《A Mindful Relationship [Jensoo]》Chapter 8


"We're finally here!" Lisa yelled throughout the corridors of Jisoo's suite floor. Just by the corridors, you can already tell that this place is only for rich people. Fancy and shimmering.

"Lisa, you'll disturb the people on this floor if your voice is that loud." Chaeyoung knocked Lisa's forehead while shushing her with a hushed tone. The blonde only smiled at her before continuing on skipping through the corridors, full of doors and lights.

"No one lives on this floor. And by the fact that it's the top floor, I can shout in what volume I like." By Lisa's statement, me and Chaeyoung looked at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. Simply making sure no flies are around to be sucked in by our breaths.

"What do you mean by-."

"Unnie's parents bought the whole floor but this time, it was Unnie's request." She says, pointing to Jisoo who was busy looking for her room. And I can tell that she was having a hard time because her brows were furrowed together. I mean, I would have a hard time too considering that the top floor has almost ten rooms riled up.

"Holy crap..." That was the only thing Chaeyoung could possibly comment as she stared at Jisoo's back figure with eyes of awe. And judging by Lisa's change of demeanor right after Chaeyoung had her eyes now focused to Jisoo, I bit my lower lip to stop my laughter from going out.

This was a very amusing thing to watch. I don't know if Lisa will be rambling to Jisoo about this or keep it to herself that she's actually jealous of her Unnie. The latter would be a bit hard for her though. Considering that she's an open-minded person.

"That's some money they got there to have this whole floor bought and isn't this hotel one of Korea's tops." Chaeyoung continues and it only added some more fire on Lisa's blazing eyes. Her face was already so red, not from being flustered, but from definite jealousy. I feel so sorry for her whatsoever.

"Yup." Lisa answered nonetheless. Not wanting Chaeyoung to notice her change of expression and character, she smiled and walked on in front of us because she was behind us from the start.

"I feel so broke right now even though I'm very loaded myself but having one room in this hotel means my entire week's allowance." Chaeyoung pouted while hooking her arm on Lisa's. A completely normal thing for the two of them but I do know that whenever this happens, Lisa's jealousy and frustrations go away in a second. I don't know if Chaeyoung does this on purpose because she knows Lisa's bad mood or just because she unconsciously does so.

"Sad truth."

"Y'know, if you guys are willing to stay for the night... you can just pick one room on the floor and it'll be all yours." Lisa suggested with an excited grin on her face and a confused look from Jisoo, who whipped her head around to look at Lisa as if she just said something crazy.

"Like have it?" I asked and Lisa nodded, totally avoiding Jisoo's glare that was shot onto her. She looked unbothered by it though maybe because Chaeyoung's by her side. "For free?" I still continued on even though Jisoo looked like she'll be killing Lisa any time and tackling me down for asking these questions without her even confirming it.



Jisoo could only let out a frustrated groan before aggressively tapping her keycard on one of the room's scanning thingy. The door let out a small click sound before it opened and Jisoo came stomping in which was only being watched by Lisa in amusement.

Soon after, we still haven't moved from our spot as we waited for Jisoo to tell us what to do because even though Lisa can do whatever she wants but she still needs her Unnie's response.

Jisoo finally got out of her room, looking like a whole course meal in her red tuxedo which she was still fixing it because she only had a small amount of time to change from casual wear to formal wear. And I thought she won't get any more hotter and beautiful, I was completely wrong.

She was now trying to wear her silver watch around her wrist that she didn't seem to remember that we were still here. Well that is before Lisa spoke.

"Your already going, Unnie?" Lisa asked too enthusiastically for me that it made Jisoo remember that she was there. Just by seeing her reaction, she didn't want to be speaking to any of us at the moment.

Jisoo only gave her a curt nod before deliberately walking pass the three of us making us stand there like trees. And smiling like idiots as if Jisoo would just return and apologize for being rude.

"Where is she headed to?" I finally spoke, trying to ease the tension in the air. And to recover from the dumbness I just felt.

"Why are you asking?" Lisa asked. Making her way towards a room beside Jisoo's and it seems that this the room that she owns or that's what she said. She took out a card from her back pocket and scanned it onto the door and soon enough, the door opened and in she goes.

Me and Chaeyoung looked at each other and shrugged before following Lisa inside her room. And wow, the inside of the suite was spectacular.

Everything inside was supposedly to be glowing and shining under the lights of the suite.

A short hallway greets you once you enter the room and Lisa's hallway walls were filled with framed photographs of places she's visited, our pics together, her and Jisoo's pics, and obviously Chaeyoung's solo ones. But unexpectedly, it's mostly Jisoo's pictures. She must've been forced by Lisa to pose for her collection.

And when you reach the living room, a sixty-inch LED TV, expensive-looking sofas placed neatly on place, a round glass coffee table on the center of it keeping everything in balance, a few framed pictures of Lisa's family and some paintings and such, wooden tables that had vases and small statues placed on it, and lastly the gigantic glass window that made the person living in this suite see the entire view of the busy city down below.

To finish up this whole tour of the house and summarize this to shorten the description of the suite... the kitchen was complete and not broken which was oddly impossible when Lisa's around and considering that this was her suite. The bedrooms were as warm and neat as the living room, and the bathroom was pretty much a regular bathroom but much larger.

It even has a chandelier for Pete's sake. A 10/10 for someone who has high taste such as myself. Never knew this hotel would be this majestic-looking from the outside and inside. I haven't entered this hotel yet even though I'm from an elite family as Lisa and Chaeng.


Ironically enough, the daughters of rich people gathered into one group. And it made some people in school just envy us because we really just had to be in one group.

After all the checking out of the place, we were now sneaking our way in to Jisoo's room but had difficulty along the way because Lisa forgot the passcode that Jisoo had for her suite. Other than a keycard, this hotel had a passcode lock as well if the owner lost their card so explains Lisa's suffering.

"Your gonna take forever there, Lalisa." Chaeyoung complained while slumping herself on the floor of the hallways. Lisa rolled her eyes and continued on pressing some random passcodes in as if that'll miraculously ope-.


I spoke too soon. The click of the door echoed through the silent corridors making my eyes go wide and Chaeyoung scoff to herself. Lisa actually opened it making a victorious grin on her face form. But that grin immediately disappeared when a growl from the other side of the door came ringing through our ears.

"I forgot about that brute that was living with Unnie. Entering her suite would be much more difficult now." Lisa dropped down to her knees and grunted in frustration again and again as if she had just lost the opportunity of her life.

How dramatic can this bitch get?

"She has a dog?" I asked and Lisa nodded and maybe shuddered as well. Looks like she did not have a good relationship with this animal considering she always got along with Kuma and her cats. Joohwang wasn't an exception.

"Then why don't we just enter the place quietly and if the dog tried to attack, we'll kick that furry beast away? That works." The both of us faced Chaeyoung with a horrified look, who had a serious face on but it looked happy at the same time. And that's not good. Whenever she's happy, shit goes down.


"I'm just kidding. Geez... no need to look at me as if I'm a monster." She found herself laughing to herself while me and Lisa only shook our heads in dis-amusement.

You are.

"I'll enter first. Just to test this dog out if it's really out of control." Seeing Lisa's frightened look, I'm having second thoughts about this. I bottled up all the courage I have in my small body and twisted the doorknob, popping my head in to make sure the coast is clear.

I exhaled a sigh of relief when I saw nothing out of the common and so I entered with my head held high. Spoke too soon again because I was now being chased by a medium-sized, white-furred, sharp-fanged, fiery rat.

"LISA!" I screamed. Hopping on one couch to another but that was extremely difficult especially because the dog knows how to jump to one couch to another as well.

Curse these short legs. They aren't made for running.

Just as I thought I was about to get eaten by someone smaller than myself, here comes Lisa 'yeeting' the white rat, with her foot and long legs, into one of the rooms which looked like the janitor's closet inside a suite. For once, when I got in this suite, everything just came to silence.

"Told y'all that kicking the mutt works." Chaeyoung made her way to the messed up couch and sat down on it as if nothing just happened in this place but obviously a lot of things did and one of those is me almost dying of heart attack.

"Anyways, let's crash this place up and let Jisoo Unnie clean the mess up later after she arrives." Lisa shrugged, making her way towards the kitchen of Jisoo's suite. And it's one place that wasn't messed up by me and that white rat.

"I'm down." Chaeyoung raised her hand which still came to view even though me and Lisa were both on the kitchen. Lisa be looking for something while I admired the food set upon the counter of the place.

"But what if Jisoo-."

"Shush, Jen. She'll be fine with it especially when I'm around. Weird enough, she likes cleaning." Lisa shuddered while I grimaced, almost gagged. The last time I cleaned the house, my parents, siblings, the maids and butlers, got into chaos. Let's say that cleaning wasn't my ace. Who exactly likes cleaning? Anyone?



"Okay then. But if she gets mad, your totally gonna be the one to blame." I pointed to her with eyes of a tiger and she only chuckled nervously because she knows I'm serious af.

"I know, I know." Lisa waved me off, still digging through one of the cupboards. When she finally found it, she raised it up and treated it like Simba. She's been into Lion King these days. "Here it is..."

"What is that..?"

Oh no...

"Yes. It's a limited edition liquor from Europe. Specially made for Jisoo Unnie herself." Lisa grinned to herself while eyeing the bottle of wine in awe and a worried look on my face was on check.

"Then why are you taking it..?" I asked, pointing to the bottle and shaking my head in disapproval but she nodded. Going opposite from my approval. And these are times that I just hate Lisa or Chaeyoung so much. "And planning to drink it?"

"Don't worry... she won't burst out because of one wine bottle. She has tons of them in her secret stash." Lisa shook the bottle before opening it with her bare hands. That's something.

"Your unbelievable." I groaned and shook my head, Lisa completely oblivious of my suffering. Looking at the now half-empty bottle and mind now in despair and pity for Jisoo to have to deal with this bitch all the time and for a lot of years.

"But that seems pretty tasty. Pour me a glass?" Chaeyoung entered the kitchen while Lisa gave her a glass of wine, also handing me one while I shook my head, no. Not wanting to be drunk of guilt - pun totally intended - later on.

"You two are so dead..."


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