《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》Confession


My alarm went off at 6 giving me an hour an a half to get ready then head to school. I got up and picked out what I was gonna wear. My outfit was very simple just some old jeans, red and off white flannel, old gray shoes, and a red knitted beanie. No make up because I don't freakin care. I went downstairs into the kitchen to get some eggos and milk then I got my old blue book bag and thrown all my binders and pencils in. The only thing I had left to do was brush my teeth and hair. My hair was actually fine today. As I was finishing up brushing my teeth a nail must have came out of some where and cut my left side of my face. Figures everything was going fine now this. It wasn't that bad it barely cut through so I didn't even bother to put a bandaid on it. I grabbed my book bag and got my bike and left for school.

~time skip~

I had just arrived at school and set my stuff in my locker then suddenly Mike came out of nowhere. "What the heck Mike!" It was to early for someone to be sneaking up on me. "Hey sorry I was just trying to help." "It's ok just don't do it again." "Ok, also the reason I ca- what happened to your face?" I should have put a bandaid on it. "I nail feel and hit my face." "A lot of stuff is happening to you." "Ya no dip Sherlock!" "Sorry again ok but I was going to ask if you needed help getting to class?" I thought for a moment it would probably be helpful so why not. "Sure." We almost made it to class when I had to go to the restroom. "I will be right back." I said.


Mike's POV

She went to the restroom so I waited outside and then I noticed that Lucas and Dustin were walking towards me. "What's up guys?" I said. "Uh Mike why are you waiting outside of the girls restroom?" Dustin questioned. "I was waiting for (Y/N). I'm showing her to class." "Oh ok." They both responded.

Dustin's POV

I sorta hate myself for this but I'm starting to like Y/N) and I just met her, gosh this is starting to feel like a fanfic. (Dustin your breaking the fourth wall 😂) I also feel bad to because Lucas likes her. I wanted to tell Mike about this but now wasn't the time. (Y/N) came out. She waved waved at us and we walked to class. "Uh Mike." I needed to tell him I couldn't hold it in. "Ya." He responded. "Could I talk to you in private?" "Ya, oh Lucas can you take (Y/N) to class. I will be right back." Lucas shook his head and walked off with her. "Dustin what wrong?" "Uh I just wanted to tell you that I think I'm crushing on (Y/N)." He looked at me confused. "Dustin you didn't need to tell me I already could sorta tell you liked her." "Oh."

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