《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》5. The Flea and the Acrobat


Lucas's POV

I pointed at her. "She's been acting weirder than normal. If she can slam doors with her mind, then she definitely screw up a compass." Y/N looked at me, I could tell she wanted me to stop and apologize. "Why would she do that?" Mike asked. She had intentions I just didn't know what they were. "Because she's trying to sabotage our mission." She was hiding something, I didn't like it. She was a danger to us. "Because she's a traitor!" I yelled. "Lucas stop." Y/N grabbed my arm. I pulled my arm away. I pulled my arm away from her. "Lucas, what are you doing?" Mike asked. I walked up to Eleven. "You did it, didn't you?" She stood still. "You don't want us to reach the gate. You don't want us to find Will." Y/N grabbed my arm again. "Lucas, take that back, she wouldn't mean it. Right, El?" "Lucas, come on, seriously, just leave her alone!" Mike yelled. "Admit it." "No." She mumbled.

That was it. "Admit it!" I grabbed her arm, there was fresh blood on her sleeve. "Fresh blood. I know it." I let go of her arm. "Lucas, come on!" Both Mike and Y/N yelled. This was for are own good. "I saw her wiping her nose in the tracks! She was using her powers!" "Bull! That's old blood. Right, El?" Mike said. "Right, El?" He repeated himself. "It's... not... it's not safe." There was silence. How was Mike trying to defend this traitor? He needed to wake up, and realize what she was doing. "What did I tell you? She's been playing us from the very beginning!"

"That's not true. She helped us find Will!" "Find Will?" "Stop!" Y/N got in between us. "Guys stop! Somebody's gonna get hurt if we don't stop this!" She cried. I was doing this for her own good as well, I didn't want her to get hurt. Dustin tugged her away from in between me and Mike. "Find Will? Where is he, then? Huh? I don't see him." "Yeah, you know what I mean." He said. "No, I actually don't. Just think about it, Mike. She could've just told us where the Upside Down was right away, but she didn't. She just made us run around like headless chickens."


"All right, calm down." Dustin tried to stop us. "No! She used us, all of us! She helped enough so she could get what she wants. Food and a bed. She's like a stray dog!" "Screw you, Lucas!" "No! Screw your Mike. You're blind... blind because you like that a girl's not grossed out by you. But wake up, man! Wake the h*ll up!" He stared back at me. "She knows where Will is, and know she's just letting him die in the Upside Down." "Stop!" Y/N cried out, she was crying. I hadn't gone that far. "Shut up!" Mike said. "For all we know, it's her fault." "Shut up." "We're looking for some stupid monster... but did you ever stop and think that maybe she's the monster?" There was a moment of silence.

We all looked at her. I turned to Mike again. I was trying to protect everyone from her, I wasn't trying to be the bad guy. Mike looked furious. "I said shut up!" He grabbed me. I didn't want to hurt him, but I had to at least protect Y/N. I grabbed Mike to. Mike tackled me. "Stop!" Y/N and Eleven cried. "Knock it off, you idiots!" Dustin yelled. "Stop it!" The girls yelled again. Y/N tried to pull me away. "Mike, get off!" Dustin yelled. "Lucas!" Y/N cried again trying to get me away from Mike. Mike kicked back and kicked Y/N. That was it. "Stop it!" Eleven screamed. I suddenly was flying in the air. The only thing I heard was Y/N screaming. I was in the ground in an instant. Everything was going dark and I couldn't hear.


I screamed. Lucas was in the air, he hit the ground hard and slid into a metal sheet. I ran to him crying. Dustin and I ran to him, Mike was behind us. "Lucas! Wake up!" I cried. "Lucas! Lucas! Lucas, are you alright?" Mike shakes him. "Lucas, come on." Dustin shook him to. "Lucas, wake up." Mike pleaded. "Come on, Lucas!" Dustin said. "Lucas, please wake up! Please!" I screamed. This was all Eleven's fault. Why would you do that!" Mike yelled at her. "Come on." Me and Dustin continued to try and wake him up.


"What's wrong with you?" Mike yelled at her again. "Cmon wake up!" I yelled. "Cmon please!" I began to cry again."Lucas... Lucas come on." He opened his eyes. "Lucas." I smiled. "Lucas. Are you ok? He sat up. I still was worried, he looked disordered. "Lucas, how many fingers am I holding up?" Dustin asked. "Lucas, how many fingers?" He held up three fingers. "Let me see your head." Mike tried looking at his head but Lucas slapped his hand away. "Get off me!" "Just... Lucas. Lucas, let me see." He tried again. "Get off of me! He pushed Mike's hand away from him. "Mike, I got this." I said. "Lucas, come on." Mike insisted. "Mike, I told you I got this." I walked with Lucas. "Let them go." I heard Dustin say. I didn't talk to Lucas till we got back to his house, he needed time just for himself. I know that. Also I was mad at El to. How could she do this?

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