《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Ten
Despite telling Micheal he did, he still hadn't told Vrigil that he was going to the Festival with him. But that required him to ask someone who he previously rejected by accident. It was now the Saturday before the Festival and Micheal had said they were going into the town in the late morning and they would be back before dinner. Roman still had no idea what he was going to do, but he had access to cash his parents provided. If it was for a justified reason they wouldn't be bothered.
Roman sat with his roommate by the shuttle station. Roman was dressed in a leather jacket built for semi cold environments and blue jeans. He had a maroon shirt under the jacket. Micheal was going on and on about the different costume stores, when a white car pulled through the lot. It was a small Toyota and Roman saw Virgil sitting in the back.
Virgil seemed to be going to town as well. He smiled to himself and thought of the ways that he could ask Virgil again. Roman did know he was seen in the library sometimes.
"Hey Michael? Where does Virgil mostly hang out?" Roman asked.
"Like alone?" Micheal sighed. "He's barely seen without his cousin or his other two friends. Sometimes he goes to the library when his cousin is working, but others say they sometimes see him in really hard to find places. He likes big windows and balconies. Why?"
"I have a question about homework." Roman answered.
"Sure..." Micheal said, and the shuttle pulled up. The roommates got into the shuttle and sat down. A few of their friends had come with them and they all were excited to show Roman the town.
The shuttle dropped them off and the group went around the area. Roman had to admit the town was cute. It looked more like part of a city than a town. Micheal said that was because technically it was a city but there were two parts.
Roman stood in awe at the busy area. This isn't what he expected. He expected a slow cute town that wasn't as busy as this was. The town had a city feel but was still cute. He had no idea what he was going to do. They were in the town square, there were so many small shops that he wasn't sure what he was going to do. He saw breakfast places, cafes, clothing stores, and there was a grocery store as well.
"So, Victoria wants to go see if they have her new costume ready because she is able to go back to skating next week, Kayleigh wants to go to her cafe, me and Alex need to go buy a few games for game night tonight, and Roman needs a costume for his date." Micheal said. He had told the others and they hadn't let it go.
Roman rolled his eyes and his friends laughed. "Well, I am sure Roman would love to see the cafe so let's go there and we will have snacks as we go on our adventure." Kayleigh said, the group agreed and they went off to a small cafe that had a blue sign.
They ordered a mix of drinks, with only two of them getting coffee, and some snacks. His friends were all talking and they left the cafe after receiving their drinks. Roman held a Caramel mocha coffee and a chocolate cookie. He wasn't too hungry but the school really didn't serve sweets often.
He saw Virgil, Logan, and Patton enter a small store. He watched as Patton bounced over to the store dragging Logan behind him while Virgil strolled behind them as well. Virgil was laughing at the two, and Roman smiled. What Roman would do to hear him laugh and see him comfortable around him.
"Let's get Victoria's costume out of the way guys." Micheal said as they crossed the road. They went into the store next to the one that Virgil had entered.
"Hey, what's the store next door?" Roman asked.
"Oh, that's the local witchy shop. They also do custom clothes for a hefty price but Headmaster Sanders is good friends with the owner so they come and provide supplies for the Wicca classes." Kayleigh said. "I know the daughter of the owners, that's why I know. I am originally from around here and the daughter works at the rink we rent out for practices." Roman nodded.
"I was just wondering, it caught my eye." He brushed off. Kayleigh nodded and then rolled her eyes. They were really so obvious.
After a half hour, Victoria had her dress ordered and they were on their way to find Halloween costumes. They walked into the costume store that was set up in an open space. Roman was looking around the different costumes from musicals when he shook his head. Maybe this entire thing wasn't a good idea.
He looked over and saw his friends and roommate, they were good people. They would come to town without him anyway but they pushed him to do some things that he wouldn't do otherwise. He looked at the costumes when a girl came over. She had pink strands in her long brown hair, she wore a black dress with leather boots.
"I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?" She asked him. Roman was taken by surprise. She wasn't. "Calm down, it's a small town I have lived here my entire life I know everyone. New over at Westward?"
"Is it that obvious?" Roman asked.
"No, the Headmaster's nephew and son were talking about a new student and I figured I would go talk to this new guy."
"And you knew I would be here?" Roman asked.
"I followed the sound of denial." She said while looking at a few costumes. "So what's your name, new guy?"
"Ro-Roman." He said.
"Interesting." Was all she said and kept looking.
"What's yours?" He asked.
"Your name?" He clarified. She looked at him and smirked.
"Zelena, but most people call me Ze." She glanced at what he was looking at. "You should go with the vampire costume. It'll match." She said and then got what she came for and went to pay. He looked at the vampire costumes.
There was a prince one and he moved over to it. He got the costume off the shelf and looked at the extra materials he needed. "Victoria! You are good with makeup right?"
The friend group sat on the shuttle on their way back to the school. Roman with his bag for his costume, it was bigger than he would've liked but he was going to try it out. He was going to be who he wanted to be when he was younger, the person Remus wanted for him.
Roman was still not good with what Remus had proposed but he figured he could start small, go have fun on a night that he would have otherwise just wallowed in his self pity. After the Halloween thing, if it went well, he was going to do what Virgil mentioned. Try out for something, maybe just be a stage crew. Whatever Virgil saw, maybe Roman would work towards that.
He got back to the shared dorm he had with Micheal and he put his stuff away. He put the costume on a hook so the wrinkles would work themselves out. He was surprised at the quality, it was good quality for a common store. That is when Micheal told him that the only chain stores were in a different part of town.
"The school takes care of us. They believe in growth by reflection and on our own terms. We do what we can and it's a skill that has worked." Micheal said while putting his things away and getting another bag ready for the game night they were going to hold.
"I guess that you are correct in that." Roman picked up the crown and put it on the hanger. He looked at the costume and felt something. Nervousness.
"It's normal to be nervous before a first date, I would be more worried if you weren't or you would be that confident in yourself. But after living with you for a bit I can tell you aren't too much of a dick." Micheal said and Roman looked at his roommate.
"Thanks, Mike. But it's not a date." Roman said.
"You know I hate that. Also you coming tonight or are you going to be antisocial?" Micheal asked.
"I'll go, what the hell. Even if I just watch, it will be better than studying. I am ahead anyway." Roman said.
"You know your work ethic doesn't match what they say about you." Micheal said.
"Who?" Roman asked him. Micheal smiled.
"Everyone back home. We are from the same town, even the same class in kindergarten. How is Remus?" He asked.
"Impulsive as ever. Were you going to tell me sooner? Like dude, we could've been friends from all the way back." Roman asked.
"Nah, this was way more fun. Also we weren't friends, just in the same class, another friend of mine had told me about your change after middle school. I remember watching it start to unfold, did you end up here because you took the fall for Remus one too many times?" Roman laughed.
"I guess so, I am here because my parents hold me as the responsible one for Remus and my own actions. I just didn't want him to be here and go through this change by himself, I am better at it and can handle it better. Just another way for me to protect him. I am going for a walk before dinner, I'll meet you at the dining hall when the bell rings?" Roman said and Micheal nodded.
"Have fun."
"We can continue this conversation later though." Roman said.
"It would be good to get to know the person so many people are afraid of but I see the other side. I see how different you are." Micheal said.
"Sure but be careful. People are starting crazy rumors and they may not believe you." Roman said as he gathered some things.
"A risk I am willing to take, but don't worry your reputation will still be safe. For Remus of course." Roman nodded and left.
"For Remus." He whispered. This really was a hefty price and not one he expected to pay for his brother, and it was something that was changing him.
He was back at the window with the meadow. He hadn't been here in months and he missed it. He was finishing up details on the drawing he was working on, he decided that he would add another person. The drawing was of a story he had thought up. He was never good at writing but he did have notes about it. The drawing was of a vampire hunter that was in the time period of Victorian England. The costume he had back in his room was based off the character.
Virgil the Vampire Hunter.
Virgil scrunched his nose up at it. The story was about a hunter who really didn't want to be a hunter but he had a job to do and it paid well so he did it. Virgil did base the attitude of the hunter on him, the way he held himself and interacted in drawings Virgil had done was close to how he perceived himself to be if he could talk.
When he could talk.
He had the urge to add another person but he didn't. He hated the fact that he was so influenced by others. By now he had realized he liked Roman more than he let on. He just didn't want to tell Roman because it was too soon. So when he couldn't focus on the hunter, he huffed and flipped the page to a clean one and started to sketch a heart.
He had gotten back from town with his cousin and Logan about three hours ago. They had also gotten cookies from a bakery that his uncle loved and a few things settled at his uncle's friend's shop. With Patton and Ze on his back, he really couldn't get away from the energy they inflicted. They wanted information, Patton for his own sake and Ze because she found it funny to get on Virgil's nerves.
He listened to his music as he sketched the heart. He wasn't looking at the meadow like he usually does. He decided to have his body parallel to the window and meadow and look over the hallway. He looked up slightly to not get too focused into his drawing and miss the dinner bell to see a few students walk by.
Virgil was almost ready to switch over to a pen to finalize the drawing when a rock hit his foot. He looked confused at it. The rock he threw up here a few months ago was still there. This was a new one and he looked over to the hallway and saw Roman standing there smiling. Virgil took off his headphones and gave him his attention.
"Can I join you?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded and pointed to the window sill he used to climb up. Roman took a minute to get up there and got settled where Vrigil originally sat. Now he sat opposite to Roman and Roman overlooked the hallway.
Virgil didn't know what to do but he still had a drawing that he wanted to finish. He sat in comfortable silence with Roman who swung his legs. Virgil had turned up the music enough that it was playing softly through the headphones around his neck, he had the impulse to hum a little bit but didn't. Roman was there and he only knew him for a few months. Virgil had his limits though he was going to try better.
"I can see why you find this place appealing." Roman said suddenly. Virgil looked up and saw that Roman was looking at the meadow. "The meadow is pretty, it's where I had a small fight with my brother over the phone. It was a nice place for a horrible conversation." Virgil nodded.
He wasn't sure why Roman was telling him this but people had the tendency to over share with a mute so Virgil was used to it. Virgil put his pencil down and got a pen to outline the marks so he could erase the stray ones.
"I got your note like a month ago by the way. I just didn't know how to react to it, I am sorry for being an ass while back. You still have been nothing but kind. Forgive me?" Roman said.
Virgil took his phone out and disconnected his headphones. He shut off the music and typed a message out. I already did. On Monday, when you came to the door. I was upset but I knew it was an act.
Roman read the note and answered. "You did?" Virgil smiled and took Roman's hand so he would look at Virgil. He nodded. "That's good to hear."
A shrill bell sounded through the school. Dinner. "I guess we should go huh?" Roman said. Virgil nodded and started to clean up his art supplies. He placed them in a bag. "Okay, stupid question. How do we get down?" Roman asked.
Virgil smiled and then moved to the edge of the sill. Then much to Roman's horror, he jumped down. Roman gasped but Virgil landed safely. Virgil looked up and motioned for him to follow. "Are you sure?" Virgil opened his phone again and typed something.
The automated voice rang through the hall. "One option is to do it, another is to stay up there. You decide." Roman took a deep breath and then jumped down. "I am surprised you were so reluctant, with the rap sheet as long as yours, parkour seems like in your wheelhouse or not so far from it." Roman shook his head.
"No, I hated that when I tried. I have only climbed one fence and there is a long scar on my thigh that shows the aftermath." Virgil smiled and then moved his head towards the hall. "No, let's walk together." Roman said.
Roman fell into step with Virgil, Virgil felt comfortable. He didn't know why but he thought it had to do with the fact he accepted he had a crush. The pair walked through the halls slowly just in each other's company.
"This was nice, could we do it again?" Roman asked and Virgil nodded. Roman smiled. "Oh, and is that invitation to the Halloween thing still open?" Roman asked.
Virgil looked over at him. He had asked Roman and he had said no. Now he wanted to go? Why?
"My brother and I talked about it. He said that I was being too cautious and not having enough fun, and you sounded like fun." Roman said and Virgil nodded. He took a pen out of his bag and stopped walking. He held a hand out to Roman, Roman confusedly gave his hand over. Virgil wrote his number on his palm.
"If you need me, text me. Also I would like it if you came with me, just me. Patton and Logan are going a couple and I rather not be a third wheel." Virgil's phone said.
"Well, I won't deny that request. But why me? Why not Janus?" Roman asked. Virgil rolled his eyes.
"Janus doesn't do crowds, even if I asked him. It's my favorite holiday and I don't want to go alone." The phone said.
"Then you won't." Roman said and held a pinkie out. "Pinkie promise." Virgil smiled and almost laughed. That made Roman smile. "I have a mission now. Come on, we mustn't be any later. Don't want your uncle mad at me for making you late." Roman said and then grabbed Virgil's hand.
They ran through the hallway to the dining hall. Virgil was happy with the contact. Virgil and Roman had past Janus, Virgil waved as they went by. Virgil would never admit it but the look of shock on his face made the interaction with Roman so much better.
Before they went into the dining hall Roman asked him something that he was wondering himself. "Are we friends? Like can we start like this before going to the Festival together?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded.
I would like to be friends. Virgil typed out. Roman smiled and Virgil's heart fluttered and he got a whiff of roses. He didn't want to react to either stimuli and Roman had opened the door for him. There was a teacher who tapped her watch as a warning and let them go. Virgil had extended time to get to classes and meal times but it extended only so far.
Roman waved to Virgil and Virgil waved back. They went to their separate tables, Virgil was a little bummed by it but didn't really show it.
"So..You and Roman?" Patton asked and Virgil flushed. He looked away and nibbled on the carrot from his plate.
"Now, now Patton, we mustn't jump to conclusions. But I am curious, did Roman have a question about the homework? Or was it a question about you?" Logan asked. Virgil groaned.
"You are mean sometimes." He whispered to his friends who only laughed and high fived. He figured that them getting together would be a good thing but instead he had two people to answer to. He didn't know he created a power couple when Patton said yes that night.
"What the hell did I just witness between you and Roman?" Janus asked and sat down.
"Janus, good of you to join us. We were just getting on Virgil's case-" Logan started.
"Good, because he needs to not be around Roman." Janus said. Virgil was surprised by his response.
"Let me finish. We were getting on Virgil's case about his new romantic interest." Logan said and Virgil put his hood up to hide. Janus choked on what he was eating.
"Romantic what?" Janus asked.
"More like Roman-tic, am I right?" Patton said and Virgil sighed.
Can we talk about this later? You know when he's not right there!?! Virgil signed.
"Patton?" Logan asked and Patton nodded.
"I guess we could for now and Janus don't get too worked up. Roman might be a little bit abrasive but aren't you as well?" Patton said.
"But I-" Janus started and Logan interjected.
"Before you answer Janus, I just want to remind you that none of us at this table are innocent of much. I mean this with the most respect that I can muster, but don't you think you and Roman have things in common?" Logan asked.
"You know what? We might but at least I am working to get better, as far as I know he isn't even trying. He's a pretty face that has money. He got out of his situations by money and family ties."
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