《Nico di Angelo x Reader Part 1》Chapter 2-Edited


You hurriedly threw on some dark blue jean shorts with a Camp Half Blood t shirt on. Running out the door after combing your hair, you chased after Amber. When you reached Chiron, he already seemed to have sensed the urgency that clung to the two of you. Feeling guilty after seeing his expression, you began to shy away from him. "Chiron! Y/n saw a prophecy in her dream. The oracle spoke to her!" Amber announced making his attention direct towards you before he spoke.

"A prophecy you say? This displeases me, especially since it hasn't been a year since the last one. Y/n, what did you hear?" He implored as his eyes grew wide with concern. You rubbed your arm shyly before you recited what you heard to the best of your ability.

After reciting the prophecy a few minutes later, Chiron remained silent. He stroked his beard silently as if he was in deep thought. "It's Porphyrion, isn't it?" You asked automatically. This caused Chiron to startle as he wasn't expecting the name to be spoken so boldly. With a look of pure curiosity, Chiron thought about your words once more, trying to piece everything together.

"Many times we receive prophecies from the Oracle. Sadly, she hasn't received any for a while now. My main concern is how it is that you were able to come in contact with one. Considering that this one is pretty basic, it is unlike the previous prophecies. Tell me, what makes you inquire such an assumption?" His intense brown eyes bore into your soul, making you shiver. Sharing a look with Amber, you thought about why the giant's name had suddenly popped into your mind. "Amber, if you may, can you please excuse yourself from this conversation and return to your cabin?" Chiron implied as his stern gaze turned to the demigod. She nodded her head and with one last glance towards you, walked off.


"Sir, I don't understand. What's going on?" You asked as you followed Chiron into the Big House. Trying to keep up with the man, you resorted to keeping a light jog as he wheeled around the building. You panted as he seemed to have started wheeling faster down the hall and into another room. 'Is he really this fast or am I just out of shape?' You looked down at your stomach and saw your rolls as you were bent over. 'I guess I would have laid off chocolate fudge brownie cake earlier at the Mess Hall,' you thought as you glanced at your stomach rolls once more.

"It's said that Aphrodite had rolls too. Don't judge the way you are because of society's view on beauty." Chiron said, scaring you into oblivion. Recovering from the mini heart attack, you straightened yourself out and looked the man in the eye. "Come, we have much to discuss." He called as he beckoned you to the room he had entered not too long ago. Sighing, you followed him and entered the room timidly.


A week after talking to Chiron you had begun to pack for the quest. Placing a c/s and jean shorts with sandals into your trunk, you headed out to the stables. As you began to walk out of the cabin, you felt a strange presence around you. Sighing, you turned around to see Nico staring at you expectedly. "I'm going with you," he stated as he walked beside you. You snorted and looked at him amused.

"Yeah and I'll be accompanied by the seven and Coach Hedge," You declared sarcastically while picking up the paste when you saw your pegasus, Sapphrenia. 'I'm glad that Chiron had told me about mother's gift before I left,' you thought to yourself as you took your trunk and put it into an enchanted bag that the Hephaestus kids had made for your journey.


"You're hilarious. I'm still going. " Nico answered rolling his mysterious dark eyes. You were growing aggravated, but nonetheless pushed it down and kept patient.

"Thank you, I really do try." You replied sarcastically. You looked behind you and saw Nico's eyes narrowed, a dark aura around him. Knowing what that meant scurried over to Sapphrenia and hopped onto her back. "Nico, it was nice talking to you, but I have to go. Please don't kill everyone while I'm gone." You told him, watching his dark aura slowly fade away. The two of you had grown close during the week you were at camp. Some would even say that you had become inseparable after Will introduced the two of you to each other.

He nodded, his shaggy raven hair falling in front of his eyes. You smiled and waved as Sapphrenia took flight and soared into the air. Waving goodbye, you turned towards the sky and admired the clouds. Looking down at Camp Half Blood, you realized how small it was, an easy mistake if you haven't gotten lost a dozen times while walking through it. 'I will be back soon, I promise,' you thought to yourself as you headed toward New York City. Not knowing that someone was following you.


You woke up to the sound of thunder and saw a flash of lightning penetrating the calm of the sky. The rain grew heavy and the wind blew with all of its might, causing Sapphrenia to lose balance more than once. Your hair whipped across your face as it was soaked by the falling rain. Another clap of thunder rang through the air as you held onto Sapphrenia for safety against the storm. You tried to calm her down but nothing could be heard over Zeus' fury. Another flash of lightning came and almost hit you, making you fall off of Sapphrenia from surprise. Your body plummeted towards the ground at an alarming rate. Sapphrenia dived to retrieve you as you held back screams of terror.

Your eyes widened as you saw a shadow zoom past Sapphrenia and come up to you. Its sharp teeth were as white as snow, contrasting with its dark figure. A scream erupted from your throat, causing the shadow's grin to widen. It's long, skinny fingers went to grab your arm when Sapphrenia came up from behind it and kicked it away from you. Remembering that you had a flashlight in your trunk, you whistled for Sapphrenia to come towards you.

The pegasus understood and you grasped her saddle, swinging your legs onto her back and dug through your trunk desperately. Grasping the handle of the tool, you took it out and turned it on. Noticing another switch on the handle, you knew that Leo had messed with it. Flipping on the switch, you saw fire appear. Getting an idea, you pointed it towards the shadow that was creeping towards you and flashed it. Sapphrenia finally regained balance and stopped you from falling. You watched as the shadow cried out from the burst of flame and begin to wither away.

You held onto your pegasus tightly as you braved through rain and constant strikes of lightning, growing farther and farther away from the evil spirit that was now screaming in agony. Noticing that you were nearing your destination, you asked Sapphrenia to land before you were caught in the storm. You almost made it to the ground before you got hit by a bolt of lightning. Electricity sparked inside of you as you began to lose consciousness. The last thing you heard was Sapphrenia's panicked neigh and even that was covered by the feeling of pain.

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