《Agni Pariksha (Complete)》Chapter 18


Life was never as peaceful as this two months. Shiva was seriously a gentleman and now we finished the conference which we were working for months and now we are boarding the flight back home from Bangalore.

Shiva was sleeping all over me while Vivek was really furious sitting to the right of mine. He was like that before and still even though i am married to Shiva he was all the time makes sure i was being away from him. But Vivek never knew we slept together few times. It would either be late night talks or secret wandering in the lawn and sleeping in the same bed and just holding our hands. Double quote just holding of hands.

My thoughts were broken when i saw Vivek growling under his throat making me jump from my seat. Prakash was now flirting with the air hostess who was really pretty but not as pretty as my Jubi. I am just praying she is not any way friend of Jubi. Because their engagement is in 2 weeks and i don't want my bestie having his happily ever after with pasters around him.

Vivek ran his hand behind my shoulder back side and held Shiva's head and placed them to the other side which was nothing but the window. But Shiva being Shiva just banged his head back to my shoulder making me giggle looking at Vivek.

"You come sit here..." he said and i couldn't contain my laugh.

"Relax Vivek he is not any heavy for him keeping his head on me."

"Not about any weight i am speaking it is HIM a man leaning on you. Now sit here, end of the discussion." Vivek snorted.

"Speaks the one who got me married to him." I spoke back. He snapped his head and stood up and saw me straight.

"Fine fine i will come there..." i said and stood. Shiva was in no mood to leave me. I slowly held Shiva's head and Vivek slipped in the seat and i placed the head on Vivek's shoulder. Just to tease him i patted Shiva's head and Vivek was glaring at me. "Enough of this romance now, just sit." he grinned between his teeth.


Bone...I cursed him making him glare at me in anger. "I'm still there alive."

"Thanks for the information" i hissed back. This guy really. After some time he went for washroom and Shiva that time pealed his eyes little and saw me a seat away from him. He i never know what he thought just sat next to me and held my hand and wrapped them around him and snuggled in me making me laugh. He was a big teddy when it comes to cuddling. When Vivek walked back to the seat i busted in laugh.

"Get lost from my wife have a beautiful sky view.." Shiva mumbled in his sleep making Vivek burn as a hot tea pot.He pulled me even closer and snuggled and i poked my tongue out making Vivek sit in a thud. I never knew when i slept but when i woke up i was already home and Shiva was now holding me tight. Sighing at that slowly i released myself from him and went to refresh myself. It was still night and i slept then in my room. But one thing was bugging me. Should i need to speak with Vivek or not ?? Should i need to give him a chance ?? Is he really innocent just like me ??

I didn't know what to think. Prakash will kill me if i call him now but i then thought of papa. It's been so long since i had a proper chat with my hero. Walking down to the house where papa was i knocked the door. Surprisingly i saw papa opening the door with the help of his walker stick.

"Wow Sekar, you are now really good man" I said making my dad smiled big and i sat on the floor and he sat on the sofa. The treatment made my dad to get well so better and now he could walk but still with the help of the walker.

"So what is my princess wants which bothered me so that i couldn't sleep well?" he asked me rubbing my head. I placed my head on his lap.


"Appa i want to be with you here like this forever." Suddenly a hard tap on my cheeks making me frown. "You lazy girl.

"Appa please i a..... here to ask you something , can i ask that ??" i sounded like a little girl who is lost. Apparently i was lost in my thoughts. "Shoot it pretty lady" papa teased me making me smile. He is gaining and i can't wait for the day when he is finally back to the way he was. The day is not so far and i am going to face the day soon for him.

"Pa is Vivek is innocent ?? or is he acting ??" i asked him making me look at me as if something weird in my face.

"He is my son princess, your brother, yes i was angry but he said what happened and how he was been played so i thought he was saying the truth but when i came to know why he wanted you to get married to Shiva i came to know he cares for you as i do. Now i can die in peace that Vivek is there to take care of you so does Shiva." papa spoke making me blink in confusion. What has happened , what is he talking about and why is that connected to Shiva ?? All i know was Shiva had a crush on me but that was just a crush not more. But what is this to do with my marriage and life ??

"Now come let's sleep it's been so long sleeping with my princess." with that he walked back to his bedroom. He made me sleep and tapped my head. I sighed and slept in my dad's lap and just waiting for him to be normal hail and healthy.

Suddenly i could hear Shiva's voice making me jerk from my sleep. What has happened to him in the morning ?? Was he in his red days ??

He barged inside the house and before i could think he hugged me tight. I could barely breathe.

"Good morning Shiva..." came my papa's voice making him release me from his hold. I gasped few times to get my breathe back.

"Sorry sir but your daughter has a bad habit of walking in the sleep." this made me gasp.

"I was scared whether she went somewhere in her sleep walk. Lady i need to chain you in the leg of the bed so that you won't walk out."

Papa laughed hard making me pout. What a beautiful combo of father in law and son in law. Stomping my foot i walked out of the house but i can feel myself laughing the way Shiva made a over acting when he saw me. Walking inside the house i found granny enjoying her beautiful morning tea and Vivek in his track dress and smiled. But when he saw Shiva pushing by my shoulder he fumed. I smiled and just said "Hey Vivek... good morning" making him gasp. When papa says he is innocent i thought why can't i give him a chance for him to explain.




"Stay away from my wife Vivek because i hate when you are too close to her". He laughed hard which made my anger in ten folds. When i thought we gonna have an ugly he held my collar and yelled on my face. "The so called wife of yours is my sister you dumb head. After years of fight finally i got her she is my Shakthi your Shakthi..."

I was now blown.


Searching for her i found my heart was beating frantically. It was a kind of happiness which i couldn't name it. My first love is my last love. When i finally reached to see her i never knew that was our doomsday.

Tadaaa.... Bunny back here. Here is the next part of the book. I am now insane ha ha ha. So something big is about to happen.

Until next update..

Your love...


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