《mistakes like this, hockstetter ✩ೃ》xxiii. delicate





‧ : *: ‧ °✧

three months had gone by

since the incident.

patrick and y/n were back together, school had just started again and the gang was back to their cynical ways.

just as promised, grayson and victor wrote letters and called whenever they could.

henry had been the one to break the news to the girl that ryder and his gang dashed. she was disappointed in the least, but soon realized there were better things to worry about.

like now. she stood leaned against the lockers with a frown on her face, absolutely confused as to why in the hell patrick was walking with greta keene—and so close too, their shoulders were touching!

as soon as the tall boy is in close proximity, y/n finds herself latching onto him like a leech, her eyes narrowed and glaring at greta as her lips moved perfectly against patrick's soft ones.

greta scoffs, mumbling a “see you later, hockstetter” before going her own way.

when the couple pulls apart, the hockstetter boy stares at his girlfriend sternly, one eyebrow raised as if asking her what the hell she was doing.

the y/h/c haired girl only snorts and shrugs, intertwining her fingers with his.

they walk off to their old spot out back to meet belch and henry.

when y/n spots her cousin's mullet—it had grown back in such a short time span—she takes a sprint and jumps onto his back, shouting into his ear

henry shouts back, jumping up and causing the female to tumble onto the ground. he curses as he watches her roll around, laughter falling so graciously from her y/s/c lips.

“damnit, l/n!” he groans, glancing around in hopes that no one saw his not-so-manly moment.

“if i hadn't known any better i'd think that was a little girl screaming or somethin’.” reginald laughs along, cigarette lying limply between his lips.


y/n regains normalcy and stands up, dusting her clothes of any dirt that may have gotten on it.

she immediately walks back over to patrick, her hands snaking around his waist as her head rests on his taut chest.

every now and then she would put herself down for being so clingy, but she also couldn't help it.

patrick was her other half, as cheesy as it may sound. she couldn't function without him.

to both of their dismay, she had to learn the hard way.

“you ready to go?” her boyfriend's deep voice sends a vibration through his chest, and she only nuzzles in closer.

he chuckles and leaves multiple, short kisses on the side of her head.

“yeah. yeah, let’s go.” y/n hums.

belch and henry give one another knowing looks, smirks on their faces as they faux gag.

the couple ignores it, bidding their friends goodbye and walking off.

“oh shit, lil’ bit.” patrick's lips part as he lets out a hum of gratitude.

his girlfriend giggles, wiping her lips as she sits up.

the long-limbed boy makes grabby hands towards her, pulling the blanket over their bare bodies as soon as she's cuddled into his side.

the two lovesick young adults lie back, gazes instantly being drawn to the setting sun up above.

there's a peaceful silence between the two, aside from the rushing of the water or the rustling of the trees.

many things could've been said, but neither felt like they needed to, for their eyes spoke wonders.

y/n, who's on the verge of falling asleep, is cut from her blissful state when she's feels patrick's calloused fingers trace her jaw.

he does it for a few more seconds before grabbing her face and making her look him in the eye.

the long haired boy—who was desperately in need of a trim—leans in and kisses her y/s/c lips delicately.


“what's the matter?” she asks as she notices the sudden change in his once calm features.

patrick shakes his head, his eyes never leaving hers. the sun was at the point of almost being gone, the light from it embracing his flawless skin.

he was beautiful. y/n had never met anyone as beautiful as he was, nor as strong or mysterious.

“marry me.” he finally mutters, a few tears clouding his eyes as he didn't really know how to express what he was feeling.

“okay.” the y/e/c eyed female responds instinctively, without hesitation. there was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to marry this boy.

his pink lips break out into a huge grin, a few bit of tears spilling over his lower lash line.

“y-yeah?” he tugs on the smaller girl, making her straddle him. she lets out a gasp at the sudden skin to skin contact.

“of course, you goof. i love you.”

patrick clears his throat, grunting as he lifts his hands to wipe his face. he was beginning to accept that he was becoming a softie, but he surely wouldn't let his tough streak go.

“i love you too.” he says just barely above a whisper, “i love you so so damn much, y/n.”

the female hums, lifting his t-shirt off of the grass and throwing it over her body before resting her head on his chest.

the drum of his heartbeat is what lulls her to sleep.

“patrick? is that you?” mrs.hockstetter calls from the living room, quickly shutting off the television as she rushes to the front door.

her eyes widen at the sight of her dark haired son holding y/n's sleeping body in his arms.

“h-hey, mom. can i just—i’m gonna go put her in bed, okay? i'll come back.”

his mother only nods, smiling after the boy as he rushes to his room.

a few minutes later he comes back, changed into a clean t-shirt and sweats.

the elder hockstetter grabs patrick's hand and leads him to the living room, where they both have a seat.

she smiles at him softly, tentatively, worried that he'll shut her out again.

“i won't keep you long i just—my beautiful boy. you've been through hell and back over the course of your entire life and it's so charming, so relieving to see you happy. i love you so much, pat. and i'm so proud of the young man you're becoming.” she chokes on her tears, but stops and chuckles as she notices the playfully annoyed expression on her son's face, “you take care of that girl, okay? no matter what happens, you make sure you're there by her side to love and to care for her. what the two of you have is so special, don't ever lose it.”

the hockstetter boy nods, biting his lips in an attempt to hold back the grin approaching his features.

“i'm gonna marry her, mama. right after graduation.”

his mother nearly coos at the rawness of his voice and how his cheeks tint pink just as the thought of his girlfriend.

“good. alright, i don't wanna keep you up too late since you have school. i love you, okay? sleep well and no funny business.”

“love you too.” he stands up, pecking her forehead before heading up to his room.

he snuggles under his covers, his arms protectively wrapping around y/n's waist as she lightly snores.

patrick hockstetter, the boy who was once so vicious and vile, falls asleep with a smile on his face. he dreams a happy dream—one where he and y/n are together, living in a huge house with two kids and a few dogs.

he's devoted to making it all come true.

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