《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》How things start off


Mike's POV

The bell had rung and I knew we had to make it to class or we'd be counted late. "Guys we better head to class." I said. We talked as we went to class. "So how's Middle School?" (Y/N) asked. "Well it's alright." Dustin said. "So nothing's changed much has it? Does Ms.Dougles still teach here?" She asked. "Sadly yes." Lucas responded. "I'm still mad at her for giving me a dentention for blaming me for taking Jennifer's pencil. Besides she gave her pencil to Alexa anyways. I swear she was out to get me, ha." She responded. "Ya that was pretty stupid." I said back.


We had finally made it to class and I sat behind Dustin in the open spot. The final bell had rung and Mr. Clarke had began to tell us about dejav u for some reason and then talked some historic disappearances. Before we knew it School had ended. I went to my locker when I felt someone push me. Well great. "Umm hello let me out!" "Ha no this is hilarious." I heard a familiar voice say. Before I could say anything else they had walked. I heard some voices come by. "Hello can someone get me out of here!" The footsteps stopped. "(Y/N)?" It was Lucas and Mike. "Ya it's me, can you let me out?" "Uh ya. What the code?" Lucas said. "It's 08:27:15." A few seconds later the door opened. "Thanks." I grabbed my stuff and closed my locker.

Lucas's POV

Somehow (Y/N) had gotten stuck in her locker. "Umm first of all how'd you get stuck in your locker in the first place?" I asked. "I'm not sure I didn't see how closed the door." She responded. We headed back to Mike's house afterwards and went into his basement and started playing some more D&D. Later on Will and Dustin arrived. (Y/N)


Dustin's POV

It was time to start up the campaign again. Me and Will road to Mike's house. "So Will, how do you and (Y/N) know each other again?" He looked over at me "Well we were friends back in the second grade and some years passed and she left. Why do you ask?" I got nervous "Well uh just wanting to know, ya know." I could tell he was starting to get suspicious. "Uh ok then."

Will's POV

There was something up with Dustin. Did he like her? I don't know but I knew there was something up. "So did you get any new comics this week?" He looked back at me. "Ya I got the new issue of xmen it's 134." "Cool." We had just arrived at Mike's house.

Eleven's POV

The hallway was clear, I ran. What had just happened I don't know, Papa had said to find but what I found was not what he wanted. I screamed then the walls opened up, something happened and they were upset. Now was my time and chance to leave and escape, so I did. The door were in front of me so I ran though them. I headed towards the woods.

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