《the secret of Stiles》who are you !?


I feel like I've been in this cocoon for an eternity , I wonder what I'm really doing...I hope I didn't hurt anyone *cough* Stiles *cough*

After a while I saw a white light and heard a loud noise...what is that ? Wait am I dead !? For real, Scott could've just stopped me instead of killing me, I know Stiles is his best friend but still !

I start to walk towards this mysterious light, I highly think I'm going to end up in hell, I guess we'll see. When I moved my arm and tried to touch it , it became even brighter and within seconds I was totally blinded by it ! When I tried to reopen my eyes all I saw was white...white everywhere but slowly different shapes began to appear . I blinked a few times and...there I was...in what seemed to be a a cabin completely made of wood...what am I doing here ? Wait...where even am I !?

Suddenly I hear a noise coming from downstairs...what was that...I wanted to stand up but...I couldn't move ! Every time I tried to lift my arm or even move my fingers , pain spread through my whole body . What . The . Fuck . Did . I . Do . When I was my consciousness was out ! Then , the same noise as earlier came back...I wanted to go and see what it was but I couldn't move ! I then heard footsteps and I realized...that it wasn't a what but a who ! Who was in this house with me...did I hurt them , did they hurt me ? What do they want ?I had so many questions in mind that I didn't realized the person in the house was now standing right in front of me.

?:Hello there .

De:Who..who are you , and what do you want from me !


?:Oh ! nothing , nothing don't worry I just need a little favour and I'll let you go .

De:What did you do to me ! Why can't I move ?

?:Oh , yeah I'm sorry about that it's just that I didn't want you to jump and try to kill me when you would wake up , so-you see this ? The guy said pointing his finger at a weird engin on my left

I wanted to turn my head to face the mysterious engin the man pointed at but I couldn't due to my inability to move. He simply giggled a bit before exclaiming :

Ah...yes my bad, you can't move. Here let me help you out a little. He said with a huge smile.

He grabbed my cheek and turned my head so I could see. I nodded to indicate that I could see the weird engine.

?:Well this , my dear friend , is the engin that send a small amount of wolfsbane through your blood system directly through your heart , it's not deadly though...I mean...not if I don't want it to be of course !

Why are you doing this !

Because I want something from you , duh !

And wha-what do you want exactly ?

Just some tiny , tiny informations ! If you give me what I want then I'll free you, you'll be free to go run in the woods like the good old Wolfie that you are , and fuck this teenage boy I guess...

U-huh ! Wha...no ! You got the wrong idea I-I wasn't going to...

Darling , I'm a professional hunter you think I can't see when a werewolf is in heat from the smell of his mate ? That's what I learnt when I was like 4 or something .

So...I really am the only one who didn't know what this was...

...You didn't know...for real ! Ahahahahahahahahah ! I can't believe it...ahahahahahhahaha ! Y-you're a born werewolf a-and you didn't know what a m-mate was ! Ahahah you're joking right !



Oh...you weren't joking...

Whatever ! I'm not going to tell you anything !

Owwww ! But you don't even know what I am asking you...!

What do you want to know ?

Yeah ! Well I wanna know just one little tiny, tiny thing .

Which is ?

?:Where is that little werefox friend of yours ?

Wait...is he talking about the same werefox that cast a spell on me ? Well of course he is ! There's not a million fricking werefox in beacon hills ! But why does he want him ? I mean I guess it's a very powerful creature and one of the only creature capable of magic with witches , but is this one that special for an apparently " professional hunter " to want to chase him down ? I remember what Stiles told me about werefoxes , they are chase down for their middle form by normal hunters , but he also said that there were special hunter that were trained all their life to hunt down the pure blood werefoxes from important blood line of powerful werefoxes...does that mean that a werefox that powerful is here in beacon hills chased down by some specialized hunter who would do anything to get him ?

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a voice bring me back to reality .

Hellooo ? You're still here or do I need to come back later ?

I don't know where he is...

... BULLSHIT ! HE SAVED YOU AND YOUR LITTLE PACK EVEN IF IT MEANT THAT HE WOULD BE DISCOVERED ! THAT MEANS THAT HE CARES FOR THEM AND FOR YOU ! He suddenly yelled, kicking a random object that was near him. He breathed in for some time before exhaling loudly. But...maybe you don't care for him ! So I'll put it differently , you give me the werefox or...I kill that little mate of yours , I'll let you think about my offer for some time . I'll came back in two hours and you better have an answer for me , pick carefully...werewolf .


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