
Jungkook gently rubbed Taehyung's back who was biting his lower lip harshly because of too much nervousness.Currently they were standing in front of Jungkook's apartment, ready to go inside.But Taehyung asked Jungkook to give him few seconds to calm his nerves down before he unlocks the door.He was just so nervous to meet his son who was oblivious of his existence till now.

On the way, Taehyung got to know that Jungkook didn't really talk to Taegguk about him.What would he say anyways?It's not like the little one would understand his parents' complicated lives.Instead, he would throw a tantrum, wanting to meet his other parent.Jungkook didn't want to give their son fake hope since he never thought of crossing paths with Taehyung ever again.

Actually Jungkook was surprised when Taehyung told him that Taegguk recognized him that day.He then explained how excited the boy looked while telling him about his papa having his pictures.Jungkook's eyes teared up knowing the new piece of information.

"It was 5th April, his second birthday when he first saw your pictures for the first time.I hid all the photo albums carefully, not wanting him to see our pictures.I didn't want to lie when he asks questions about you.He is a question bank just like you." Jungkook giggled, wiping his teary eyes.

"That night, when I made sure that he slept, I started going through our memories.Since it was his birthday, I was missing you even more.But that little devil woke up at midnight and saw me wiping tears while looking at the albums.You know what he did?" Jungkook chuckled fondly, sniffling a little.

"He asked which meanie made me cry.He was all ready to throw hands at the pictures but stopped looking at your smiling face.He was amazed to see your smile matching his.He was so fascinated with you that he started going through the pictures on his own.The moment I was scared of never came.He slept while looking at the pictures.I didn't know what would I answer if he asked me about the albums in the morning but thankfully, he didn't ask.I thought he forgot about the pictures since it's been five months after that night but I guess I was wrong." Jungkook smiled, shaking his head.

"You know what?" Taehyung asked, wiping the lone tear that dared to drop without his permission.

Jungkook looked at the elder who was still driving in confusion, waiting for the other to answer his own question.

"I'm too handsome to be forgotten." Taehyung said and winked at the younger who gasped like a fish out of water.He smacked the other's bicep with pink tinted cheeks.


Soon the inside of the car filled with their melodious laughters as they neared Jungkook's apartment.








"Papa-" Taegguk got out of the nanny's lap and ran towards Jungkook who was walking towards him with a blinding bunny smile on his face.Jungkook crouched down to their son's level who stopped few inches away from him, smiling his boxed shaped smile.

He didn't jump on his papa even if he wanted to do it so bad since his papa has forbade him to do so.Jungkook explained to their baby long ago that he may get germs if he hugs his papa right after he comes back from the hospital.So being the good boy he is, Taegguk obeyed what his papa asked him to do.He knew for a fact that his papa is all his after he washes up.So it wasn't that hard for him to wait to be in his papa's arms...

Meanwhile, the nanny was shocked to see Jungkook looking so happy.She has never seen Jungkook smiling like that ever since she started babysitting Taegguk.Nonetheless, she was glad to see the young male smiling so heartily.

She always wondered why Jungkook was raising his child alone but never dared to ask Jungkook about it.No, it's not like she was scared of him.He was such a sweetheart to everyone after all.She just didn't ask about it knowing the question might upset the boy.Jungkook's gloomy face and him being a single parent at such a young age were enough of reasons for her to not invade his privacy.But she always wanted the boy to be happy just like her was being at the moment.

"Youuuu...." Taegguk's eyes sparkled when he spotted the man he met in the hospital behind his papa.He smiled his unique smile at the man, being happy to meet him again.

Taehyung blinked his eyes to stop them from tearing up before he too crouched down in front of the boy.Unknowingly, his lips also formed a smile, matching the little one's.

"Hi, nice to meet you again, champ." Taehyung spoke in a gentle tone.His whole being was itching to pull the boy in his embrace but he stopped himself from giving in to his emotions.Making his son uncomfortable was the last thing he could do at the moment.

"N-nice to meet you too.." Taegguk giggled with sparkling eyes.

"You're so h-ha-hansome...." The little boy said, staring at Taehyung in awe.His eyes widened and cheeks became rosy when the man laughed loudly.He secretly glanced at his papa who was smiling at him.

Jungkook thanked heavens for not letting their son see his teary eyes.Otherwise, the boy would become clingy to him, asking many more questions.He got startled when he felt a hand on his shoulder.He looked towards the direction only to see Taegguk's nanny looking at him with a knowing smile.Jungkook felt shy at that but he nodded his head with a smile, answering her silent question.


"I'm happy for you son.And yes, he is handsome." The woman teased and took her leave after gaining the expected reaction from the young male.

"Not more than you though" Taehyung's voice brought Jungkook back to reality.His eyes widened realising what Taehyung just replied to their baby.How can that man give such cheeky remarks to his own son!

In the mean time, Taegguk was a blushing mess.The handsome man called him more handsome.He was just so happy after getting the compliment.

"Taeggukie, baby, why don't you show him our home?I will go, shower while you do so.." Jungkook butted in, wanting the father-son duo to spend some time alone.

He wanted Taegguk to get along with Taehyung just the way he does with him.Taehyung has lost so many precious moments already.Jungkook doesn't want him to suffer more.He wish he could change things but he understands that what's done is done.So why not enjoying the present moment where he has everything he needs!

"Ok papa.." Taegguk excitedly jumped up and down as he grabbed Taehyung's index finger with his small palm and started walking mumbling a "follow me"

Jungkook couldn't help but stare at the duo in awe.He didn't fail to notice how Taehyung's eyes twinkled in happiness when Taegguk held his finger, he couldn't help but fell in love with the sight of Taehyung with their son, he couldn't help but stare at the duo who looked like two exact carbon copies.








Jungkook tied his bathrobe hurriedly and rushed outside the bathroom.He finished taking a bath just few minutes ago but he didn't even have the chance to apply moisturizer.He panicked when he hard continuous noises coming from the outside.First he thought Taehyung was playing with Taegguk but after hearing the noises getting louder each passing second and then hearing a thud sound was more than enough to worry him...

He ran to the living room to see what happened.He knows that Taehyung can get really clumsy sometimes.Plus, it's the first time he visited this place.What if he accidentally hurt himself...Jungkook is pretty sure that Taehyung will never let Taegguk get hurt, not in his watch.So he's more worried for the elder.

Jungkook mentally facepalmed himself when he saw Taehyung laying on the floor with a pained expression.He rushed towards the elder who hissed in pain and then helped him to stand up.Jungkook's eyes automatically went towards their son who was now standing with teary eyes and wobbling lips.

"What happened here?" Jungkook's voice was laced with authority which made Taehyung gulp and Taegguk hid behind Taehyung.Well his papa never used this tone in front of him before.So he had the urge to maintain some distance.His papa didn't look like would feel better with his kisses, not this time.

"I-I...umm...was playing with Taegguk a-and accidentally stepped on his t-toy car." Taehyung answered, hanging his head low.He didn't look up but he knew that Jungkook definitely rolled his eyes at his clumsiness.Taehyung was embarrassed.Even after years, he made his bunny feel that he was still as clumsy as he used to be before....

"S-sorry papa...I-I forgot to take it back after plwayin..." Taegguk spoke up, pointing his finger at the now broken car.He hung his head low the moment Jungkook looked at him.

Jungkook was amused to see Taehyung and Taegguk acting the same.He always knew that Taegguk is a photocopy of Taehyung but seeing them together like this felt overwhelming.Both of them looked the kicked puppies who needed their owner's attention now.It was hard for Jungkook to not break into a smile at the adorable sight but he still maintained a stern look on his face.

First of all, he wanted Taegguk to seek comfort from Taehyung.The way he hid behind the elder said that they are on good terms already which relieved Jungkook.

Secondly, Jungkook wants Taegguk to learn a new lesson.He wants him to learn that his one silly mistake can hurt others.That way the boy will learn to be careful in the future.

"It's ok.But next time, don't forget to take your toys back after playing here.Okay?" Jungkook asked, bopping his son's nose as he finally let his smile take in.

Taegguk nodded his head vigorously and jumped on his papa's arms, mumbling sorries.Jungkook pulled him closer to his chest and patted his head, saying it was alright.

Taehyung forgot the pain he got from falling down as he took in the adorable sight.Maybe it was all he needed to feel happy....

The sight of his lover and their son hugging each other while making some small talks made all the years of stress inside him go away.

He was getting addicted.

And no, not addicted to Jungkook this time.

He was getting addicted to his family instead.....




What do you want next?

Tae-kook moments or Tae-gguk moments?

I just wanted to write a relaxing part where I can give them a family vibe.Hope I managed to do that?

Hope you enjoyed reading ❣

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