《Haikyuu!!: She's Your Sister!?》Special Ova: Life of Hinata Mizuki Ep. 3
It started on her fifth day of working at the noodle shop with the owner, Izumi. Things have been going smoothly. Even if there were few customers, Mizuki loved to meet the regulars and first-timers. It was late at night, and Mizuki was in the kitchen washing dishes. Izumi calls her from the front door.
"I'm leaving, Hinata-san. Could you lock up on your way out?"
"Okay. Goodnight, Izu-san."
"Goodnight." He closes the door and leaves.
After washing dishes, she took out the trash.
"Sigh~ finally, I'm done." She stretches her arms, walking back to the shop.
"Eh?" She stops when hearing a loud grumbling noise. She looks around.
Mizuki went around the shop, and was shocked to find a boy sitting on a bench, asleep. Short-cropped-blonde-hair with two stripes running down the sides of his head that's just above the ears. She didn't know if he had dark bags or that's how deep his eyes are, but they appeared a bit hostile, his small-eyebrows scrunched a bit. But, 'appearances can be deceiving' as they say. Concerned, she tries shaking his shoulder to wake him up.
"Hey...hey, wake up." He started to stir. Slowly his eyes open.
"Oh, good," Mizuki sighs, "you scared me..." When his eyes shifted, they widened and he jumped a little. Mizuki put her hands up in defense.
"Wait-wait, it's okay." She waited until he relaxed. The blonde scratches his head and groans.
"...Look, you're exhausted and hungry, so~ you're coming inside to eat." She pulls his arm, and luckily he was too tired to resist.
After turning the front-door-lights off, Mizuki went into the kitchen, while the boy sat at the counter. From there, he could see what she's doing. Mizuki boiled vegetable-oil in a pot, and took out the marinated-chicken. In a pan, she put flour, cornstarch, salt, pepper, and mixed it while spreading evenly. Using chopsticks, Mizuki places the chicken on top, covering it in flour. When the oil was ready, she put each piece in carefully as it cooks through.
...Gulp... The scent of cooked chicken was tantalizing.
"Thanks for waiting." Mizuki puts a plate of karaage with lemon and parsley on the side, and a bowl-of-rice.
"Go ahead. I still have more if you want." Mizuki watches him pick up his chopsticks and grab a piece. The moment he took a bite, his eyes widen, a hint of delightness within. In seconds he was wolfing everything down. Mizuki didn't care about manners, as long as he was in good-health. After another serving, Mizuki came over with a plate of dango and sat next to him.
"Hope you have room for dessert. Here..." She offers him a stick of dango. He didn't say anything, just nods and starts eating.
"Now then...what were you doing outside the shop, this late?" He glances away.
"...I was just taking a nap...I didn't realize I would sleep this long."
"Seriously? I thought you might have passed out. You were lucky I was here." Just then, Mizuki notices his jersey pants.
'Those colors....'
"Hey, are you..." The blonde tilts his head.
"...do you go to Aoba Joshai High?"
"I knew it," she smiles, "and those pants you're wearing are the volleyball team's uniform." He looked at her curiously.
"Do you go to our school?"
"Oh, no. I graduated high school in America. It's a long story."
"Then...are you one of Oikawa's fans?"
"Pfft! Ahahaha, no way! We're friends...I almost did knock him out, but Iwa-niichan stopped me in time."
"Oops--sorry," she giggles, "I mean, Iwaizumi Hajime. I call him that because he's like an overprotective-brother to me. Anyway...what's your name?"
"....Kyotani, Kentaro."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Hinata, Mizuki. I'm a volleyball player, too. My role is the ace. What position do you play?"
He gave a perplex look through those sharp eyes.
"What's the matter?"
"You're not scared of me?"
That's a funny way of asking, is what she thought.
"I'm sure you get that a lot, but...nope. Your eyes are scary, but that doesn't mean everything about you, is scary. So come on, tell me what position you're in."
"Then you must be the troublemaking-underclassmen Iwaizumi told me. Oh...is that why you were out so late? You were practicing by yourself?"
"I see." She looks at the clock; it was past 10.
"It's late. I'll walk you to the nearest bus stop."
"I can go by myself," he stubbornly protests. However, Mizuki being Mizuki, she flicks his forehead, making him flinch.
"What was that for?!"
"You idiot!" She yells, startling him.
"You were on the verge of starvation. And as your senpai, I'm gonna make sure you get there safe and sound, so don't give me that attitude--and let's go."
"H-hey! Wait!" After gathering her belongings, Mizuki literally pulled Kyotani out of the restaurant, and locked the door. Together they walked down the street while Mizuki lectured him.
"Geez," she huffed, "do you talk to everyone like that? No wonder Iwaizumi keeps a tight-leash on you. And I know Oikawa can get on everyone's nerves too, but still..." She kept on ranting, that she didn't notice other people around them.
"Is that his little sister?"
"Hehehe--she's lecturing him. So cute~."
"That's just like my brother and I."
"Ahaha--me too."
Kyotani was too stunned/embarrassed to say anything. He could feel his eyebrows crease. Thankfully, they found a bus stop with no one around for miles.
"The bus should be here any minute. You better not sleep on the ride home." He was getting annoyed by her lecturing.
"I gotta go. So here..." She gives him a bag.
"A little snack in case you get hungry again. Well, it was nice to meet you Kyotani. Come by the shop when you can. Bye." And just like that, she ran off. Kyotani looks in the bag and finds wrapped dango on a paper-plate, a sticky-note on top labeled; 'Eat by tomorrow.'
Standing with Mizuki at the front of the shop was the same blonde-boy.
"Kyotani...good morning." She put the broom down.
"...Mornin'." He glanced at the shop.
"Oh, we're not open yet, but I can save a seat for you."
"N-no...I came to give you this."
"Eh?" In Kyotani's palm was a few bills and coins.
"For the food from last night." However, Mizuki shakes her head with a smile.
"It's okay. You don't owe me anything."
"Are you going to practice today?" She sees him dressed in sports-ware.
"Did you eat this morning?"
He stayed silent. Mizuki sighed with a shrug.
"Then you should spend that money for your meal. Come on..." Hesitant at first, but Kyotani follows her inside, anyway.
>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>
"Order up, Hinata!"
"Hai~!" She grabs the plate and serves the customer. Kyotani chews on his chicken, watching Mizuki run around like a mouse.
"Izu-san! One order of miso ramen and a small-side of rice!"
"Coming up!" At that moment, Mizuki was making her way around the tables near the entrance. Suddenly, her foot started to drag.
Kyotani abruptly stands up.
"Woah!" A pair of arms caught her. Mizuki looks up at her savior.
"You okay, Mizuki?"
"Ah...Iwa-niichan." Mizuki straightens herself.
"Oh, Iwaizumi," Izumi hollers, "you're just in time. Help Hinata with the orders, please."
"Yes, sir." As he enters, he sees the blonde.
"S-senpai..." He bows to him.
"I met Kyotani last night," Mizuki explains, "I saved him from collapsing of starvation."
"That so...I hope you didn't give her any trouble." His kouhai shakes his head.
"Iwa-niichan, calm down."
"H-hey! Don't call me that in front of him."
"I already did, so no use in hiding it." She giggles at his flustered state.
"Anyway, I'll get your apron from the breakroom." As Mizuki left, Kyotani turns to his upperclassman.
"Do you and Hinata-senpai work together?"
"Occasionally," he answers, "I work during the weekends, so we sometimes hang out together...oh..."
"Mm?" Iwaizumi stares blankly at Kyotani.
"I just remembered...Aren't you a fan of hers?" Kyotani glanced away, making Iwaizumi smirk.
"I thought it was weird you suddenly used honorifics." The blonde clicks his tongue.
"I'm back!"
"Oh, thanks Mizuki." Iwaizumi grabs the apron.
"By the way, did you know that Kyotani--"
"Don't!" Kyotani slams his hand on the counter, making the others flinch.
"K-Kyotani, what's the matter," Mizuki asks.
"N-nothing! It's nothing!" Kyotani exclaimed with flush cheeks. Iwaizumi was trying not to laugh as he grinned stupidly, making Mizuki become more perplexed.
"...Well, okay~. And since you're here, I was hoping you'd like to help us."
"Since we're having a special on karaage, the shop has been packed. We could really use an extra pair of hands."
"Oh, please~? I promise I'll save you some chicken for later."
"Do it," Iwaizumi orders, "after all, you would've starved to death if Mizuki didn't cook you food out of the goodness of her heart. You owe her." Kyotani looks at Mizuki, who had big-puppy-eyes while clasping her hands together, making him sweat-drop. She sort of made it hard to refuse.
"Great! Now that that's settled, you and Mizuki should start cooking."
"You'll be okay waiting tables?"
"I'll be fine. Just show my kouhai the ropes, kay?"
"Roger," she laughs, saluting to him.
>>>>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>>>
"Okay...that's one pork-noodle soup with grilled vegetables on the side. Anything else?"
"Could I have more water?"
"Of course."
"Excuse me~ I'd like to order now."
"Be right there, sir!"
"Kyotani..." The blonde turns to Mizuki.
"I'm gonna get some more chicken from the fridge. Could you fry the rest while I start a new batch?"
"Um, sure."
"Thanks." She walks pass him, just as Izumi was greeting him.
"How're you holding up,?
"Thanks for the assist. Normally, it's just me and Mizuki holding the fort down every week."
"But...aren't there employees other than her and Iwaizumi-san?"
"Unfortunately, I had no luck for hired help. But..." Izumi rubs behind his neck, and looks at Mizuki near the table.
"I don't think anyone could be tolerant or dedicated the way she is. That's what makes her so well-liked by the customers. You just can't help but admire that side of her."
The blonde stares at the older teen, happily humming while flouring the food. Thinking about it, he could agree; the first encounter he had with Mizuki was unexpected, but not once did she ever judge him by his appearance. She sort of reminded him of Iwaizumi; kind of like siblings.
"Excuse me." The two look across the counter and see three girls.
"Hello," Izumi smiles, "did you need a table?"
"Um, well..."
"Is this where Hinata Mizuki works?"
"Uh, yes. Are you friends of hers?"
"Hai. Is she here?"
"Oh, yes. Wait one second." Izumi looks over his shoulder.
"Hinata~! you have visitors!"
"Really?" When she walks around the table, her eyes widen.
"Hey, Mizuki."
"Hana...and Rin, too?"
"We came to see you." Mizuki smiles. She runs out of the kitchen and comes face-to-face with them.
"...Um...how did you find me?"
"Actually, we asked Oikawa-san."
"You mean I asked him," Rin deadpan at Matsuko, "Hana-chan here had to restrain you."
"Restrain?...ah! D-don't tell me, you--"
"No-no, he's alive," Rin reassures, making Mizuki sigh in relief.
"But, really, Matsuko...."
"I-it's not my fault I can't control my emotions," Matsuko argues, "ever since Inter-High, I've come to...understand Mizuki's perspective of him, both good and bad sides without choosing one over the other."
"But, you're still his fan, right," Mizuki confusingly asks.
"Let's just say I admire his skills as a volleyball player, and nothing more."
"This coming from the president of our fan club," Hana sighs. Mizuki awkwardly laughs.
"Anyway," Matsuko changes the subject, "he told us everything...including those obsessed girls."
"We kicked them out of our club, but they got a punishment even worse than ours."
"Wait...what does that mean?" Mizuki felt uneasy about this.
"Oh, nothing big...the principal suspended them."
"S-suspend?! Why would---I mean...that's--!"
"Oikawa-san went to the principal," Rin explains, "he told him how those girls were harassing his "friend", who also happens to be a member of Karasuno's volleyball team." She leans in to whisper.
"Apparently Oikawa-san got footage of the scene. When he showed it to the head principal, he said he almost popped a vein."
"Wanna know the best part," Hana smirks, "one of them is the principal's daughter."
"Gasp~...no way!"
"Oh, yeah."
"I feel terrible, now."
"Don't worry. Our principal is really kind, but he's fair, no matter who it is."
"But...Oikawa didn't have to go through all that trouble."
"I'm still mad at him," Matsuko huffs, "but~....if he's willing to go that far to make amends, then whatever--you know..."
"Which is it?" Rin and Hana sweat-drop.
"Besides that...we wanted to see if you were okay."
"I'm fine," she smiles, "Oikawa and I are still friends. But...I thought I wouldn't see you again, after that incident."
"What are you saying," Rin grins.
"And it's not like we're going to follow Oikawa-san after graduation," Matsuko implies, "if we had to be fans for someone else..." She, Rin, and Hana smile at each other, before turning back to Mizuki.
"We'd be your fans."
"Oikawa-san told us you're going to Tohoku University."
"We decided to apply to there, too."
"All of you," she asks in shock.
"Hai. Their campus and community is great."
"But really...we just wanna get to know you more, even in college."
"Whether you like it or not," Matsuko smirks, "we're going to Tohoku...we'll cheer you on in every practice match and every tournament you play. You're stuck with us."
"......You guys..."
"Hey, hey, don't cry."
"I-I'm not crying. It's just sweat from working in the kitchen."
"Aw~ who needs a hug?"
"Bring it in!" Matsuko, Rin and Hana huddle around Mizuki, who smiles with bulbs of tears in her eyes. That's when Iwaizumi comes forward.
"Best of luck, guys."
"Thank you, Iwaizumi-san," Rin bows her head.
"Are you guys, hungry," Mizuki asks.
"A little."
"What do you have?"
"We have a special on karaage, plus your choice of dessert for later."
"That sounds amazing. We'll take three orders."
"Great! Here's a menu with all the options." While talking, Iwaizumi walks towards Kyotani with a smile.
"Surprising, huh? Despite being Oikawa's fans, they're not bothered by her being friends with him." Kyotani just nods. He never thought Oikawa or his fans would go to such lengths for her.
>>>>>>>FAST FORWARD>>>>>>>
"Thank you for coming~" Mizuki bows to the customers leaving the shop.
"Yes, Izu-san?" She turns to see him leaning on the counter.
"The crowd has died down, so go take a break."
"You sure?"
"We'll be fine," Iwaizumi hollers, "you too, Kyotani. Look after your senpai."
"Isn't it the other way around," Mizuki sweat-drops.
"The perks of being a brother figure," Hana thought, making the others laugh.
Mizuki and Kyotani walk out of the shop where Taichi was lying by the sign. Just then, a woman was approaching.
"Oh, Mrs. Kimura...hello." She and Kyotani bow to her.
"I came to try out the karaage special. Oh, are you going somewhere?"
"My friend and I are taking a break."
"I see. You always work too hard, so I was getting a little worried. Are you eating properly?"
"I am. Sorry for making you worry."
"Oh~hello Taichi. Being a good boy?" Kimura pets him as he whines happily.
"Well then, you have a good time on your break." The woman waves and goes inside.
"Do you know her," Kyotani asks
"Yes. She's a regular at the shop, and she's really nice. But piss her off, and she'll show you a thing or two." She laughs at the last part.
Just then, Mizuki spots an ice-cream truck across the street.
"That looks good," she smiles, "let's get some for the others, too."
"Welcome," the confectioner waves, "what can I get you?" Mizuki looks at the menu.
"Um...can we get two chocolate, two vanilla, two strawberry, one mint, and a chocolate-malted-crunch, please? and can we have them to go?"
"Sure thing." While waiting, Mizuki turns back to Kyotani, who was sitting on a bench.
"Hey..." She gets his attention.
"Can I ask you something?" His silence must be his way of her to continue, so she did.
"When I asked if you were practicing by yourself...does that mean you don't show up at school to practice?"
".....Yeah. What of it?" Kyotani gives a slight frown, but Mizuki blankly stares without saying a word. Then, she closes her eyes, sighing to herself.
"Now I get it."
"I'm sorry I asked...but...you should know this."
"Uh..." Kyotani holds his breath, as Mizuki's eyes turn sharp.
"Practicing by yourself won't help you strive. Not just Iwaizumi...but I'm sure everyone at Aoba Johsai knows how strong you are. Even so, you can't say you're a strong 'player' if you keep on running away from your team...because they're the ones who bring out the best in you." Mizuki faces him.
"Once you're on the court, everything changes. The actions you decide will affect those who stand by you to the very end." Kyotani's eyes widen, seeing Mizuki's hand on his head. She rubs it gently, her expression softening with a smile.
"Whether it be tomorrow, a week from now, or maybe during a game...but one day...you'll realize your true potential will come when you rely and trust them...as a teammate. So, for now...don't give up just yet. 'Kay?" The blonde was shocked, but amazed at how mature she sounds.
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