《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》A/N: PLEASE READ


Hello everyone,

With finals for college coming up this week, I am putting a hold on updating this and my other story Unexpected for a week at least or two at most. However, Unexpected might continue after this week because it's all finished in terms of me writing it. I just have to upload it. This one is a different story and is going to be longer as well as the other WIP I have. I had a long shift at work on Friday and today, I also work tomorrow(Sunday) as well. I am tired and I have a jam packed week ahead of me.

On top of all of this, my mother was brought to the emergency room tonight due to some stomach issues. They think it has to do with her gallbladder but they are not sure as of now. If there is any updates, or I have to push my uploading back another couple weeks I'll post another one, but I am not going to be doing well mentally enough to upload for a bit.

Once this issue is resolved, I am going to delete this or I might forget and keep it up. In any case, I thank you to all that are supporting me and enjoy my writing, as soon as I feel well enough to write I am going to. But right now it's a perfect storm and I am not going to be having a good time. If any body needs me or anything, pm me or something.

Again, thank you all and I hope that everyone is having a better holiday weekend than me.


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