《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Tewnty-Five
Roman and Virgil walked back to Virgil's dorm. Roman was trying to distract Virgil from being upset even for a little while. Virgil walked into the room with Roman behind him, and he sat on the couch. Roman knew he was waiting for questions.
Roman wasn't going to push unless Virgil told him too. So Roman sat down next to him. "Virgil, do you want to talk about what is going on?" Roman asked.
Virgil shrugged and picked up his notepad. Roman looked over. Are you going to make me? Roman shook his head.
"If you want to then I'll listen but if you don't then I won't push it." Roman said and watched as Virgil was visibly shocked. "I find it's easier for people to tell you on their own rather than forcing it."
Can I ask you something? Virgil wrote. Roman nodded. Is the fact I fell asleep on you changing anything?
"Between us as a friendship or in general?" Roman asked.
"Not unless you feel uncomfortable. I am okay with it, if you are." Roman said. Virgil then crawled over to Roman and hugged him. Roman hugged him back and Virgil buried his head in Roman's neck. Roman wasn't sure if Virgil was going to start crying again, but he waited.
Virgil got his notepad and then came back to lean on Roman. Roman had his arm settled on Virgil waist as he wrote. I am going to tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Patton, okay? I want to tell him myself.
"Alright. I promise, you take your time okay?" Roman said. Virgil nodded and he started to write.
I had an appointment with Picani. He told me something that I had the option to do and I am going to do it but he also said something else. Virgil stopped writing and looked up at Roman. Roman didn't push the one thing he said. Sure, Roman was curious but right now Virgil just needed to get something off his chest, and he rather not piss Virgil off. When Virgil saw Roman wasn't going to push he continued writing.
I am in the custody of my uncle because both my mom and father signed off on a document that said they needed to delegate another person to take care of me. It was my mom who really wanted it, but my father didn't. He took it as an insult, but my mom tricked him into signing it. So I have lived here. That's just the background of what you need to know, so Picani said he got a call from the court that gave my uncle custody. My mom is gone, she divorced my father. But there was a term in the divorce that neither of them could have contact with me unless I fight it in court or until I turn 18. There is a restraining order against him being processed.
Roman read it and processed it. "I am sorry, Virgil. That's horrible that your dad would do something like that to spite your mom." Roman said.
I miss my mom, she tries to visit but each time she tried my father stopped her. He's horrible. Virgil wrote.
"Is he why you don't talk?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded and started to tear up. Roman moved Virgil so he was on his lap. "Hey, it's okay. He's a jerk, you can't help it." Virgil moved his arm so he could write more.
He always said I didn't have anything of value to say so I should just stop talking, so I did. He then told me one night when he was yelling that I was pathetic for not talking back. I wasn't a man. I was 13! What was I supposed to do? HE told me not to speak so I stopped. But when I didn't fight back, I wasn't a man? Who is a man at 13?
Roman watched as Virgil wrote. He was just spilling everything and Roman figured that Virgil needed it but he was going to over work himself again. Virgil was already breathing unevenly with the crying he had started and reliving whatever went on in his parent's house wasn't helping.
"Virgil, stop. I do want to hear it but you are going to start panicking again. I need you to breathe." Roman said. Virgil shook his head but his entire body was shaking. "Virgil, did he ever hit you?" Virgil stopped and looked at Roman.
Not me. My mom, whenever my father would yell at me after I stopped talking at home, she would defend me and then he would. He wouldn't do it in front of me or he thought I was in bed but I heard it all. I told my mom I knew and she told me I was going to go somewhere else. I can't believe she stayed when I left.
"She was looking for a way out. She got one and now she is safe. And guess what, if you don't want to fight it then you just have a year to wait until you can see her again. You are going to do so much." Roman said.
She told me that when I go and live here, she wanted me to try and talk again. When I first got here, I refused to even try. But then I realized that my uncle, Logan, and Patton wouldn't get off my back if I didn't so I chose to go on my own rather than fight it.
"Are you proud of what you have accomplished while going to appointments?" Roman asked.
Why should I? I can only talk to two people while in private. I can't talk to adults, or Janus or..Virgil stopped writing. He leaned on Roman. Why are you friends with me? I am a mess.
"Because you don't put up with my bullshit and you are incredibly kind despite you not wanting people to believe it. You are also strong as hell, you didn't have to tell me everything you just did. You could've just simply said your parents are getting divorced and it upset you. Instead you told me what went on in your house and what a jerk that guy is. You didn't have to relive that, but you did in the name of getting me to understand even a little bit." Roman said.
Why are you so nice? Like seriously, you are actually like a fucking prince. Virgil wrote. Roman shrugged.
"It runs in my veins." Roman checked the time. "Come on, let's get dressed for bed and get to it. I do have school tomorrow." Virgil nodded and Roman got his clothes and went to the bathroom. He took a deep breath and looked in the mirror.
That entire interaction broke his heart, Virgil was too good for that asshole of a guy who was his father. Only in the biological sense was that man his father, he was nothing more than a sperm donor to Roman.
Roman was feeling a weird mix of sadness and anger but mostly anger. As he fed into the thoughts, the light flickered. Roman noticed and sighed. He needed to calm down.
Virgil needed him. Virgil was the important thing. He got changed and brushed his teeth. Roman finished and left the bathroom, Virgil brushed his teeth after. Roman started to set up the couch for him to sleep on as Virgil exited the bathroom. Virgil looked at Roman confused.
"What? I'm setting up the couch to sleep on." Virgil nodded. After Roman was done, he turned off the lights and got into bed as well.
Roman was woken up a little bit later to a crying Virgil. Roman didn't need an explanation or anything but he jumped into action. "You okay?" Roman asked tiredly as he sat up and held Virgil's hand. Virgil had a light on and his notepad. Virgil handed him the notepad.
Can you sleep in my bed with me? I can't sleep. Roman figured the can't sleep thing alas a small lie but he looked at Virgil and couldn't say no.
"Yeah, let's go." Roman said and got up. He turned off the light while still holding Virgil's hand. He didn't fight it but Roman wasn't sure if he was uncomfortable.
Roman let Virgil get into the bed first and followed him. Virgil's bed was as big as the normal dorm bed so it was a bit cramped but Roman didn't mind. His bedsheets were black and purple, and his comforter was Nightmare Before Christmas. Roman laid down and closed his eyes.
He heard Virgil huff and then his own arms being moved. Roman opened his eyes and saw Virgil curled up to him. He smiled and held on a little tighter.
Virgil had a nightmare. He hadn't had one in a while but he knew that telling Roman the minimal amount of how his family lived would bring up old memories he really didn't want to remember. But he knew the consequences and he was glad Roman was there.
The nightmare was not a new one but it was one that he hadn't in a while. He woke up back at home to his father screaming at him, telling him to speak up or not at all. Why couldn't he understand that he stopped talking so he wouldn't get yelled at? Then when he did get out of bed and ran past his dad, he was met with his mom at the bottom of the stairs. And there were a lot of voices screaming that if he just talked then this wouldn't have happened. He shot up and was crying.
He scrambled out of bed and turned on the light. He wrote a note for Roman and he continued to cry for a little before he woke Roman up. He may be spent about five minutes crying and trying to calm down.
So he shook Roman and kept doing it until he moved and opened his eyes. There he panicked, could he really ask Roman to sleep in the same bed as him? He had fallen asleep on him before, so this really isn't anything different.
Roman's eyes widened and he sat up grabbing Virgil's hand. Virgil's heart picked up, he wasn't sure if it was panic or if it was because he liked Roman.
"Are you okay?" Roman asked in a voice that made Virgil's knees weak. He was glad that he was kneeling because he was pretty sure he would've fallen over and Roman would be so kind.
The fact Roman had been so nice when he was telling him about everything was only making the fact Virgil might not have him next year worse. Virgil shakily handed him the notepad. He watched Roman process it and look up.
Roman looked like he didn't exactly believe Virgil just couldn't sleep but he didn't push it. "Yeah, let's go." Roman got up and didn't let go of Virgil's hand. Virgil knew it was late and Roman was right, he had school tomorrow. Virgil knew his uncle would bring him his work after each period, but Virgil wondered if Roman would want to do work together like he offered.
Virgil climbed into his bed with Roman getting in after him. Roman faced him and just laid down. Virgil was surprised but figured Roman was giving him space. Virgil had fallen asleep on him once, there was no going back now. So he sighed and then moved Roman's arm.
He snuggled into Roman's chest, he liked it there. It was very warm and comfortable, and he knew why he had fallen asleep so easy after his previous panic attack. Despite really not wanting to, Virgil liked Roman and if he could keep the stubborn guy here with him for next year he would. He didn't want the moment to end, and he wasn't even sure if he was really feeling the emotions he was or if he was just misinterpreting the signs.
When he felt Roman's arms tighten slightly, he figured he didn't. He didn't want to admit it but he had enough panic for one day. There is no point in beating himself up when he is so tired. It would only lead to bad places. He really didn't want another panic attack today.
Virgil then allowed himself to indulge in feelings for Roman. He thought of how each morning they could wake up next to each other and every night he wouldn't have to sleep alone. He would not be alone in the future. Virgil and Roman would have a small apartment.
Maybe they would have a kitten, that was until they graduated college. By then Virgil would be talking again, he would have a good relationship with his mother. His father wouldn't be around, hell they would move to Florida or California. There Virgil would get a job at a school, and Roman would be a famous actor.
Virgil smiled, that was a great fantasy life. He was tired and wasn't letting his anxiety overtake him. Roman's breathing leveled out and Virgil knew he was asleep. Virgil adjusted so he had his arms to move.
He didn't want Roman to move his arms from Virgil's waist. He looked up at Roman's face. He was peaceful when he was sleeping. That's when Virgil took in Roman's face.
Without realizing it, Virgil lightly was tracing Roman's features. When Virgil moved to his cheek, Roman moved slightly and smiled in his sleep. Virgil had seen Roman smile multiple times but this one made me breathless. They all did but this one was the one that he realized he was truly fucked.
He was in so deep when he promised he wouldn't. But was that a bad thing? Roman was very nice and he was very protective, so was having Roman here a bad thing. Virgil saw a light flash through the room, then he heard a whisper.
"Keep it up." Virgil sighed and waved off the ancestor. When he left, Virgil went back to watching Roman sleep. It felt creepy but he liked looking at Roman's face.
Virgil finally decided to go to sleep so he could have breakfast with Roman tomorrow. Virgil snuggled back into Roman's chest, and then knowing full well Roman was asleep and couldn't hear him said to him, "Thank you."
Virgil's alarm went off, and the two woke up unhappy. Roman tried to move but Virgil just latched on more. Roman chuckled.
"Virgil, I have to get up. I have school."
Virgil shook his head and held up five fingers. "Five more minutes?" Roman clarified and Virgil nodded. Roman checked Virgil's phone for the time. "I think I can spare a few minutes." He said and repositioned so Roman was holding Virgil again.
Roman put his head on Virgil's head and closed his eyes. Suddenly, the bathroom door was opened. "I know you chose not to go to class today, but I wanted to tell you- what is going on?" Logan said looking up. Roman and Virgil jumped. Virgil hid and Roman chuckled.
"He wasn't feeling good yesterday and wouldn't let me go, so I just kinda slept in the bed with him."Roman said. Logan looked at the two and nodded.
"Okay, well you are fully clothed so that is a good sign." Logan said, and Roman smiled at what he was implying. Virgil took a pillow and threw it at Logan who smiled. "Anyway, I am telling you we are leaving for breakfast. Roman you might want to get up and get ready." Logan fixed his cuff and then walked out.
Roman looked at Virgil. "Well that was something else but he's not wrong. I do have to go to school, are you going today?" Virgil shook his head and then Roman moved. Virgil made a face and then flopped on his bed.
Roman smiled and then poked Virgil's stomach. He squeaked and Roman smiled. "Don't be like that, I can come back if you want me to. I do have theater today." Virgil looked up and then sat up. "Are you good?" Virgil nodded and reached for his phone.
"Can we have lunch? I need something to look forward to." Virgil's phone said.
"We can. Want to come to theater today?" Virgil shrugged. "Alright, I am going to get dressed, keep being cute." Virgil rolled his eyes.
He was then hit with the actions of everyone at once. Roman and him had slept in the same bed. He had talked to Roman without Roman knowing it. Roman had cuddled with him the morning after because he asked. Logan implied they slept together. Roman was going to have lunch with him.
"Hey, hey, you okay?" Roman said. Virgil didn't realize he had come out of the bathroom.
"Over thinking again." Virgil typed.
"Well, I can only do what I know what to do. If there is anything specific you need, text me okay?" Virgil nodded. "Great, let's get to breakfast." Virgil nodded and jumped off his bed and then grabbed a change of clothes and got dressed quickly. Roman was waiting by his door.
Virgil wondered what he did to deserve a person like Roman.
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