《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Chapter 24
Karasuno/Fukurodani Match....
"Got it!" The others were getting pumped up during their match. However, one wing-spiker was having bad karma struck down on him through his frustrations.
"Let's do it!" Bokuto throws the ball up and jumps. However...
"Woah!!" Konoha jolts after the ball hits the net, missing his head. This caused Bokuto to go down on his knees, grabbing his head in frustration.
"Dammit~! I'm sorry!!"
"Don't mind," Akaashi reassures his captain, but it doesn't seem to be working. It continued for a while, Bokuto's tolerance rapidly deteriorating.
"Nice serve!" Tanaka serves the ball.
'C-Crap! It's going towards the corner!'
"Tsk!" But Bokuto receives it.
'Woah...that was lucky.'
"Toss it to me, Akaashi~! I'll finish it in on hit!" The setter gets ready, but internally worries of what to come. Mizuki saw his expression, making her filled with concern as well.
'From what Akaashi told me,' she thought, 'Koutarou can change his mood any second. while he's angry. He can either 1. Score normally with no problems...2. If he misses or gets blocked, he'll start feeling worse about it...and then there's 3. If Akaashi doesn't pass to him, he'll become uncooperative. That must be tough, Fukurodani.'
"Bokuto-san!" Akaashi tosses it to him.
"Oh!" But Sawamura, Shoyo, and Asahi block his spike, making the ball go up.
"Chance ball!" Mizuki shouts, receiving it.
"One more time, Akaashi!"
"Ngh...Here!" Again, he tosses it to the ace.
"We'll stop it this time," says Asahi.
"Ready, and..." They jump in unison.
"Gah!" Akaashi cringes when seeing Bokuto spike the ball at the edge of the net.
"Yosha~!" Karasuno was ahead by one point. The boys who were tallying the scores were shocked.
"Isn't this the first time this week Karasuno has taken the lead?"
"W-was that a block," Yachi asks Shimizu.
"Uh, no...it didn't make it over." Meanwhile, Fukurodani was staring warily at their captain, as he shows signs of exhaustion. Everyone was thinking the same thing.
'Seriously, isn't it too early?'
'Wow, already?'
'Jeez, here it comes...'
"Akaashi..." Bokuto raises his arm, and points it towards his team.
"Don't toss to me anymore!!"
'There it is...Bokuto's emo-mode.' Everyone except them were confused by his action. Akaashi turns to Mizuki.
"Got it," Mizuki sighs, turning to their coach. He nods, and calls to the referee.
"What are they doing," Takeda wonders. While Akira and Sarukui trade places, Mizuki pats Bokuto's shoulder.
"Koutarou..." She gets his attention.
"Take a break," she smiles, "I'll be sure to keep your team in good spirits."
"Don't worry...just go/W-wait..." Akaashi pushes him off the court.
"H-hey...look." Nishinoya notices the change in players.
"W-wait," says a confused Yachi, "Hinata-senpai is the ace, now...and Akira-senpai is middle blocker."
"They brought their libero back, too."
"What the heck," Keshin mumbles, "why the sudden..." In an instant, he notices Mizuki staring at him.
"Geh!" He irks when seeing a smile on her face, before looking away. Ukai grips his crossed-arms.
"That little...what is she up to?"
"C-calm down, Ukai-kun."
"Let's do this, Mizuki!"
"Yosh~" Mizuki shifts her body, facing sideways (profile) to her opponents.
She snaps her fingers, with one hand on her hip.
"Let's play our hearts out! Prepare yourselves, Karasuno!"
"What the..."
"Mizuki's personality changed."
"She's brimming with confidence."
"Hinata, what's with your sister," Kageyama questions.
"H-how should I know," he retorts. On the other side of the net, Akaashi glances at Mizuki, remembering their conversation.
'I'll have to put my faith in Hinata-san.'
"Y-yes?" He heard Mizuki calling. She gives him a peace-sign, grinning.
"Good or bad, I'll be counting on your toss. Let's win this match."
"...Hai," he smiles back.
>>>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>>>
"Gah!" The ball flies off of Nishinoya's arms.
"Yes!" Mizuki raises her fist in excitement.
"Nice kill, Mizuki! That spike was more powerful than last time!" Akira gives her a high-five/fist-bump combo.
"Yeah, but your receive was awesome! Squeal~ I'm so hyped up now!" Mizuki turns to the others.
"Let's keep it going, guys! I'm having too much fun to stop!"
"Let's play our hearts out, till we drop!"
"Yeah!!" They unison with a smirk. From the other side of the gym, Coach Naoi, Shotarou, and Nekomata saw the scene.
"The atmosphere has changed," Nekomata grins, "I wonder what the cause is?"
"You know exactly why," Naoi laughs, and Nekomata joins in.
"That, I do...it's just one of Mizuki's charms, I suppose." They see her deliberately hit Tsukishima's fingers to serve the ball up. Shotarou glances at Bokuto from the bench, who watches her every movement.
"When she wants to," Shotarou implies, "she'll express her love and joy for the sport in more ways than one. Once she starts..."
Unbeknownst to everyone, Mizuki gives a wink to Akaashi; the signal he was waiting for.
Not just Bokuto, but Shoyo and his team were shocked, seeing her jump higher than the blockers.
"...she never lets go of that feeling."
The ball comes down to earth, a gust of wind from the impact before bouncing away.
"Alright~!" Mizuki and the team holler, loud and proud. The score now 22 to 24.
Akira slams into her friend from behind.
"Are you kidding me! When did you jump that high?! That was incredible!"
"Nice play, Hinata!"
"You too!" She high-fives Komi, and then to Akaashi.
"That was perfect timing. I knew I could count on you."
"Thanks, senpai."
"...No matter what...you're always one step ahead of me." Shoyo smiles while balling his fists.
"You're amazing--nee-san. Just you wait...I'll be exactly where you are."
From the bench, Bokuto watches them, laughing and smiling the whole time. Somehow, it made him feel refreshed, yet a sense of wanting.
He looks up and sees Mizuki extending her hand out.
"What's the hold up? It's your turn to shine!"
"Eh..." Before he could say anything else, Mizuki pulls him while she moves forward.
"Your team is waiting...ace." She lets go and takes his spot.
She snaps her fingers, pointing at him.
"Have fun out there!" With one final smile, Mizuki and Akira leave the court. As the game continues, Ukai gave a smirk her way.
"Heh...so that was her game."
"What do you mean," Takeda asks.
"It seems that Bokuto isn't the one who pulls his team, but the other way around. Damn...she tricked us, good." He wasn't the only one; Tsukishima thought the same way, too.
'We now know that Fukurodani's team isn't Bokuto-san's one-man-team. And yet...'
He jumps and blocks the serve.
'There's no one scarier on their own than Bokuto-san.'
"Total shut-out!"
"Just one more point to a deuce!"
Asahi was next to serve.
'If I mess this shot, then the match is over. I'm going to get this one in!'
He hit it over, but Komi received it with ease.
"Nice receive!" Akaashi glances at the blockers, and then at the ball.
'By now, Karasuno should know what kind of team we really are. Which means...their attention is off the ace. And Bokuto-san wants to hit it so bad, he's getting restless.' He readies himself, and quickly jumps to set. Tsukishima realized where it was going; straight to the captain.
'We'll give you the good part...'
Bokuto runs up and jumps.
'Pick yourself back up...ace!'
The ball spikes between Kageyama and Tsukishima. The moment it hits the ground, the referee blows the whistle.
It was over. A score of 23 to 25, Fukurodani's win. Ukai and Takeda sigh internally as Kiyoko writes on her clipboard. Both teams were exhausted, but still stood their ground. Akaashi looks at Bokuto, then at his friends.
'If you would.' He nods to them, and they understand.
'Leave it to us.' The three then shout to Bokuto with tons of compliments.
"You're so cool!"
"Nothing beats the ace in the end!"
"Birds of prey~!"
"Your hair's like a great-horned-owl!"
"....He...hehe...ahahahaha~!" Bokuto abruptly turns around, a huge grin on his face, and raises his fists.
"I'm the best after all~!! Hey-hey-hey~!"
"Hey, hey, hey..." His team tiredly repeated.
"He's able to pick himself up so easily," Yukie sighs.
"That's what you call a simpleton," Kaori implies.
On the sidelines, Mizuki and Skye were taking a water break.
"That was some game."
"Too bad we're done. I would've gone for another set."
"If we did that, you'd throw up again."
"Come on, Mizuki," Skye pouts, "do you have to bring that up?"
"Huh?" Suddenly, they hear Asahi shout in frustration. The ace bowed his head with one hand to his team.
"Sorry! My last serve was an 'I freaked out, so please attack' serve!"
"If you can figure that out on your own, you're well off," Ukai states, getting everyone's attention.
"In that situation, how one is going to get blamed will affect our ability to win. No one wants to end the game with their mistakes."
"He must be talking about you," Kageyama mumbles.
"Shut up," Shoyo glares at him.
"But there's no one who tries to hold back a winning serve," Ukai smiles, "now that it's over, that was definitely our loss, but there's one thing for sure...your plays will be effective at national level of competition." He and the team knew very well.
"Right now," Takeda speaks, "your serves and combinations can't match the other team's...because you started so late, it can't be helped. But you mustn't stop...never think this is the limit of your power. When you mix your colors, they become muddled and dirty, right? But once you finish mixing, you'll get the color black, which won't be taken over by any other. Please make our team's color black, which fits us crows."
"...Hm...?" Kageyama and Shoyo tilt their heads.
"W-was that metaphor a bit confusing?"
"No," Sawamura smiles and bows, "thank you very much!" Everyone followed his example.
"Thank you~!"
They turn to see Mizuki and Skye clapping, as they approach them.
"Couldn't have said it better myself, Takeda-sensei." Takeda nods with a smile.
"But seriously," Ukai sighs, "that was some sly strategy you pulled on us."
"How else would you guys learn," Mizuki smirks, making him do the same. She turns to her team.
"Alright, guys! You know what to do next."
"Yosh~! One lap of diving drills!"
>>>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>>>
Everyone was heading out into the yard. Teachers and managers were setting up the grills and food, while the boys wash their hands.Meanwhile, Mizuki and Skye were conversing with Masaki and Satoshi inside the gym.
"So, you haven't told them," Masaki asks Mizuki.
"I still plan to."
"Don't you think it's too early to say anything," Skye questions with concern.
"Yes...but the sooner they know, the better. This is something I can't put off."
"Nee-san~!" Just then, Shoyo comes running in.
"Hey, you. Good work today."
"You, too. Say, what's that doing here?" He points to the empty-platform.
"It's a surprise for everyone, so don't tell just yet."
"Alright. Oh..." Shoyo sees a bunch of volleyballs out in the open.
"Somebody forgot to clean up."
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. You guys go on without me."
"Okay." They left, until she was the only one in the gym. One-by-one, she picked them up. Out of habit, she volleys each one into the cart.
'What a day...I wish it could last forever, though.' She sighs to herself.
"Mizuki?" She turns around to see the latter walking towards her.
"Asahi..." Unaware to them, Shoyo, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura and Sugagwara were peeking from outside the doors.
"That was good thinking, Hinata," Tanaka grins, "luring your sister to be alone with Asahi."
"This is your chance, Asahi," Nishinoya encourages from afar.
"Did you need something," Mizuki asks.
"Well...you see..." He takes a deep breath.
"U-um...can we talk--" Suddenly, his foot caught a volleyball.
"Asahi?!" Mizuki runs to him. From afar, the others face-palm at their friend's clumsiness.
"Ow..." Asahi sits up, rubbing his head. Mizuki gets on her knees.
"Are you okay," she asks, worriedly.
"H-hai...I'm fine."
"Can you stand? Maybe I should get the coach--"
"Ah, actually...I need to say something. Please hear me out." His expression was serious, but with a gentle feature.
"Okay." Mizuki waits patiently, as Asahi clears his throat.
"First off...I have to apologize to you."
"Huh...? But why? You've done nothing wrong."
"I wouldn't say that," he protests, "I've been hiding something for a long time. I thought it would scare you, or...myself...if I ever told you that I--"
"That you...what?"
Asahi clenches his hands.
"M-my feelings...for you."
Mizuki's eyes widen, a small gasp following it.
"I may not have realized it before," he admits, "but when I found out you liked me, well...I've been on edge since then."
"Wait...how did..." That's when it hit her. The loud noises coming from outside the room that night.
'That was him...'
Asahi looks down in shame.
"I'm so sorry, Mizuki. I've been a coward for not telling you this sooner. It's just..." Suddenly, he stops when feeling two hands on both sides of his face. Raising his head, Asahi finds a pair of glossy-amber-eyes.
"You don't need to give me an elaborate speech. And I'm sorry, too. You were trying to find your stride, so I didn't want to interfere. I was scared of getting in the way of your goals." A brief pause came between them. Just as Mizuki was retracting her hands, Asahi quickly clasps them together with his, startling her.
"That's my line."
"But despite that...I want to make this work. Even after the tournament, whatever happens...I want us to be together. Your feelings aren't holding me back, because..." He leans closer until they touch each other's foreheads.
"They only made me stronger, and become a better person. Mizuki...I really like you. Please go out with me." Mizuki felt her heart flutter, overwhelmed with a massive blush. Behind the clumsiness, through the nervous, flush expression he portrays, there was confidence in his eyes. If he was willing to speak out without stuttering or hesitating, then it must be true. A fond expression plasters on her face, lovingly smiling his way.
"I never thought you'd show such courage...but...I really, really, like you too. Please take care of me, Asahi."
"I will..." The wing spiker wraps his arms safely around her small frame, their hearts beating as one. They stand up and look into each other's eyes again.
"Um...is it alright if I..." Mizuki deciphered his question, responding with a giggle.
"You can." And with that, Asahi leans forward and captures her lips with a gentle touch.
"Asahi..." Tanaka and Nishinoya were crying.
"You've become a man."
"About time," Sawamura and Sugawara chuckle.
"I'm happy for you, Asahi-san...nee-san." Shoyo smiles, giving the best-of-luck to them.
After a while, everyone gathers, facing the coaches, with Nekomata to say a quick speech.
"Ahem...well done on the training camp, everyone. Nothing puts a smile on your face than filling your stomach with good food. Eat all the meat you can."
"ITADAKIMASU~~!!" Everyone grabbed as much meat and veggies as they could. Sitting on the platform by herself was Mizuki, as she watches them. Kageyama was choking after taking in too much food, so Akaashi offers him water. Kuroo was talking to Kai, but turns after Bokuto steals his meat. Kaori offers onigiri to Asahi and Ennoshita. Mizuki laughs when seeing Yukie and Skye eat four of them at once.
'Their appetites are so similar.' She looks in another direction. Somehow, Nishinoya orders Tanaka and Yamamoto to create this menacing aura to scare off the boys from approaching Kiyoko. From a distance, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Kenma were cornered by their upperclassmen while forcing them to eat more.
"I wouldn't want to be them." Mizuki finishes the last of her meat, and throws her plate into the trash.
"Hah~ I'm full..."
"Hinata-san." She turns around to see Akaashi, pulling Bokuto by the collar.
"Um...hey guys."
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