《the secret of Stiles》a night to find answers ( pt 2 )( Derek view )


I'm sorry for scaring you...

Ok...no I can't do it ! This is way too much right now ! You're being extremely weird Derek , you never cared and now you just said sorry to me the defendsless human you hate ! Wait....does he really think i hate him ?

I know ! That's why I'm here because this werefox did something to me ! Why would I be here otherwise !?

Yes I get it but...seeing you like this is so weird I don't like it , it just not the Derek-the-big-bad-sour-wolf-I'm-not-funny-I'll-rip-your-throat-open-with-my-teeth-Hale I know .

...help me find answers then .

As I finish my sentence he just start looking everywhere around his room , then his eyes stopped on a stack of old books . He grabbed two books and looked at me saying :

St:Ok let's grab my books and we'll try to find answers .

De:No we will not try we'll find answers because I don't want to be stuck like that forever ! He just chuckled , but it's true I really don't want to be stuck like that forever ! Being all nice and stuff i really don't like that , depending on someone....because yes I fricking depend on the scent of that fox , I to smell him . And every times i do I lose control and I feel the need to come near him...I don't want to depend on anyone anymore . Since the fire I promised to never attached myself to anyone , that was just too dangerous , what if they died too...that's always what happens to the people who decide to stay with me.....

St:Ok which one would you like to read ? " Legends of werewolf " or " the werewolf history " ?

De:I don't know which one are you going to take ?

St:Me ? Well I'm going to take " mythical creatures powers " .

De:Oh why can't I just search on the bestiary to find more information on the werefoxes ?

St:Because I doubt you'll find anything . Werefoxes are really rare , thanks to the wonderful hunters of course...I've never seen Stiles so angry before , he looked like he wanted to kill someone . His voice almost breaking . He must really feel bad for the poor werefoxes . So there's just a few still alive and the pure blood families are even more rare then normal werefoxes since they have three form and are usually kept as pet by some rich perverts . He was even angrier than the first time , I didn't know it was possible , I heard his heartbeat fastening...he closed his eyes trying to breath normaly . So the werefoxes with powers being the extremely rare creatures they are , aren't going to use lots of magic so they can't get caught or they would be in a huge danger if hunters finds them . That's why a werefox would never curse some random werewolf they found in the woods , so I'm telling you...the werefox didn't do that . But maybe another supernatural being did . How could he know all that stuff on werefoxes ? He reopened his eyes but...they weren't totally like his usual whisky brown eyes . They were kinda...purple-ish , actually the was some kind of purple reflect in his eyes...was it his lamp that reflect in his eyes or was I just imagining things ?


De:Stiles...what's that in your eyes...?

I asked not sure if I was just seeing things or if it was real . I looked at him and his eyes were wide open he had a look of shock on his face...not even a second after he put his head between his hands and started shaking . What was happening ? Did I say something wrong ? Why do I even care ! Once again this start to get really annoying , I don't want to care and worry for anyone ! Hopefully when Stiles stop freaking out for I don't know what he'll help me out like he's suppose to-what...what is this smell ? It's..it's so sweet and...I want to smell it again ! More ! My wolf just went crazy right now and it was telling me some nonsense crap like " smell more ! " Or " he's mine " and then it hit me ! I've never really smelt Stiles before which is weird because a wolf can smell humans without problem...but him , I've never smelt his sent and I remembered...














Stiles is my mate...Stiles...the ! It had to be him ! Of course ! It had to be the skinny pale human that hates me hahahaha I'm going to go crazy !? Why did it have to be ! And the " sick felling " was fucking bullshit I don't feel sick...I feel...I don't really feel anything actually .

At the exact moment Stiles touched my shoulder I felt something going down my spine like an electric shock , but it wasn't hurting me...it was feeling good . His scent was too much even if I really wanted to smell it everyday of my life , right now it was attacking me and I was slowly loosing control and God knows how much I hate loosing control ! My wolf tries to take over me and the more I stay here with Stiles , the less I can control my animalistic instinct...right now I could feel my face turning all red because of the sensation , so I turned around not wanting Stile to see me for now .


I was facing the wall hoping that I could have full control again but when I thought I was starting to be more human again , an uncontrollable growl came out of my mouth I was chocked . What . Was . That ! Did I just growl right now is this a joke ! I immediately covered my mouth with one of my hand , I don't know if that's what my mother meant by " sick " but it definitely isn't a sick feeling that I get .

ummmh...Derek ? Are you alright ?

I simply nodded not trusting my voice at this point . I couldn't get my head out of the only thing that was important at the moment.... I hear his pulse , I hear each breath he takes , I can hear him walking towards his bed I hear literally everything but only if it's about . Ok that's not great...each second that pass I feel like the control that I have on my body slips out of my hands .

I need to get out of there ! Suddenly the sweet smell that was surrounding me started to dissipate . I turn around and...I saw it , my escape to the crazy things that were happening lately...well this escape was a window but it's better then nothing , and if that means I can be free of that shit for a second then I'm up for it !

I start running and jump out of the window as fast as I could . I think that was the faster I've ever ran . I start sprinting towards my loft and as soon as I get here I went straight to my bedroom , locked the door shut and nuzzled in my blanket . I was not feeling so good...I was feeling hot...like

my body was literally on fire !

How am I going to get through this...? Because this is not going to end well , even when I'll finish this " week of sickness " I'll never think of Stiles the same ever again....


Sorry I didn't post in a long time I was kinda busy this week but here you go , I hope you liked this new chapter I try to write a long one so it took me more time but I still hope you enjoy reading this book and all I can say now is bye bye and see you next time ❤️

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