《the secret of Stiles》a day in hell ( pt2 ) (Derek view )


I was laying in bed with this weird feeling , it was like an electrical strike running down my spine but...it doesn't hurt it makes me feel super hot and I hear my inner wolf scream All day ! What the fuck is wrong with me ! I feel like I'm going crazy...wait Peter went through that...maybe I can...no ! I can't ask him for help ! He's a crazy psychopath , I'm sure this is just...temporary...or at least I hope...

____________30minutes later___________

Ok no this is getting worst and there is no way I am taking this for 2 weeks or I don't know what time ! All I know is that it's getting way worst , I can almost breath and I feel hotter and hotter...I have no other choice I need to call Peter .

~me calling that weird psycho uncle~

OH ! dear nephew what a pleasure what happen for you to be so desperate that you need to call your super uncle at the rescue ?

Shut up .

Whoa...did you run a marathon or something you seem out of breath...wait you're not calling me while you're having sex right ? Ewwww Derek really !

I...I'm not having s...sex with anyone...shut up !

You seem to struggle talking you're actually starting to worry me , what's happening ?

Well if...if I'm calling you that ob... obviously means...I do...don't know...dumbass !

Ouch...why are you hurting my feelings like that ! Well dear nephew you'll have to explain to me what happened because all I can hear right now is someone either being shock either having sex so...you'll have to give me some explanation .

I...I smelled something...

Which is ?

my....I th....I think it is my...my mate .

Pffffffff ! YOUR WHAT !

My mate

Ooooh...that...eumh...that explain a lot of things....

Are...are you going to help me ?

Euh...I'm not having sex with you Derek wtf !

Who said I wan...wanted to have sex with you !

Well you asked for my help and since you're in that state...

What...what are you talking about ?

Ah you don't know...well this is akward...

Peter... what is...happening ?

Ok so when a wolf finds his mate he goes in heat and well...it's suppose to have...mmmmh...have sex with his mate so they're bounded together forever...so yeah...that's basically it...


W-what ! Mom said it was supposed to just be a...sick feeling !

Oh come on Derek , you were like 8 she wasn't going to tell you, that you needed to put your di-

Ok ! No need to finish this sentence thank !

What I was just trying to help...

Tell me how to stop this...and that's when you'll r-really help !

How to stop...oh...well you have two options

That...are ?

You stay like that for a whole month or-

A MONTH !!!!

Yes and it's just the beginning , trust me I tried but after a week , I couldn't take it anymore , you seem supper affected so I guess it has been at least 3 day ?

Not even an ho...hour....

Oh ! So you're mate is a virgin then...

Wait...what ?

Well if your mate is a virgin there is something in their scent that makes it even more irresistible for your inner wolf...

O...ok and the other option ?

Well you need to have sex with your mate and mark them .

These are...the only options !

Yes , I'm sorry but you need to choose between those two .

I...I'm going to stay home...I think it's the best idea...

Ok be careful if you want to stay home you'll need to chain yourself...trust me at some point you'll have no control and as soon as you'll smell your mate scent again your inner wolf will take full control and jump on what they see as yours .

An..and there really is no way to calm down my...Ummh...my wolf ?

Well there is but I don't know if you'll be able to see this person again after...I know some person feel really sorry after but it calms the wolf for a little while .

Say ! If it...if you think it can...help, I'll do it !

Ok...ok , you need something , a cloth or just an object having the smell of your mate on it and then....you...you do..." Stuff " with that and since it'll have your mate's smell it will trick your wolf into thinking you did it with your mate but...it won't last really long it'll only last an hour or two before your wolf fell the need of his mate again .

Wha...what I'm not going to go and steal a clothe to St...I mean to someone just...to touch myself with it !


I told you a solution , you can do it or not. It's not my choice but yours .

And it...it'll really calm down the, you know the feeling ?

The more the object will smell the longer you'll be free .

F...fuck this !

Yeah , being a werewolf can't be only cool stuff . Anyway ! Good luck with your little problem but , I have a life so good bye dear nephew feel free to call your beautiful uncle when there's a need !

W...wait !

~that weird psycho uncle end the call~

how...how am I going to get the shirt without...leaving the loft ?

Just great ! I can't leave if I go to stiles' his scent will be all over his room and I'll obviously lost the control of my body ! Wait what if I see him , I'm literally going to jump on him because my inner wolf thinks stiles is ours ! I turn around and see that it's 7:30 which means he's probably off to school by now . If I really am going to go I need to do it now or I won't be able to do anything , the more I wait the worst it gets .

I finally decide to get out of bed , I almost fall...twice but I manage to walk downstairs and to leave the loft . As soon as I open the door I got hit by multiple scent , I've never smelled so much scents at the same time before . It's like every scent jumps at my face . I start running even if I can't breath goodly , as soon as I arrived in front of Stiles house I see his jeep... that means he is still in here ! I can't see him in my state ! I hear the front door open an my eyes widen...he is here...right in front of me ! I immediately feel hotter and hotter, my knees buckling and I had trouble keeping myself standing. When I smell him I soon felt the unbearable feeling calming down and I hear my inner wolf say What ? Wait he's right Stiles' smell is filled with sadness and it seems like my wolf is now more worried then horny , which I really don't mind, I'm actually very glad. But I have this feeling that's telling me that I need to comfort him , to hug him , to touch him...and it starts to get weird so I'm just going to stop imagining things !

I start to run after his jeep , I need to find out what is making my mate...I mean Stiles sad . He get out of his jeep and starts to walk towards the pack but everyone is staring at him weirdly , I wonder why...I can't hear what they're saying since I'm too far away in the woods but bizarrely I can feel and smell that Stiles is really angry and sad at the same time , and what's even weirder is that I can only feel what Stiles is feeling through his body scent and I can't smell all the others at all , if I couldn't see them I wouldn't know they were here . I see Stiles walking away alone...why is he walking alone and the pack is starting to smile again like they couldn't sense stiles emotional distress...I then hear a ring and cover my ears because of the loud sound , I'm not even close to the school I shouldn't be able to hear this that greatly...wtf is wrong with me apart the mate thing ?! Like it wasn't enough to process !

When I reopen my eyes all the students are gone and I enter the school and because I'm the luckiest person on earth...there he is...Stiles is standing here in the middle of the hall , he turn around and I get to see his beautiful face , his pale skin and whiskey eyes...I mean ! His stupid face !No but seriously, why did it have to be Stiles ! Oh crap ! This time the electrical shock running down my spine almost made me fall , it was way more powerful then last time ! I was reaching for air , felling hotter then ever...damn you Stiles ! I see him walking towards me . NO ! He better not touch me I can't fight back my wolf for a long time ! If he touches me I'm going to loose it...


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