《One Last Fight》She Is The Giggle At A Funeral


The curly-haired girl standing next to me froze in her tracks when she heard John snapping behind us. It felt like we were caught sneaking out, even though we were adults. His wide eyes stared at Bo, wondering why Bo was standing in front of him, soaked. I tried to stifle my laughter as she dripped water all over the hallway.

I spent the night running around the city of lights, with someone who embodied luminance in my life. The eyes looking at her on the streets made me keep her closer than usual. Her hand asked me to guide her as she kept her eyes focused on the sights in front of her.

When she was quick to attempt at taking her own life, it made me ask myself if she felt stuck. I wanted to show her the world, so she could see there are reasons to be alive. There was a quote that stuck out to me when we watched The Vampire Diaries for the fifteenth million time. 'There is a whole world out there waiting for you, great cities, art, and genuine beauty, and you can have all of it.'

The quote made me think about all of the things she hadn't seen. She was too focused on what was in front of her, clouding her sight. So, I was going to show her everything that made her believe the world isn't full of dead ends. Her road was full of potholes, and she felt like she couldn't move. So, I guess we are hopping a plane.

"What?" John tugged at his hair. "I am so confused."

He pointed towards our door, telling us to hurry up and get inside before she ruined the carpet. He wanted to know what happened in the few hours we were away. His body paced the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair. The words leaving his lips scolded us.

After assuming we went to the pool, he soon figured out that wasn't the case. It wasn't what happened at all. Someone decided they would be a little shit and try to push me into the fountain downstairs in the lobby. Of course, it caught me off guard. It wasn't like I couldn't fend myself against someone who will never be taller than me, even on her tippy toes.


The second I saw her hands extend out, I moved out of the way. She tripped herself. I had nothing to do with her falling in, but I definitely did not save her while she plunged into three feet of water. I fell into a fit of laughter as the people around us stared at the girl with shock.

As I said, he is scolding us like we are kids. I was twenty-three, and she was three years younger. So, I guess she had some growing up to do. When I said that to John, she reached out, punching my bruised rib.

"Something tells me you were the culprit," he pointed at me.

"What?" I gasped as she fell into a fit of laughter beside me. "All I wanted was to go out and enjoy the night. It wasn't my fault. She was being childish!"

Bo's mouth dropped. "You made Tommy kiss my feet."

"What?" John shrieked.

"It was a joke!" I threw up my hands.

"Who is childish now?" Bo snickered.

I bumped her hip with mine, watching as she stumbled to gain composure. John didn't care about any of that. He was upset about us leaving. It had nothing to do with us leaving and everything to do with us leaving without him.

"I was going to treat you dinner," he snapped. "We were going to have a nice night out after you won, but no! You had to run off like a bunch of sons of bitches."

That made Bo burst out with laughter. He cocked a brow at her. "Why is that funny?"

"You called us sons of bitches," she choked on her breaths as she clutched her stomach. "Who says that?"

He tried fighting off his smile as he stared at her. That was the thing about Bo. She had a way of twisting any serious situation. Never in a negative way. Her laughter was infectious, and she seems to do a lot of laughing in situations where she shouldn't. Hozier couldn't have said it any better. She is the giggle at a funeral.


"Bo, I'm trying to be mad."

Yeah, but it is hard to be mad at her. So, he couldn't be. There have been many times where she did something that made me upset. In the end, despite how pissed off I was, I could never take it out on her.

"I'm not saying you can't be mad," she wiped her eyes.

He grinned. "How about we have dinner this weekend?"

We nodded, agreeing on dinner once we get back home. He left the room, telling us to stay in for the rest of the night. Although I didn't plan on any late-night adventures, it didn't sound like a bad idea. Yet, I will save John from another heart attack.

When he left, Bo was dismissing herself to the shower. I told her I needed to talk to John about something. Before I could leave the room, I listened to the music playing from her phone, fill the bathroom. The acoustic of her hums played a sweet melody no one would ever be able to beat. My hands made sure to tug on the door a little harder, double-checking it shut all of the way.

I pounded on John's door until he opened it. The dissatisfied look on his half-painted face said, listen here asshole, it is one in the morning, you are going to wake up the whole hotel. Riley came around with the same green substance on his face. I cocked my brow at them as they stood there.

"We are doing self-care," John rolled his eyes.

"Great," I shoved past him. "Whatever that means. Listen, I have an idea, and I need to run it by you because I need your help."

"I am not helping you convince Bo it is okay to continue boxing," he pointed his finger at me while Riley continued wiping that stuff on his face. "It isn't going to happen."

"What?" I scrunched up my face with confusion. "I need you to take us somewhere tomorrow."

"Why me? You can rent a car."

"That is the thing, though," I shake my head. "I need someone to record it, and she loves you. I guarantee she will want you to be there."


"The Marvel S.T.A.T.I.O.N is here. They have a bunch of stuff there," I ran my fingers through my hair. "It is like a headquarters kind of deal. She loves Tony Stank -"

"Tony Stark?"

"No," I furrowed my brows. "She said Stank."

"Yeah," he chuckles. "Stan Lee says it in Captain America: Civil War."

Despite my inability to know shit, I looked at John with all honesty. "She deserves a better proposal."

He raised his brows with a smile growing on his face. "You are going to propose again?"

"It is what she deserves."

He clapped. "Yes! I am in! When are we doing this?"

"That is where your help comes in," I scratch the back of my neck. "The fifty I got, use whatever it takes to shut the building down. I don't want anybody in there."


"This has nothing to do with everyone else," I shrugged. "I don't want it to be ruined by a million people walking around."

"This is going to cost a lot."

"You can't put a price on her love."

He nodded. "Whatever you need, kid."

"They open at eleven."

"I'll go there around ten," he shrugged. "To make sure I can lock it down."

"Thank you."

"You need to get rest," he narrowed his eyes at my dilemma. "What?"

I sucked in a deep breath. "I need one more favor."

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