing the last of their things and head out.

just as one of mason's feet is out the door, patrick calls.


“you're a coward, you know it?” his voice is cold.

“i know, hockstetter.”

“you didn't deserve her time or love or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. you didn't deserve any part of her.”

mason nods solemnly.

“i know.” his cerulean blue eyes lock with patrick's slightly darker ones, his voice soft as he speaks, “do me a favor? when you find her, tell her i'm sorry and that she'll always have a place in my heart. and you, hockstetter. you'd better win her back. the entire time she was with me i knew she could only think about you. so fight for her. and when ya get her, don't ever let her go again.”

patrick wanted to be angry with the tall, giraffe-like young man, but instead he sent him a small nod along with toothless smile.

bowers’ gang followed ryder and his boys out of the empty house, all waving goodbye as they drove off. a feeling between bliss and sadness struck them.

a soft sigh fell from patrick's chapped, pink lips as he glanced back at his two friends.

“you guys ready?”

y/n was on the verge of giving up.

she could barely breathe anymore—the intoxicating stench of the sewers polluted her lungs.

she felt helpless, the only thing still capable of moving we're her fingers, and even those were beginning to cramp up.

it had been gone for what seemed like days, leaving her hungry and cold and alone, probably having been bored after realizing she was no longer afraid—just tired.

she wasn't necessarily complaining, because now she wouldn't be tortured.

her y/e/c eyes were slowly beginning to fall shut as she felt her head getting heavier. she had gone too long without food or water, hell, she hadn't even seen sunlight in almost a week.

just as she's about to lose all consciousness, she sees a sliver of light and a shadow walking towards her. her y/s/c lips part as if she's going to say something, but nothing seems to come out.


and that's it. everything soon falls blank.

patrick gasps as he stares at the seemingly lifeless female in front of him, his lips quivering from the chilly air.

“y/n?” he shakes her shoulders gently, eyes watering when the only movement is her head lolling to the side, “god dammit you fucking fuck! y/n/n wake up, please. please, wake up.”

although the boy was angry at no one else but himself, he took it out on her. he was in pain, a lot of it.

“patrick we need to go.” belch comes from around the corner, bloody pole in his hand.

the dark haired male nods, taking a shaky intake of air as he lifts his lover's dirty body up from the ground.

he and belch don't waste another second in getting out of the dungeon like place, meeting henry right at the exit.

as the three slosh through the mucky water, patrick catches sight of a body floating. once he realizes it's pennywise, he sneers, hacking up some mucus before spitting it on him.

he scoffs to himself as he thinks of how y/n would scold him for being so nasty.

“should we take her to the hospital?” reginald questions, staring at her body lying across pat's in the back seat of his car.

henry shakes his head no, “my house. now.”

they arrive in no time, patrick resting the l/n girl on the couch as henry and belch scuffle around to grab things to clean her up.

after a few minutes of wiping some of her wounds, henry grabs a cup of water and forces it to her mouth.

almost immediately, the female begins to cough, sitting up abruptly as her hands fly to her chest.

her eyes are still closed as her body heaves forward in an attempt to get some air through her lungs. she soon calms down, and when she takes into consideration that she's home, a sob rattles from deep within her chest.

y/n's shaky hands grab onto the first thing they feel—which just so happens to be patrick hockstetter's shirt—and shoves her face into it, taking a deep whiff of the oh-so-familiar smell.

she's crying tears of both happiness and sadness, as she remembers the hell she's been through in the last week or so.

“i missed you guys so much. h-henry, and belch, and—” her voice gets caught in her throat when she looks up into those tantalizing blue eyes, “patrick.”

the lanky boy doesn't advert his gaze from hers, instead he finds himself leaning more and more into her touch.

he doesn't flinch away when her hand reaches up to caress his cheek and he certainly doesn't flinch away when she leans up and presses her lips against his own.

despite the dirt and the muck all over her, he holds her in his arms and kisses her back; the only thing that matters to him right now is that she's here with him.

he finally got his y/n back, and he wasn't ever gonna let her go.

finally back, but i'm sad to say that there are literally only like three chapters left. there may be a few time skips just so i can make sure everything ties up, so bare with me. if there are any errors feel free to comment about it !

p.s. thanks to for voting & commenting on my message board. i don't think y'all realize but literally just the smallest things give me inspiration and motivation to continue writing ♡

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