《Nico di Angelo x Reader Part 1》Chapter 1-Edited


When you first met Nico you were about fourteen years old and had arrived to Camp Half Blood. You were heading towards your cabin when you heard a group of campers laughing at two figures. You noticed one boy shielding the other as the campers threw sticks at them. The campers cackled as they taunted them for being gay. Lowering your eyes, you thought about how the bullies back home made fun of you because of your test scores. Clenching your fists, you took a deep breath and tried not to get too upset. A sudden urge to tell the campers to stop came over you, and before you knew it, you were marching over towards the group with bags in tow.

Some of the campers sensed your presence as you walked past them and looked up, stopping what they were doing and watching you . "Hey! Leave them alone!" You shouted as your e/c eyes got covered by your bangs. All eyes were on you as you stormed up to who you assumed was the leader. Clamping your hand on his shoulder, turned him around to face you. He blinked in surprise before he composed himself and plastered a devilish grin on his face. Looking over his shoulder, you saw one of the two boys look up at you, his black hair lifted up by a small breeze. His dark eyes locked on yours and you almost stopped breathing.

"Why don't you make us," the boy in front of you teased as a smirk etched onto his freckled face. Rolling your eyes, you dropped your bags and grabbed your knife from your belt . Twirling it in your hand, you looked up at the male . His face paled and the smug look he had worn wiped clean off of his face.

"Okay then, I will, " you consented as you looked him in the eye and gave him a sly smirk. His eyes hinted that he was nervous, telling you that he wasn't very confident in this situation. Your mind raced as you thought up of different strategies to use against the bully. 'He's a bit on the heavy side, I can use his size against him since I'm smaller. He also shifts his weight onto his left leg, he's broken it before?' Motioning for him to draw his weapon. You looked over at the victims and saw them now standing by a boy with dark hair and sea-green eyes.

"You're going to lose, princess, there's no way you can take down a son of Ares, " you heard the boy in front of you boast as he drew his sword. You narrowed your eyes and waited for him to come after you before you started your plan. He lunged, making you step to the side as if his attack was nothing. 'Clumsy fighter, I can trick him into going into a vulnerable position,' you thought as he went to slash your throat. You dodged to the side and dropped to the ground and roundhouse kicking him on the left leg. The boy yelped and toppled to the ground while clutching his leg.

You gave him a smirk and stood up, holding out your hand towards him. He looked up at you and grabbed your hand. "Rule number one, always observe your opponent's weakness," you stated you helped the boy up. He gave you a curious look that turned into pure rage. Before he would let go of your hand, you gripped onto his tighter and judo flipped him. "Rule number two, control your emotions and never trust your enemy." Livid, the boy got up from the ground and charged at you. Sidestepping him, you grabbed his sword arm, disarmed him, and kicked him in the torso. The boy gasped in surprise as he clutched his stomach and panted. Stepping in front of him, you held the end of his sword, making sure the tip was pointed towards you, and offered it to him.


The boy looked up confused. "How do you know I won't stab you?" Your eyes darkened as they narrowed at him . He flinched as he saw your expression and looked into your eyes . Putting your knife back into your belt, you looked around and saw the campers watching .

Leaning down to his ear, you said, "We both know that your conscious couldn't handle it." The boy's body slumped, . Pulling away, you looked up at the other campers' shocked expressions. "Anyone else?" You challenged and gestured towards your opponent. They blinked at you and shook their heads. "Good," you muttered as you headed over to your bags and picked them up before going to your cabin to unpack. You passed by the two boys that you saw earlier and stopped in front of them. Looking them in the eyes, you nodded your head and walked into Cabin Six to unpack.


When you finally finished unpacking, you headed out towards the pavilion for dinner. The conch had long been blown to call everyone, but it took you awhile to unpack. Nervously you sat next to one of your half-sisters that had helped you unpack earlier. A satyr placed a plate of some of your favorite foods in front of you and a smile graced your face as you looked down at it. Picking up one of the things off of your plate, you began to eat.

"Y/n! Why don't you tell us what happened earlier? Everyone won't stop talking about how you beat up Ricky! I heard the boy was so scared he had to get a change of pants!" Your half-sister, Amber, exclaimed as she stopped chatting with the rest of your siblings and asked you about your duel. You felt yourself blush as you looked down at the table and avoided everyone's eyes. 'So that's what that kid's name was. . . ' you thought to yourself as you played with the end of the table shyly. Feeling everyone's eyes on you, you looked up and tried your best not to be too quiet.

"I didn't beat him up. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble, I don't even know what came over me!" You began as you looked away from everyone and focused on the trees near the table. You flicked your gaze back to your eagerly waiting siblings and gave a soft sigh. "Although, I don't regret what I did. What those campers were doing was wrong and it's none of their business what another's love life is like." Some of the people at your table "awed" as your face heated up and you averted your eyes once more.

"Well, I'm glad you did. Ricky had no right to treat someone like that. The idiot about got himself killed considering that he was throwing sticks at the Son of Hades. I mean, who has a death wish like that? No pun intended," Kayla, another one of you siblings, commented as she babbled on and on about how the situation happened to the other campers at the table.

You looked down at the apple on your plate and sighed as you got up and sacrificed the food to your mother. Trudging back to the table, you didn't notice a tall figure standing in front of you. Running into the person's chest, you looked up and saw a boy with golden hair and tanned skin. "Hey! You're the girl from earlier, right?" The boy asked a little too happily. You nodded your head and looked into his eyes, trying to see what his purpose was for talking to you. "I'm Will, Will Solace. I help out at the hospital here at camp." You watched as Will offered you his hand to shake and contemplated on whether or not you should you should accept it. Deciding that it was the polite thing to do, you took his hand and shook it.


"I'm Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry about the turn of events earlier, I don't know what came over me. I was going to do it peacefully, but it didn't turn out like that," you sputtered as you avoided his eyes. He placed his hand on your shoulder gently, causing you to look up at him.

"Why are you sorry? That was the most awesome thing I've ever seen! You're a first year, right?" You nodded your head and looked up at his happy demeanor with a mixture of confusion and suspicion. "Usually, first years have no idea how to fight and when we get one that does, there is always something good that happens to the camp. Can you tell me where you learned how to fight like that?" Will asked as he looked at you kindly. Your face softened as you realized that he meant no harm and was just wanting to befriend you.

With a small nod, you explained how you were bullied often and had to rely on strategies to escape from your perpetrators. His once bright smile turned to a grim expression. "What about you dad of mom? Didn't you tell them about the bullying?" You shook your head, not wanting to talk about how your dad was abusive and heartbroken after your mother left. "Oh. Do you mind coming with me to meet someone? I have a friend that I think you'd like to meet." Nodding your head, you kept silent and followed him to a table that was surrounded by a dark aura. "Nico, meet Y/n. Y/n, meet my friend Nico," Will postulated with a smile.


Thunder rumbled in the distance as you watched your family disappear into the night. You heard the screams and howls of the storm, but couldn't stop it from sucking up your dad. Tears formed in your e/c eyes as you tried to reach out to him and failed. When you finally grasped your dad's hand it was only a second before they got swept away from you.

"Dad! No! Please, come back! Don't leave me!" You shouted into the raging storm, tears falling down your frigid cheeks. You felt as if you lost all hope as you watched his face fill with disgust. "I never loved you Y/n. You were always a disappointment to me. You're not worthy of time." They told you as they disappeared into the funnel, leaving you shocked and grief-stricken. 'He never loved me.' The sky soon cleared and a heavenly light descended from the crystal clear sky. A girl with red curly hair appeared in front of you. Her eyes flashed green as she began to speak, green smoke wisping out of her mouth. . . .

"To rise or fall, the child of Athena will answer the call,

to battle the giant that deserves it all.She fights her way through the dark, but nothing will cure her broken heart.Words that were spoken of thee,to raise the children of three.The journey starts in the new city.

Darkness soon will surround,

and the child of Athena will to be bound.

To tie the knot the girl will rise,

but one will leave with four lives.

Then, thy one shall perish."

You woke up in a cold sweat and shaking violently. You felt someone's hold on your shoulder and saw your sister, Annabeth, looking down at you with worried eyes. You felt yourself shiver and sprung out of bed, hugging Annabeth tightly. You began to cry into your sister's shoulder and she comforted you with sweet nothings whispered into your ears.

"Y/n? Are you alright? What did you see?" She asked, holding you in her thin arms. Her gray eyes pierced through yours and searched for any sign of harm she would find.

"There was a girl with red curly hair. She had glowing green eyes and smoke coming out of her mouth. She was reciting something," you answered her while still shaking violently, your stomach churned as you tried not to vomit from being so worked up.

"A prophecy! We need to tell Chiron! Get dressed Y/n!" Amber exclaimed, coming up from behind Annabeth and rushing to the bathroom to get ready. 'When did she get here?' You questioned silently as you held back sobs and allowed Annabeth to comfort you.

Even though you had just met her, you remember how kind she was after dinner and how she helped you settle in before it was time for bed. Shivering, you got out of Annabeth's arms, thanked her for her kindness, and went to get ready.

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