《Edge of Glory | Supergirl 1》Chapter 14


Leah stood, arms crossed listening to the hologram of Kara's mother, her aunt, speak to them about their loss of powers. She continued to shift on her feet, eyes practically looking everywhere but the hologram.

"The loss of your powers is undeniably traumatic. You may feel confused, or even frightened they're lost forever. Your battle with the android drained your Kryptonian cells of their solar energy. You are now as vulnerable to your environment as any human, subject to pain, sickness, death. But have faith, Kara, Ka. Once your cells have reabsorbed sufficient radiation from Earth's yellow star, your powers should return. Do not be afraid. And until you have fully recovered, lean on those you trust." Leah glanced over at Kara, whose eyes had never left her mother's form, "It is my deep regret that I am unable to be there with you myself, my beloved daughter and beautiful niece. As always, my collected knowledge is at your disposal for further analysis."

"Thank you-" The hologram disappeared, "Mom..."

Leah put a hand on Kara's back, rubbing it lightly as the two walked out of the room. Alex approached them as they walked into the main hall, "This happens to Superman too, where he loses his powers for a couple days, right?"

"Yeah." Leah crossed her arms back over her chest, breathing uncomfortably, "It's been two days though, and we're still not feeling any different."

"You're just going stir-crazy because the DEO has been testing you all weekend. Now you get to go out in the real world and see what it's like to be human for a day." Alex tries with the two, but both girls didn't really enjoy the idea of being human for the day.

Hank suddenly appeared, making the three women turn around to look at him, "Might learn a thing or two about what it's like for the rest of us. How you two feeling?"

"Fine." Leah mumbled.

"I guess..." Kara adds, "If this is what fine feels like now."

"Kara is heading to work along with Leah." Alex explained to Hank, "I was going to walk them out."

"Hmm." Hank gave her a nod, "I'm off to deal with an unruly guest. Might need your help with him when you're done."

"Happy to, sir."

Leah and Kara stood silently as Hank walked away, Leah twisted her head to Alex, "Nice. I'd have no idea you suspect him of anything."

"I have to play it that way until I find out whether or not he was involved in Dad's death," Alex states, breathing in slightly.

"Do you really think he's involved? You've served with Hank for years." Kara whispered, rubbing at her arm.

"And all that time, he never told me Dad was an agent here at the DEO. Or that they were together when Dad died. Ev... Everything Hank has said to me has been a lie. I can't trust him anymore. I... I know he's hiding something."



Katie and Winn stood up when they saw Kara and Leah walk in, both violently sneezing and rubbing their noses. Katie skipped over, jumping back when Leah almost sneezed on her, "Hey guys... Wh-what's happening?"

"Oh, there was a 10-year-old on the bus with a runny nose." Kara waved it off, even Leah did, acting as if it was a normal sentence to leave her cousin's mouth.

Winn blinked, "Okay, you're late, you both took the bus and, what, you two have... You two have a cold?"

"We blew out our powers fighting those androids," Leah whispered under her breath, sniffling.

"What?" Katie gasps, "For how long?"

Kara grumbled at her desk, "Oh, stupid Red Tornado."

"Okay, we're going to help you figure this out," Katie mumbles, looking at Winn for some answers or anything.

"Oh, I still have the, uh... The Kryptonian bio-analytics from Alex's DEO files." Kara sneezes loudly, soon followed by Leah, "Yeah, we've got to find some answers."

Cat Grant walked into the room, snatching her sunglasses off, "Did someone just sneeze? Who did that? Who among you sprayed my office with a million microscopic killers? I can already feel my throat closing up." Leah and Kara sneeze at the same time, making Cat gasp, "Kerah, Leah? You never get sick. That's the best part about you. And Leah, my poor baby, go home and get some rest. Garden gnome, bring my girl home."

"Me?" Winn pointed at himself.

Kara frowned, "That's the best part?"

"If I get sick, I will underperform. If I underperform, our stock prices will fall, thousands of people will lose their job, the S&P will take a hit and you will personally have triggered the next recession. Do you want to be the next Lehman Brothers?"

Kara slumped her shoulders, "I guess I'll go home."

Kara slowly started to walk out when Cat flung herself back, talking through her teeth, "Don't exhale on the way out."

"Mom!" Leah exclaims, but Cat stops her and points to the door. Winn quickly scrambles up from his seat and walked her out.

Cat turned her head when she saw Katie staring at the group, "You! Courtney, go fetch me my coffee."

Katie jumped in her chair, "Ah..." She played with the bracelet that nulled her abilities, "Y-yes Miss Grant." She quickly scrambled out of her seat and to the employee elevator.

"Don't!" Cat yelled, making Katie stop and look at her, "Do not use that elevator, it has been contaminated..." She looked like she contemplated what she was about to say, "Use my elevator, but only for today, and never again, got it."

"Got it." Katie moved to her elevator and went inside of it, she stood in there silently, a small smile on her face, she couldn't believe she was actually allowed to be in this elevator.


Leah tried to get up from Winn's couch, but he stopped her, "You stay there." He draped a blanket over her, putting his hand on her forehead, "I guess this is your first fever huh?"

"On earth." Leah breathed out, "I've been sick on Krypton before."

Winn sat beside her, "Open your mouth." He put the thermometer in, waiting silently as it determined how high of a fever she had, "You're going to need to be careful without your powers."

"I know that." Leah sighs, pressing her body further into the couch.

Winn pulled the thermometer out, "102.8, yeah, you've got a high fever. I'll go get you some cough syrup, warning, it tastes absolutely disgusting."

Leah laughed lightly, "It can't be that bad."

"Famous last words." Winn teased, filling up a cup to 30ml, he moved back over to her, "Bottoms up." He stood to get her a glass of water to down it better.

Leah coughed in disgust, "Oh God, I don't want to be sick ever again, that is disgusting."

Winn snorted in amusement, "I told you so." He hands her the water, "This'll make it better."

Leah drank down to the cup of water, falling back on the fluffy pillows below her, "You don't have to be here you know."

"I want to."


Katie walked back into the office through Cat's elevator, holding a piping hot cup of coffee that should be burning her hands, but because of her powers she didn't feel any of it, "Your coffee Miss Grant."

Cat took it from her drinking, but pulling back from the heat, "It's hot."

"I'm sorry, I could go cool-"

"No." Cat waved her hand, "Go back to work."

"Yes, Miss Grant-" Katie fell over at the sudden movement of the earth. She grabbed the couch inside Miss Grant's office to help herself up, "Miss Grant are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Cat had pulled herself up as well, "Make sure everyone else is alright."

Katie jogged out of the office, looking around, everyone seemed fine, but all the TVs and computers didn't seem to be working well. "Oh God." She went over to her own computer and tapped at the keyboard, she sat down trying different ways to turn it back on. Her head moved over slightly, catching sight of Kara with a makeshift sling on her arm, "Kara, are you okay?"

Kara gave her a nod, "Yeah, I'm fine. First time with a broken arm, you could have told me how much this hurts."

"I never thought you'd break a bone." Katie defended, turning back to try and fix everything. Kara got on the phone and was calling her sister to make sure everything was okay.

"Okay, so, is everyone okay? Anybody hurt? Good. Sometimes it takes a shock to realize what really matters. So, if you need to go, if you want to go, go. Go be with your families. And you. You, are you staying?"

Katie got up and walked over to Kara, "How is your arm?"

"Hurts, not as bad as before." Kara laughed nervously.

"I could check it." Katie suggested, "My neighbors growing up were nurses."

"I'm fine, really-" Katie grabbed her arm making Kara cry out, "Ah! Katie!"

"You're not fine." Katie pointed to her chair, "Sit." Kara listened to her and left Katie to bandage her up correctly, still keeping the sling that James put on her. "There, now I'm gonna mess with all of this stuff and try to get them back on." She went over to her own computer, pulling her phone out and calling her brother as she typed, holding the phone up with her shoulder, "Hey, Winn, how are you and Leah?"

"Leah is completely knocked out, she's got a really back fever, but other than that we're perfectly fine. What's going on? Was that an earthquake or is something attacking?"

Katie sighs, "Just an earthquake, please stay safe. Miss Grant will kill you if Leah dies."

"Well, I love you too, Katie."

"Right back at you, garden gnome." Katie hung up the phone as Kara walked by, "Hey, want to see some magic." Kara paused as Katie tapped a few more keys, the TVs flickered back on, making Kara gasp.

"Katie, that's... Oh, my gosh. Look." Kara says when she notices Miss Grant come by.

"Oh." Cat turned her head to the guy who was supposed to fix it, "Well, if I didn't have an issue with personal space, I would give you a hug."

"It wasn't me."

"It was Katie." Kara states.


"Me..." Katie awkwardly raised her hand.

"Courtney? Do you work for a satellite company?"

Kara scrunched up her eyebrows, "No, she's from the desk right across from mine, the one that you pass to get to your office every day."


"People need help now. This city's a powder keg. We can't wait around for the government to save us. Or Supergirl and Captain Marvel. Just when this city needed them the most, they're nowhere to be found. The world's most unreliable superheroes. Let this be a lesson to all of us. We need to rely on ourselves, not aliens in capes."

"Look at Max. Using the earthquake as a branding opportunity."

James crossed his arms, "He's sticking it to Supergirl and Captain Marvel pretty hard."

"Well, I'm not going to let that bloviating narcissist knock my creations down just to build himself up." Cat moved her head to Katie, "Christa."

Katie puffed out her cheeks, "Close enough."

"You've proven yourself not to be incompetent. Let's start a feed in my office. We are going to counter Max's message about my girls."

Katie turned to James and Kara, "If I'm not back in an hour, send help."

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