《Ask Nico di Angelo | √》Oh my gods!



Okay, here's a weird question: Which goddess or god's name do you use the most?

Before I was living at Camp Half Blood, I was mostly alone.

But I did spend a lot of time in the Underworld or surrounded by Underworld creatures.

That said, I used my Father's name a lot. Like, just in casual conversation I'd use it for the hell of it.

I was an angry kid and I blamed it all on my Father, so I kind of word-vomitted about him all the time.

And when it wasn't my Father I was complaining about, I was complaining about my step Mom.

She is the ultimate immortal jerkwad.

But, now that I'm living at Camp permanently, I'd say my choice of god has changed.

I've been spending a lot of time around other campers, but mostly the Apollo kids.

I use his name almost every time I mention a god now.

And if I'm not using his name, I use Aphrodite's name.

I train the Aphrodite kids, okay? Don't judge me; she's a common conversation topic among her kids.

Anyway, yeah. Either Apollo or Aphrodite. I don't think I use one over the other, but I might.

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