《Ask Nico di Angelo | √》Camp Wars... Again??



Do you like Camp Jupiter or Camp Halfblood?

I've honestly never thought about this.

See, I spend a lot of time at both camps doing all kinds of things so it's not like I can say I favor one for relaxation purposes. And I have an equal amount of friends at both camps (i.e. three).

If I was to go off of structure, I would say Jupiter because it's so orderly. Everyone has a set time to do everything and if you don't do it, you get punished. The punishments are far more severe over there and I honest to gods hope Chiron picks some of them up.

Seriously, losing dessert because you maimed someone isn't even really a punishment.

But at the same time, Half Blood is more freeing and fun and flexible. There's less pressure at Camp Half Blood. Not to mention I have Lou Ellen and Cecil to mess around with. And my boyfriend lives here at CHB

And I actually have fun at CHB, though I enjoy the company of the Romans. They're still weird about me being a child of Hades and can't decide if they like me or fear me. (Personally, I don't see why it can't be both, but still.)

Now that I've thought about it a bit, I'd probably say CHB, but that's for personal, selfish reasons.

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