《The untold story of the first wife》Chapter 15 - Reality


It was bright morning with birds chirping and slight mist and fog blinding the eyes. And the two souls were sleeping in each others embrace without a worry in the world and a slight smile decorating their face unconsciously even in sleep.

The sun rays were starting to peek through the curtains disturbing the sleep of Anamika as yuvraj was hiding his face in her hairs and doesn't get affected. Slowly Anamika woke up from her sleep annoyed by the disturbance as she slept merely two hours ago and she is still tired.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the person who was holding her waist tightly in his arms and smiled at him. She was about to caress his head with her hands when she remembered that they are not the same old couple who couldn't live without each other. But their relationship has included another person in it. He is no more just hers but he is shared.

With that realization, she jumped out of the bed out of his arms and immediately felt pain in her legs and remembered why there were here together. Though she still couldn't remember anything that happened last night because of the herbs, She distinctly remember yuvraj's habit of dressing her before sleep.

Once stood up, she turned back to see yuvraj who is sleeping hiding his face in a pillow. Sighing She went to take a bath herself as she didn't want to bring dasis in the room when yuvraj is there. After taking a long bath which lasted almost an hour, she came back to the room.

Anamika was drying her hair and some of the water droplets fell on Yuvraj who was sleeping turning towards her side. He opened his eyes and looked at the serene beauty in front of him without even blinking his eyes.

Anamika sat in front of the mirror and was making a loose bun of her hair when she saw him standing behind her. He was looking at her with a smile on his face and pulled her hair out of her bun. Then he said, "Anamika! How many times did I say that keep your hair open? Why don't you follow that? "


She replied with the ever so stern and emotionless face, "No Yuvraj. It's just that it disturbs me in my work. That's why I tie it always". He sighed and said dramatically, "Always work. I'm happy that I got a responsible wife but you should also give some attention to your husband Anamika. Don't you think so? "

She replied, "Husband and wife relationship is a two way road yuvraj. Whatever one gives, the other should reciprocate it one way or the other. If not then it will come to a dead end. We are already at that dead end. So please don't complicate it further. Let's be what we were for the past ten years."

Yuvraj felt as if a cold bucket of water has been splashed on him. He totally forgot that they are not the same old couple anymore. It was a pre-decided night they were to spend together for a heir. And moreover Anamika was in the effect of herbs last night and now she is not.

It made him panic that he will not have the same old Anamika anymore, whom he saw a glimpse last night. She is back to the emotionless woman. In fact She is back to reality and made him come out of his own bubble too.

He desperately wanted to have the old Anamika and pleaded to her, keeping his hands on her shoulder while looking at her in the mirror, "Anamika! I know I have made some mistakes, in fact huge sin by neglecting you, the love of my life. But please give me a chance to mend my mistakes. I will try and earn your forgiveness even if it takes my whole lifetime. All I want from you is a chance to seek forgiveness. Could you please give me that?"

Anamika still kept herself composed and said, "Yuvraj! You don't need to apologize for loving your second wife. She is also your wife and you have every right to spend time with her. Also it is your wish whom to spend time with. I'm not in a place to dictate you what to do and what not to do. So you don't have to ask my forgiveness for that."


Yuvraj replied impatiently, "OK I get that it is not easy to undo my mistakes or get forgiveness for the same. But atleast we can start afresh for the sake of our baby right. Try to think about it, Anamika. We still have the same passion for each other. You may not remember what happened yesterday night but I can't forget that. The way our lips moulded in the kiss, your moans when-", he was cut off by a loud shout that caught him off-guard.

Anamika shouted at him with slight tears in her eyes, "Stop it Yuvraj! Just stop it. Don't you get it that I don't want to remember anything that happened last night. That's the main reason why I took the herbs. Then why are you trying to make me remember something that I don't want to acknowledge", she stood up from her seat and faced him.

"But what is wrong in this Anamika. I know we are not in good terms but I'm still your husband. We didn't do any sin. You were also happily enjoying yesterday then why do you want to forget it? ", Yuvraj asked cluelessly.

"Because I don't want to know that you kissed me with the same lips that kissed some other woman. You touched me with the same hands that touched another woman. I don't want to think deep into it so that I don't feel disgusted. I don't want to think anything bad regarding my baby. So please stop it and it's already past nine. The children will come for puja so please leave", She said in a single breath and turned away from him to wipe her tears.

Yuvraj was stunned would be an understatement. He knew that she believed in one true love and one man one woman ideology. Even then he didn't think about her when he married Saudamini. He consoled himself saying its for the kingdom but now that they know Anamika is the one giving the heir, how can they undo the wrongs? Now he has the responsibility of Saudamini and the girls as well. He cannot just abandon his second wife as she will not have a son, like he did with Anamika.

Still confused about all the happenings, Yuvraj dressed properly and left from there but not before greeting her. Once he left from there, Anamika sat down and let out more tears biting her lips to control her emotions without letting any sound.

Anamika accepted yuvraj's second marriage for the sake of Kingdom and got ready to compromise her ideology and live with him. Because she was so immersed in her love that she was even ready to compromise her self respect and silently took all the taunts and mocks from others, including Ranisa and Saudamini's mother. She didn't express her emotions but she did get hurt. Though Saudamini didn't directly say anything, the mocking smiles and silent laughs did hurt her self respect to an extent that she wanted to give up and leave for her motherland.

Leaving the memories of past she composed herself and got ready for puja. She never thought she would receive the fruit of her patience and tolerance in the form of a baby.

Maybe her son will bring her happiness back which she had lost in the course of her marriage.


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