《Pied Piper | {K.NJ}》Chapter 4


You were staring at him as he introduced himself and you didn't realise it until he started waving his hand in front of your face. You blinked as you regained your conscious.

"Well, little kitten. I suggest you should head back home. It's late."

He turned around to go back into his house but you grabbed his shirt.


He faced you again.

"Is something wrong?"

"Are you going to break my heart?"

He looked at you surprised and then bursted out laughing. You ended up blushing and you knew it since you could feel your cheeks heating up.

"I'm not sure how you ended up here but I don't toy around with little kids' hearts."

You felt kind of hurt when he said that. It's as if he sees you like a little kid and you didn't like that fact for no particular reason.

"I-I'm not a little kid... t-then can you explain to me why I feel so weird when I hear the sound of your flute?"

You pointed at his flute and his eyes travelled to it as well. He held it up higher and looked at you.

"You came here because you heard it?"

You nodded and observed his expression. He seemed kind of confused as well but you couldn't really tell because it was indeed dark despite the moonlight.

"That's unusual but you came here with your own will, right? It's possible that you were tempted but you don't seemed controlled."

You didn't really understand what he was saying so you just looked at him blankly. He got the message and patted your head.

You flinched when you felt his touch. You didn't know if it was because it was too sudden. But you didn't hate it for sure.

"Don't think too much about it. It's better if you leave, little kitten."

You didn't know what to say and what he suggested was something you should do. But then you wanted to stay a bit longer. It was kind of obvious on your face.

Still, you told him sure and he smiled, which showed his dimples again. Somehow your heart tingled a bit.

He looked around and then at his watch.

"It's late, little kitten. I'll accompany you back."

You didn't deny his offer. You didn't want to. You actually felt happy that he would do that.


The two of you walked down the quiet dark streets of your neighbourhood. It was indeed late and you didn't even notice it until you started paying attention to your surroundings.

From time to time, you peeked at him. He was humming to some tune that he usually played on the flute.


'He seems like a good guy,' you thought to yourself.

It wasn't a very long walk. You reached your house and just as you were about to turn your door knob, Seokjin popped up and hugged you.

"(Y/N)! Where have you been?!"

You jumped as he held you tightly in his arms. He must have been pretty worried based on how frantic he looked.

"O-oppa. I went to greet our neighbour."

He glanced down at you, without removing his arms. You could tell that you were going to get a whole load of nagging on how you should not be wandering around this late at night.

"Oh Hyung! Is little kitten your Sister?"

He let go of you and diverted his attention to Namjoon. You stood in between and stare at the two.

"Namjoon! So it's you who moved in. Sorry Hyung had been busy to visit."

"Oppa you know him?"

Your Brother nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

"We've known each other for quite a long time. You may not know him since you weren't born yet but he used to hang out at our house often."

You formed an 'o' with your mouth as you listened to him. You didn't really know who your brother's friends are since he was caught up with part time jobs by the time you were at the age to attend school. So, this was a rare sight and who would have thought that he was friends with the Pied Piper.

Seokjin offered him to come in but Namjoon kindly declined.

"I'll come visit some other time, Hyung. Maybe for dinner! I miss your food."


He leaned in and beamed at you which made you move back slightly because you were shocked by his sudden movement. He laughed at your reaction and patted your head.

"See you around, little kitten."


You rolled in your bed, trying to sleep but you couldn't take him out of your mind. Furthermore, the flute started playing and you ended up spending the entire night with your eyes wide opened.


"(Y/N), you are early today."

You were greeted by the person with copper red hair and extremely bright smile at the counter. It's a Sunday and Sunday means helping out at the cafe.

It's a part time job that you took to aid your brother in some way. You just had to mostly help the owner but he still pays you much more than necessary.

"Good morning, Hoseok-oppa."

Hoseok is pretty close to you and Seokjin. When he heard that you were looking for a job, he offered it to you immediately. He's like your Brother. He cares and wouldn't let you work elsewhere. Simply because you might end up getting hurt or overworked. And Seokjin only allowed you to work here so you didn't have a choice.


It's not like you hated it. In fact you love it but you just feel bad because you don't have to do much.

You headed to change into your uniform and you could hear a customer coming already. In the speed of light, you got dressed and came out of the waiting room to get ready to serve the customers.


The cafe was packed. Customers continuously visited the cafe and you could recognise some of the faces. Hoseok's cafe is popular on social media and many of the customers were girls who came to check Hoseok out.

You don't blame them. Hoseok is charming and kind hearted. Plus more customers meant more profit.

You could finally take a break after the lunch time was over. Although it was mostly Hoseok doing the work, you still helped him out even though he asked you not to.

You placed your head on the table at the window seat of the cafe. A cup of coffee was placed before you so you tilted your head up.

"Have a drink, (Y/N)."

You thanked Hoseok and held the cup in your hand. You stare out of the window and watched the people walking past. Looking at them made you think of Namjoon.

You shook your head, trying to get him out of your head. You couldn't believe he popped up in your head all of a sudden.

You put the cup down and took out your phone. Without you realising, you were already scrolling through the updates about Pied Piper.

You gasped and pressed your home button which brought you back to the home screen. You scratched your head in frustration.

"Why does he keep occupying my brain?!"

"Who kept occupying your brain, little kitten?"

You bounced in your seat slightly which made your knee hit the table. Luckily, the coffee didn't spill. You winced in pain as you rubbed your knee to soothe the pain.

You gulped as you slowly looked up. Namjoon was standing in front of you. He slid into the seat to share the table with you.

You just stared at him, still not grasping the reality.

"Little kitten, you tend to freeze up when you see me."

You blinked your eyes and became flustered.

"I-I don't..."

You sunk into your seat and pouted slightly. You could feel your cheeks heating up slightly when he laughed.

"I was just kidding. Well, I didn't know you work here."

You bobbed your head and glanced at the cup of coffee that had been neglected since it was placed on the table. You held it with both hands and stare at it because you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"Came here for coffee of course."

You internally cursed yourself as it was something stupid to ask. But you just wanted to have a conversation with him.

"Little kitten, did you not sleep last night?"

You took a quick glance at him before getting noticed and once again nodded your head to reply his question.

"Is it because of my flute?"

You nodded again.

"That's strange." He placed his chin on his curled fingers and looked at you. You knew he had been staring at you since he arrived but you didn't know what to do. It was making you feel agitated. "I don't remember targeting you."

"U-umm then why is it that I kept hearing you playing your flute every night very clearly? A-are you going to break my heart?"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You have a Boyfriend and you are still young. I wouldn't do that, little kitten."

"H-how do you know I have a Boyfriend?"

He leaned back and folded his arms.

"I stalked you like you stalked me?"

Your eyes grew wider in shock and he laughed again.

"I was just kidding. You are really cute, little kitten. It's just that I have someone who helps me know about the people in this place."

You made an 'o' with your mouth. You slowly processed the entire sentence that he just said and ended up blushing.

"So, little kitten-"

"I-I have a name. It's (Y/N)." You cut him off and he smiled.

"I know. I heard it yesterday when your Brother called you."

He leaned in closer to you and you jumped back. Your face lifted up and you were currently looking at him. He stared at you in the eyes and smiled.

"But you like it when I call you little kitten, right?"

You were speechless and you knew you were turning red from head to toe.

His name was called to collect the coffee so he got up to retrieve it. He came back to your seat and you turned to look at him.

"See you around, little kitten."

He winked and his smile grew wider, revealing his dimples before he left the cafe, leaving you dumbfounded.

You could heart the loud pounding of your heart. It was beating out of place and messing your feelings up.

"I'm so doomed."

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