《the secret of Stiles》a night to find answers ( pt2 )


I'm sorry for scaring you...

Ok...no I can't do it ! This is way too much right now ! You're being extremely weird Derek , you never cared and now you just said sorry to me the defendsless human you hate !

I know ! That's why I'm here because this werefox did something to me ! Why would I be here otherwise !?

Yes I get it but...seeing you like this is so weird I don't like it , it just not the Derek-the-big-bad-sour-wolf-I'm-not-funny-I'll-rip-your-throat-open-with-my-teeth-Hale I know .

...help me find answers then .

Ok I know this may sound extremely weird but this...this cannot be Derek because I know damn well that I didn't curse him , I don't do this type of things...I mean I could , but I'll let that to the witches . But if I didn't do anything to him then what happened ? Because he can't just become all nice and worried in one night , and what's up with his wolf when he's close to my fox....like what-? And now he comes to find , aka the person he hates the most in the pack to find answers and he didn't even flash his red alpha eyes at my when I said that he was a big bad sour wolf and he talked with a soft tone like he used it that way I wouldn't be scared....which scare me even more then if he had pinned me to a wall . Because now I'm really concern for him...but I shouldn't ! First he is a wolf and second he's Derek Hale and he hates me....why would I be concern for him ! Uuuuurgh I hate myself ! Why did I even started to go around messing with the pack in the first place ?

Ok let's grab my books and we'll try to find answers .

No we will not try we'll find answers because I don't want to be stuck like that forever ! I chuckled a little at his comment and just walked towards the books that Deaton gave me , I grabbed two books .


Ok which one would like to read ? " Legends of werewolf " or " the werewolf history " ?

I don't know which one are you going to take ?

Me ? Well I'm going to take " mythical creatures powers " .

Oh why can't I just search on the bestiary to find more information on the werefox ?

Because I doubt you'll find anything . Werefoxes are really rare , thank to the wonderful hunters of course...I said almost growling when the " hunters " word left my mouth . So there's just a few still alive and the pure blood families are even more rare then normal werefox since they have three form and are usually kept as pet by some rich perverts . I was getting more and more angrier as the words left my mouth , I closed my eyes trying to calm down . So the werefoxes with power being the extremely rare creatures they are , aren't going to use lots of magic so they can't get caught or they would be in a huge danger if hunters finds them . That's why a werefox would never curse some random werewolf they found in the woods , so I'm telling you...the werefox didn't do that . But maybe another supernatural being did . I reopened my eyes once I finished , since i was calmer now .

Stiles...what's that in your eyes...? My eyes were wide open in shock...did my eyes glow purple in front of Derek ! I'm so screwed...Frick what am I going to tell him ? Is he going to believe me ? What if he don't and tells everyone ! This time I couldn't keep my emotion and my scent , my room was fast enough full with the scent of my anxiety . When I looked up I saw Derek , his eyes were red . Which didn't help me calm down at all , but actual all his face was red and he was pitching his nose so he couldn't sniff my scent I guess . But since it was my scent I didn't really smeled it myself but I knew that since I always bottled it up he was probably not used to smelling it . But it couldn't smell bad right ! I mean I never smelt anxiety before but with the face he's making he seems to be really affected by it . His claws were out just like his fang and his eyes were glowing a bright red . Was he loosing control ? He stood up still pitching his nose and his face all red and looked at me with something in his eyes...I couldn't see what it was , he had already turned around, his back facing me .


I slowly calmed down and started walking to the tall man's back that was in front of me I touched his shoulder and I felt all his muscles tense at the touch , I slowly take off my hand but he didn't seemed to relax . What the frick was happening to Derek ? He is facing the wall for 10 minutes straight ( a/n "straight" sure...😂 ) did I do something wrong ? I was really starting to freak out when I heard a low growl I turned away and I realized it was coming from Derek . He immediately put his hand in front of his mouth , did he just growl ? I heard lots of werewolf growled since I was in a werewolf pack . But I couldn't recognize what this growl could mean...I never heard this type of growl . It was a low , powerful , really animalistic and slow growl that seemed to come from the bottom of his throat...nope I clearly never heard this one .

I was still looking at him wondering what his growl meant , is it to call his pack ? No impossible those growl aren't like that at all....is it to intimidate the ennemi ? Or maybe a warning growl ? No and no ! They don't sound anything alike either !

ummmh...Derek ? Are you alright ?

He simply noded not saying a word , he still had a hand in front of his mouth . It was like he was scared to talk , maybe this had a thing to do with the growl ? I didn't stop looking at his back...why was he acting like that ? Plus if my scent was that bad he could of just leave or...oh I'll open the window maybe after my scent is gone he'll be back to his normal self because seeing only his back not seeing him moving or talking...or doing anything other then staring at a wall with a hand on his mouth and the other on his nose . I don't know if I should be scared , concern or laughing my ass off because of the situation . I turn around and start opening my window I then went to sit back on my bed , I take the book and then a shadow ran near me I looked up and saw nothing...Derek was gone . I take a quick gaze around my room , Yep he wasn't in here . I looked outside and saw him running towards the black woods .

St:Wow...what just happened ?

I then heard something I really didn't want to , my alarm...wait-MY ALARM ! Is that a joke I didn't get any sleep during the week-end and I didn't tonight either...I'm going to be exhausted during class I'm not going to make it through first period !


It has been 4 days I believe since I didn't post a new chapter so here you go ! This one is pretty long , 1300 words+ . So I really hope you enjoyed it ❤️ ! Like always y'all are really supportive and I really appreciate that so thanks a lot , and all I need to say now is...

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