《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Eleven
After dinner, Patton and Virgil went to visit the Headmaster for the night. That left Logan and Janus to talk or not even hang out. However considering the actions of both of them at dinner, they both needed to talk. Clearly Logan had information that Janus had asked for. Logan unlocked the door and let Janus in. Logan did his normal routine of a Saturday. Take his shoes off and set his clothes for the next day. He did this all while talking with Janus.
"So shall we discuss what happened at dinner?" Logan said. And Janus settled on a desk chair.
"If we must. But I can't get why Virgil is suddenly hanging out with Roman and why you and Patton are behind him." Janus said.
"I do not know Patton's reasons but I know my own. I suspect Patton's has to do with the fact of Virgil's change after Monday. He was happier after they had a bit more of an interaction. Virgil also made a giant leap in progress. That being said, with my own interactions with Roman and observing the two working in English, as well as Virgil's reaction after Monday, I can see what Virgil sees. He does care a lot about Virgil and Virgil seems to like him. I think that maybe Roman had a bigger impact than we know." Logan explained while refolding his clothes.
"Doesn't change he's a dick and maybe dangerous. I mean two arrests?" Janus scoffed.
"Need I remind you of your own record? You aren't exactly an angel either. And it looks like he finally stuck up for himself." Logan pointed out.
"I am trying to make up for that! That's all this last year has been! I did wrong and I am trying to fix it!" Janus said.
"And Roman has done nothing in the last month or two he has been here. We have to think that Roman had a motive behind those things. Does he really seem like the type to vandalize something?" Logan asked.
"I guess not. But still, what if he's lying to us?" Janus countered. "I think I would know, but I am not so sure he is being fully truthful. With any of us."
"I don't think he is. If he is, shouldn't he have a reason to as well?"
"And what do you mean after Monday? What progress did Virgil make?" Janus asked changing the topic. Logan sighed and moved over to his own desk chair and spun it so it faced Janus.
"I don't know exactly how many times it has happened but Roman has been getting his wounds tending to by Virgil. But Sunday night Roman had come to Virgil and you were screaming in the hall, I don't know how he did it but he was able to calm you down enough and make sure Roman was okay all while not freaking out himself. However, Roman had to stay overnight to not break curfew. He also snapped at Virgil which angered Virgil and came back and yelled at me." Logan said.
"Virgil talked?" Janus asked quietly. Logan nodded.
"I think by preventing them from coming together in public, they did in private. And you allowed them to do what we fought so hard to prevent. But at this point," Logan sighed. "I think we have to let them be. Which may be difficult for considering your feelings for Virgil." Logan said.
"I just don't want a repeat of last time." Janus said.
"None of us do, but we must give Virgil more credit as he progresses. He was so scared when he left us last time. When he came back, he wanted to so much more. So let's stop being the antagonist here, don't let jealousy cloud your judgement towards Virgil and Roman. Virgil might pull away from you the more you push against Roman. You don't have to like him, but tolerate him for Virgil." Logan gently said. Well as gently as he could.
"But I don't like him! I can't explain it but I don't!" Janus said. He was frustrated. Logan had said jealousy but was it really that? Did his feelings for Virgil grow that much and is that how people have perceived it?
"The more you suppress a thought, the more intrusive it becomes. Don't rule that you like Virgil romantically out." Logan said, Janus stood up.
"I don't like Virgil that way! He's like a little brother. Like I don't want anything to happen. After I caused so much damage without even knowing his past, I felt guilty. Sure I wouldn't mind a relationship but I am nowhere near ready for it. Not for what Virgil needs. I can barely tolerate Patton's hugs however rare they are for me, I can barely tell Virgil that he will be okay after a panic attack in fear of fucking it up again."
"That's the issue! We are treating him like glass so thin he can shatter easily, but we are forgetting that with how much he has been through has made him stronger. He isn't the kid I lived with, he's so much more. Maybe Roman will be able to give him what he needs." Logan said. Janus scoffed.
"I highly doubt it. He's so disconnected from his feelings he can't see that he likes Virgil. He won't be able to give Virgil what he needs." Janus said.
"We won't know if we don't give it a chance." Logan said.
"No! Roman will not be able to do it. He can't give Virgil the years of hugs he missed out on. The amount of reassurance that he would need each time he makes a life changing decision. A date that would be normal? They can't do that, not while Virgil is mute." Janus reasoned.
"What if he starts talking again? Would Roman have a shot then in your opinion?" Logan asked.
"I don't know, will Virgil ever talk again?" Janus asked.
"It's very possible he will. If he continues this progress, he may before the end of the summer." Logan answered.
"And if Roman breaks him? Will he stop talking then? Back track?"
"I can't answer that. No one can, we don't have that information. The best we can do is adapt to what he wants. Virgil wants a friendship with Roman, if their feelings grow then we will watch it then. We will make it clear to Roman that he isn't to mess with Virgil for fun. Can we do this for Virgil?" Logan asked.
"I just got on his good side. I saw how much it hurt Patton, you, and even Virgil after my actions. I don't want you guys to lose him. Hell, I don't want to lose him and I have only been his friend for a little over a year."
"None of us want to lose him again, but if we keep fighting him on his obvious want to be friends with Roman, we are going to lose him and maybe much more. He can't take the loss of his support system. You are part of Virgil's support system now, and I know you can handle your anger in different ways. Don't fight Roman anymore." Logan advised.
"No promises, Logan. It's pointless now but what I asked you about? Did you find anything?" Janus asked.
"One case was dropped due to him being so young, they let him off with a fine. The other case was brought to trial but they found him not guilty, but he pled guilty. Roman was released because he was well known and liked. The case was so dependent on eye witnesses, and one was so insane that she was removed from the courtroom. Roman has been innocent, plus I looked into other things as well. All of the things he was involved in and got in trouble for was to protect someone." Logan said.
"What?" Janus asked.
"His entire exterior and motives are for a person he loves. His brother." Logan said. "And I know you witnessed first hand their bond. Don't chase Virgil away in claims to be protecting him." Janus then excused himself. He had a lot to think about.
Logan sighed as he watched his friend leave. Could he call Janus a friend? Logan wasn't sure, but he decided to not worry about it at the moment. He pulled his computer out and opened the file he had on Roman and his brother. His brother apparently had gone silent when Roman left. He fell into a depressive state that made the school nervous, if Roman was gone and Remus was that dejected, then where was Roman?
The crazy theories that they all had were not even close to the truth and the amount of people poking around in his past only made them worse. Roman was surprisingly well liked, it was his brother that wasn't. That's what made Roman who he was. Logan had only claimed that he took a lot of the blame for his brother. He wasn't going to give Janus the very thing that could very well harm Roman more than anything.
The truth behind all his actions towards people here. But if this friendship with Virgil went further than they all think then they heal together. Logan hoped for both their sake that was what happened. But for now, they just had to watch it.
Logan looked at his file, and then the door. He debated with his mouse hovering over the delete button. Sure, it wouldn't be truly gone but he really didn't want to help Janus out anymore if Roman was going to be friends with Virgil.
Logan sighed and moved his mouse. He didn't tell anyone but there was a reason why he was so good at getting information. Besides, information on Roman could prove helpful in the future.
Roman laughed as the small group of friends sat around the table in the common room. The group was playing Cards Against Humanity and it was going well.
Thanks to Remus, Roman had quite the extensive pool for crude humor, and he has played this game with Remus. Roman was holding back because he really didn't need to beat out his brother, the self proclaimed trash man.
But he was currently winning. It was at least a few hours after dinner, and the group was having quite the time throwing around friendly insults and profanities to one another. Roman had gotten quite a lot because he had nine black cards.
They were playing the game to ten, and he was one away from winning and he had his secret card. It was Michael's turn to be the Card Tzar and Roman knew that his card would win despite him using the secret card.
Just as Roman predicted, he won that round and the game. He smiled as he raised his hand when Micheal picked his card.
"Jesus Roman! How are you so good at this game? You were literally watching every other game but this one you jumped in and won? What the hell? Are you a secret card game enthusiast?" Alex asked.
Roman chuckled. "Nah, this is my brother's favorite game and you haven't played a real game of this until you have with him."
"Ain't that the truth." Micheal said, taking a pile from Kayleigh and putting it in the box.
"You know his brother?" Another one of Micheal's friend Caden asked.
"I do." Micheal said. "Roman and I just figured out that we are from the same town."
"Really? So you know stories about little Roman?" Victoria asked excitedly.
"A few." Micheal said and smirked.
"Please don't." Roman groaned and leaned back.
"Don't worry..I won't say too much. Considering the fact Roman barely remembers me being in his classes. Granted we ran in different circles but who couldn't know the charismatic and popular half of the Kingsley Twins." Micheal said dramatically.
"You know, I always hated that name. I got it changed. It's now the Myth Twins. Considering both mine his name comes from Roman mythology I liked it better. Plus I am good at getting what I want and have been compared to different Gods before. Can't see why though." Roman said the last sentence sarcastically.
"No, you? Getting all there is to get?" Micheal answered and laughed.
"Ah, you have heard of my adventures?" Roamn asked.
"How could one not, my lord?" Micheal answered and the two of them laughed. Everyone else was confused.
"What...the hell was that?" Kayleigh asked.
"Inside jokes between a few other old classmates. When we were younger people would call Roman the prince of our town because he was most likely to take over his parents business or go one and be famous somewhere. They called his brother a prince too." Micheal explained.
"Some other people had figured that out here." Roman said and rolled his eyes. "And my brother goes by the Duke now."
Micheal nodded his head. "Scary." Roman rolled his eyes. "Are you talking about Janus?"
"How'd you know?" Roman said.
"Just a hunch, you two are like the talk of the school with your rivalry over a certain purple haired boy." Micheal said, smirking.
"What?" Roman said, confused.
"Come on, Roman. You can't be that stupid. You really didn't hear the rumors?" Victoria laughed.
"No, he hasn't. A lot of the rumors are coming from the underclassmen and the dorms around the Sanders Cousins." Caden said. "The only reason any of us know is because my little sister is here and tells me everything."
"Ah, yes. Young Sarah, nosy enough to find everything. But it's not just the underclassmen, a lot of our class is talking about it. I mean how could they not? The Sanders Cousins are literally in our class, they are going to be under the eye of everyone. Good and bad." Alex said. That didn't comfort Roman. The fact that Virgil was being watched so much and Roman knew how nervous around a lot of things made Roman a bit upset.
"What are they saying?" Roman asked.
"Well, they are saying you are fighting over Virgil's affections. Mostly, that and there is rumor that Janus is jealous over the fact you came in and it seemed that Virgil took to you easier than he did to himself."
"Ha, that's a laugh and a half." A new voice said. Janus stood over in the doorway of the common room.
"What do you want?" Roman asked, annoyed.
"Well, my name was being used as well as yours so I think I have a right to know what people are saying." He said and moved into the light. He wasn't wearing his usual hat, but his sweatshirt had yellow snakes on it that wrapped around both arms.
"Like you didn't have any idea about the rumors, you probably had something to do with them." Roman said. Janus just chuckled.
"Actually, I did not. But this isn't the first time I have heard that rumor. But I'll tell your little friends this: Roman and I are not in a jealousy war over a guy. We simply have differing views on things, and that can get a bit explosive. Bye bye everyone, and Roman watch yourself. There are still things you don't know." Janus said and then moved over to the stairs. He disappeared up them.
"That wasn't tense in the slightest." Kayleigh said.
"Whatever, he's gone now. But he's right, we aren't fighting over Virgil's attention. To be quite honest it's very one sided, I don't know why we are but I think this is my life now." Roman said, Micheal got a pack of playing cards out.
"Well what is going on between you and Virgil? I saw you two looking at each other at dinner plus, you walked in together." Victoria asked. She was nosy and the gossip of the group.
"Just a friendship, that's it." Roman answered, that's all it was. At the moment but Roman wouldn't let himself think about that.
Micheal snorted as he passed out pieces for the next game. "Yeah, friends that's what you two are. It's not like Virgil asked him to go to the festival with him. You playing this round, Ro?" Roman shook his head.
"Wait, Virgil Cyrus asked you to the Festival? You said yes right?" Alex panicked.
"He did eventually. Good thing Virgil is nice or he would have Janus on you in a minute." Micheal responded.
"But you didn't at first? What is wrong with you?" Alex asked.
"I didn't have a costume!" Roman threw his hands up, the game started but he still got the third degree about his relationship with Virgil.
"Whatever, but when it comes to the festivals we throw here, if one of the Sanders Cousins asks you to go to one then you say yes." Alex said.
"Why? Because they are related to the Headmaster?" Roman laughed while watching the game. "I really doubt that. They haven't used their power for bad since I have been here."
"It's not that. There is a rumor about the Sanders family." Alex started. The rest of the group groaned. They had obviously heard this before.
"Let's not go over this again, there is nothing going on with that family! It was rumor spread by the other schools when the Sanders family took over the school! It's not even that big of a deal anymore!" Kayleigh exclaimed.
"What are you talking about?" Roman asked, Westward was well respected in his hometown so a negative rumor about it surprised Roman.
Victoria spoke up this time. "There was a rumor spread around when the Headmaster took over that said his family used some other methods to get him in to place here. And they didn't mean money. In fact, the town where Virgil is from is where the Sanders family has a huge reputation and his parents are well known as well. But with each well respected family, come enemies. And the family that disliked the Sanders Family the most was none other than the Cyrus Family. Or Virgil's father's family, when his mother and father got married the rivalry was supposed to be over. However rumors flew around that the Sanders were witches and had cast a spell on the youngest Cyrus who had done more than go against his family and their wishes. He had a kid with Virgil's mother, or Virgil. The entire thing was insane and pointless but the fact that Virrgil's mother got his father to hand custody over to her brother until he turned 18 said something. The rumor is that the Sanders family is descended from powerful witches from Ireland, and they still use their practice to this day. This is something that really doesn't make sense considering it's just Virgil and Patton who practice, it comes from Virgil's father apparently."
"That is so dramatic. How much of that is actually true?" Roman said, fully aware he was being hypocritical.
"Well, like I said most of it is rumor. No one knows what really happened in the Cyrus household. However Virgil's mother didn't change her last name which spread different kinds of rumors. That Virgil was born out of wedlock or he wasn't planned. Alex is so keen on proving that the Sanders aren't actually witches. He's obsessed." Victoria brushed it off as just a silly rumor.
"Because magic can't be real! How is one supposed to be able to do amazing things but keep it contained?" Alex asked.
"Practice maybe?" Roman spoke up and everyone looked at him. He leaned forward and placed his arms on the table. "Look, if we view this issue as a problem with containment then the answer is simple. You practice to master something, just like sports or the video games we all play. So the idea of it being contained isn't that impossible, maybe you are struggling with the fact that magic is something you can't wield but you have tried?"
Everyone was shocked at the words that had come out Roman's mouth, even himself. Roman showed he was surprised by joining their silence.
"That came out of left field." Micheal said.
"Trust me it took me by surprise too. Let's just forget about that and continue playing." Roman said and his friends shrugged then took the suggestion. They didn't notice the brief wave of energy that fell over them and the flash in Roman's eyes.
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