《The Need For Speed || Iceman Fanfic {COMPLETED}》✈️EIGHT✈️


Iceman brushed Maverick's opposite cheek gently and smiled at her looking so peaceful. He kissed her forehead and then went back to the kitchen getting a water. Iceman sat on the bar stool and looked at his right hand that was shaking. He almost lost Maverick and that was too close for him.

"You should be sleeping. We have training tomorrow Tom." Maverick said softly, wrapping her oversized black sweater around herself. She walked over to Iceman.

"I can't." Iceman said.

"Because of earlier?" Maverick said looking at Iceman. He nodded and took another sip of his water.

"I almost lost you.." Iceman said and wrapped his arm around Mavericks waist.

"But you didn't." Maverick said as Iceman looked her over and gently feathered his fingers over the gauze pad taped to her cheek.

"I know I didn't.." Iceman whispered. Maverick hugged Iceman and pressed her cheek gently against his chest.

"It's okay." Maverick said, brushing Iceman's chest lovingly. Iceman squeezed Maverick back in a loving manner.

"I'm thinking about leaving Top Gun." She said.

"Why??" Iceman said, "Your the best damn pilot myself and others have ever seen."

"It's just a thought." Maverick said, "I haven't decided anything yet."

"Don't you dare quit on me now Brett Johnson. You didn't get this far to quit." Iceman said to Maverick, "If you quit, you'll have to live with the decision forever and possibly wonder if it could have ended differently. I don't want you to make a decision that will make you unhappy."

Maverick nodded. She looked at Iceman.

"Maybe they were right. Women don't belong in combat." Maverick said.

"Now, you of all people Mav," Iceman said tilting her head back, "don't believe that. As long as I've known you, you've been bigger than life. You wouldn't be happy unless you were flying at Mach 1 speed with your hair on fire."

Maverick nodded again. Iceman did have a point.


You do have a point. She listened as Iceman went on.

"You are the most devoted, loyal and strongest female pilot I've ever seen come through Top Gun. You are such a jack of all trades when it comes to flying, it's scary. Don't let a setback like earlier and goose's death ruin all of this for you. Finish the schooling and see where it takes you. You won't regret it."

Maverick chuckled and smiled at Iceman. She was going to think this through, because in the end Iceman was right. Maverick had talent that no other pilot has ever had in fighter school. She was the best of the best without even trying.

"You know, you're right Kazansky." Maverick told him.

"I always am." Iceman said and that earned a chuckle from Maverick again. He smiled seeing she was going to be okay. Iceman kissed her temple when she hugged him again and it all finally came down on her. Maverick started to cry into his chest. The adrenalin was finally wearing off and she was crashing, hard. Maverick started to hyperventilate but remembered her breath training and slowed it down herself. A shudder made its way down her spine, causing Iceman to rub her side in a comforting manner.

"You think he'd be proud?" Maverick asked.

"Goose or your old man?" Iceman asked.

"Both." Maverick said.

"I'm sure as hell your dads just so proud of his little girl turning into the most noble and bravest, prettiest and smartest woman he's probably ever seen." Iceman said, "And as much as I teased Goose, I'm sure he's proud of you. But I'm damn proud of you too."

Maverick blushed, remembering from high school how he had nothing to do with her while she hung out with Peter Mitchell and Nick.

"You used to think I was so weird." Maverick said with a soft chuckle as she wiped under her eyes.

"Well people change as they grow up Brett." Iceman said smiling, "I finally realized what I was missing out on."


Maverick chuckled again and gently pressed her forehead against his lips. Iceman exhaled deeply, kissing her forehead and then bent down to press his forehead against Mavericks forehead.

"And there it goes..." She whispered. Maverick had melted the Iceman's heart. Her hands gently brushed over his shoulders when they rested against his neck as her head tilted and Mavericks lips molded to Iceman's lips. Maverick felt Iceman's hands run up her side and snake around her neck, going to the back of her head resting right under her curly ponytail. He squeezed her ponytail and tilted her head just a little to the left and Mavericks hands gently brushed a small circle on his neck as she exhaled deeply into the kiss, losing control. Losing her mind.

"Tom..." Maverick gasped when he picked her up, setting her on his hips. Her hands ran through his spiked up hair, as her back arched upwards a bit. Iceman pulled her sweater off her camisole that left just the right amount of her stomach showing, revealing matching black Nike booty shorts that sat on her low hips.

"Brett..." Iceman breathed, trailing down her chin and then leaving hickeys down her neck.

"I'm here...." Maverick said, still caressing his neck. Her head went back as involuntary gasps left her plump lips, egging Iceman on.

"You drive me fucking crazy woman.." Iceman gasped pulling Mavericks camisole up and over her head, keeping her hands together above her head with the black fabric. Iceman trailed hickeys and deep kisses over every inch of Mavericks body, lifting her up a bit more on his waist. She squealed, a bit ticklish on the stomach area but quickly calmed down. Maverick watched Iceman kissing every inch of her body, tracing every indentation with his lips and tongue. She pulled on his flight suits zipper and Iceman took them to the bedroom. Maverick completely unzipped his flight suit after the door was closed behind him, so as to not disturb Flamethrower if he got up. She laid on the bed watching Iceman slip off the flight suit and was just in his boxers. God, I love this man so much... Maverick whined when he rutted his bulge up against her.

"You want it, hmm???"

"Yes." Maverick said smiling at Iceman. The tension in the air was highly palpable at this point. She was at her breaking point and Iceman brought her back from the edge, every time. Maverick slid off her panties and Iceman took his boxers off, not hesitating as he kissed Maverick again but with full force, a hungry, longing, passionate kiss. Mavericks legs automatically went around Iceman's waist as she let out a moan. Iceman was holding off as long as he could, until he couldn't. He turned them around with his back facing the bed now as Maverick closed the space between them, her fingers tracing every muscular indentation of Iceman's body. Iceman lifted her up a bit and her head went back as he nibbled down her neck, loud breathing coming from Maverick. He was so close. Iceman could taste it. Maverick rocked up a bit when Iceman let her push him back onto the bed and he let out a frustrated groan. Iceman was about to blow. He turned her back over and thrusted into Maverick without a moments hesitation. Which sent Maverick through a million different emotions at once and she gripped his forearms, rocking back on him because of the force of his thrusts.

"Tom...." Maverick whined again when his hips slammed violently against her hips, his forearms resting on each side of mavericks head. She bucked up at Iceman going further and then his forceful thrust pulled her back down again. Iceman closed the space between them, his lips pressed to hers as he did his continuous assault on Mavericks small body. Bringing her closer to the edge every time.

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