《the secret of Stiles》a day in hell ( pt2 )


I can't believe it ! I know Scott can be like that sometimes , since he discovered that he is a " true alpha " it became worst . Before all this supernatural shit happened he wasn't like that ! But now...he changed so much , I don't even recognize my best friend...my brother .

I don't know why I'm so worried...me and Scott always argue but we always end up friend again even if he is a total selfish person sometimes...I still like him , we've always been friend since childhood, I know we'll get through this like we always do . But right now , this isn't my biggest problem , I'm going to be late for school ! And of course I start with Mr. Harris' class , just great !

I hurry and hop in my Jeep before turning the motor on and start driving to school .

As I park my Jeep in front of the school I see the pack laughing and smiling , I was happy at the idea of seeing my friends again . As I get out of the car I start to walk towards them but as soon as Malia sees me , she signals my presence to the others and they all turn to face me with blank expressions on their faces , I was kinda confused but then Erica said


Is there something wrong ? Why are you all looking at me like that ?

Well...Stiles you see...ther-there's something that you...did that just isn't...acceptable...She said in a calm voice, just above a whisper

Acceptable ? Allison wha-...what are you talking about ? What have I apparently done ?






Guys ! Just tell me what have I done ?

You disrespect our alpha .

I do what ?

You disrespect our alpha !

Derek ?

What...? No !

She's talking about Scott .

Me...disrespecting Scott ? Who told you this ?



Oh really ? He told you that ?

Actually he told the whole pack what you did .

Which is ?

You insult him and try to punch him after you told him he wasn't a good alpha !

Yeah , and you should be happy he didn't punch you or you'll be at the hospital right now !

I didn't punched him and didn't insulted him either ! All I said is that even true alphas can make bad decisions. What's wrong with this , it's just a fact ! And it's not suppose to be an insult

You just admited that what Scott told us was true !

What ? No I didn't !

Whatever ! I trust Scott more than Stiles...he's our alpha after all !

I'm with Lydia on this one .


Well I'm always with Erica so if she thinks we follow Scott than I'm for Scott... Sorry Stiles

I'm sorry Stiles but if Erica and Boyd follow Scott than I'll follow with them...sorry Stiles...hopefully you and Scott will talk about it and get through that .

If everyone follows then...I'm sorry Stiles I join them on this one . Allison looked at me with a guilty look in her eyes. Allison is my best friend and I don't want her to be rejected by the others.

She looked at me like she was asking for permission. I know that if I asked her to, she would stay by my side, it made me feel better to know she would.

It's okay...I understand he's your alpha and I'm just a useless human am I getting it right ?

Stiles...that-that's not what we meant...

That's what I meant...

Malia !

Whatever...You picked your side . I looked at Allison and Isaac to show that I wasn't talking about them and I left

I walked away entering the school and going to my locker to take some books . I was shocked , how could they do that...I can understand that Scott is their alpha but trusting him blindly...that's just not how it should work ! But I mean we've not been really close lately so it doesn't hurt me as much as I thought it would , but I'm still super sad that they could just do that to me , if it was in a different situation they would've still abandon me for someone else , in a family you're not supposed to let anyone behind ! And that's exactly what they're doing right now ! No one in the pack should've had to chose on which side of the arguement they are...but Scott didn't think about it , I don't think he understands what a pack is suppose to be !


Oh the bell ring , just great ! I'm soooooooo lucky I get to sit next to Mister true alpha in Harris class aka the demon's class...just perfect really not annoying at all , nopppppe ! I start to walk towards the classroom and I was going to enter but then , I saw Derek in the hall , he was not looking alright it seemed like he just got out of a car crash or something . He was really sweaty and it seemed like he couldn't breathe...I took a quick glance around me and it seemed like everyone was already in their classes so I started to walk towards Derek , if I had told you that I wasn't worried right now , it would've been a complete lie because I was freaking out ! Even if Derek and I aren't the best of friends I still care about him and even if he is a werewolf he seems to be looking pretty bad , he's all red just like yesterday night...wait does this have anything to do with what's happening to him ? Oh my god ! Did I accidentally us magic on him ? Oh no...what did I do !


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