《the secret of Stiles》are you ok ( Derek view )


Stiles slowly walked towards me...every step he takes is like hell for me to contain myself from just jumping on him right here and now...but I know he wouldn't want that , and that's the only thing that actually helps me refrain my inner wolf from his crazy urges . Even if I know damn well that it's not going to work forever and that I'll soon be at my limits .

Hey...Derek...you alright ?

I nod slowly and he stops himself right in front of me , if I look at him in the eyes the game will be over and I'll loose all control of my body , just thinking about his whiskey eyes makes me shiver and send electric shock all over my body , so I face the floor hoping that he wouldn't touch me . I can feel his eyes on me as I watch his shoes . I can smell that he is worried and normally that would smell bad but I can feel that he is worried for which makes my inner wolf even more excited and he keeps screaming in my head mate mate mate mate mate mate mate MATE !!!!! And sometimes he would think of Stiles in...positions...in special positions...Yeah let's say it like that...and of course now I think of a Stiles with a red face under me screaming in my ear my nam-NO ! I don't think of that because I don't like Stiles and I'll never will !...but his smell is-HORRIBLE ! Totally not a turn on ! Arghhh ! Derek I hate you , why do you think of this ! No no no and no again ! I pinch my nose so I can't smell him anymore , it's already hard to resist when I just look at him too closely so if I smell him too...how am I suppose to do this ! Why did I had to follow him ? What came in my mind !


I feel something on my chin that's trying to slowly force me to look up...it's Stiles hand ! He touched me ! Is he serious right now ! How am I suppose to control myself if he puts zero effort , it's like he is asking for it ...I...officially...hate myself ! No don't think of that !...anything but that...ummh ! Ice cream , bird , house...bed...Stiles in a be-WTF !

This heat or I don't know what is awful ! I was thinking and my head slowly drifted back to reality and oh shit he still has his hand on my chin ! I grab his wrist so he wouldn't touch me anymore but now I had thought of him incapable of moving under me with his arms pinned down with one of my hand , as I kept daydreaming I slowly started to process the fact that I couldn't control my body anymore...wait ! I can't control my body anymore !

I feel myself lift up my head to look directly in Stiles eyes , he seems terrified...it's because of me isn't it...? I should've never came in the first place I'm just putting him in danger ! I feel my right hand moving and gripping both of Stile wrist before pushing him on the ground and starting to climb on top of him . I'm not going to lie , it's a really weird feeling , I can feel what I'm doing but at the same time I can't control my body no matter how hard I try...I hear my inner wolf screaming at me take him ! Right here , right now ! I want him to be mine...he's mine ! He totally took control over me ! My vision was starting to fade , everything started to become black...what's happening ? I was just feeling hot , it was confortable just like if I was in a cocoon...I don't understand what's going on...I was with Stile just a minute ago...then I heard a loud growl I looked up and...I'm at the school again ! What...I look down scared of what I could've done but as soon as I meet his beautiful eyes the reality fades away once again and left me to my daydream of Stiles...as I was about to drift off I felt myself sit up and there I was...at the school...again...


I looked down and saw Stiles with a scared but relief look on his face . Do I have the control of my body now ? I tried to move my hand but nothing happened...Stiles needs to leave now or I'll do something that he clearly don't want to do ! I tried to scream for him to run but I didn't move...I couldn't move...how can I be so useless !...wait what's happening ? Am I moving again ? Within a blink , Stiles was in my harms with his legs gripping around my waist and his hand around my neck...whAT ! WHAT IS HE DOING ! WHAT HAPPENNED WHEN I WAS LOST IN MY MIND !

I feel myself gripping his thighs and place my face on the crack of his neck...what am I doing...

Sc..Scott , what is he doing ?

I..I have no idea...

St:Bro ! Your supposed to be a werewolf expert !-ngh this is the cutest song I've ever heard...wAIT ! Did I just bit his neck and found it cute ! Oh hell nah ! Scott...what...is happening !

then he started to move...mmmmmmh~...a-ah !...he-e need to stop mov-moving ! I felt myself getting...please don't feel it...please don't feel it...please don't feel it...he...he stopped ? He looked at me with shock in his eyes...fuck ! He felt it...

he start moving again just to be sure I guess...ngh-...he looked at the pack , wait...since when are they here ! Oh wait my inner wolf is going to go crazy if they try to take Stiles away from me .

St:Scott ! Scott ! Help me he's going to eat me !

What do you mean Stile ?

Ok I think that confirms that he felt it...I see Scott try to walk towards me and Stiles...my inner wolf will not be happy with this-...and I'm already running in the woods with a pass out Stiles in my harms...oh no ! I start to see black again...what is happening ! There I am , in this all black coccon thing again...I can't hear , see or smell anything from the outside world . Let's just hope that i don't do anything stupid this time...


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