《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Knowing All the Facts



When we got to the hide away down underground Doc was already waiting for us to give an update. Ellies mother is currently in an induced coma, but she's doing much better. By tomorrow he may try to wake her up. The only thing we needed to do was help with a head injury. I did an incantation so when she wakes up, she should still have all her motor and verbal skills.

I feel relief for the first time in hours. Mother and daughter will finally be able to reunite within a few days, and I know Ellie will be over the moon happy. That's all I ever want for her, to be the happiest she can be.

Once I take care of my father, I know our world will be better. She won't have to live a life in fear ever again. I'll be sure of it. As the car pulls up to the driveway of the cabin, I feel exhaustion in my bones. Martin text me earlier about how Ellies night went with her friend and brother.

Apparently, it didn't go so well. Tony had to talk me down from the thought of slamming my fist into Keith's face once again for the way he talked to his own sister. He shouldn't be treating her that way.

Lucky for him Tony reminded me that if I was to hurt him Ellie would never forgive me. I can't let that happen, so he gets to live with no blood shed. This time! I won't be so forgiving in the future.

We make our way into the dark and quiet cabin; I nod towards my office in Tony's direction. He follows me, already getting his phone out of his jeans pocket and texting Martin and Joshua. When we get into the office, I sag into my chair, and put my head back, eyes closed. I just need a second to breath.

"What's the verdict on Moyra?" Martin asks making his way in the door and standing in front of my desk awaiting my answer.

"Ellies mom should make it. Doc has her in an induced coma and going to try to wake her up tomorrow. He will call me and let me know how it goes." I say opening my eyes and looking to each one of my friends.


Joshua is at his usual spot, standing along the wall, cracking his knuckles nodding his head at what I just told him. Tony already knowing how Moyra is, has his ass on my couch sharpening a blade. Martin is the one standing in front of my desk looking pain stricken.

"Good, after what Ellie went through tonight, she will need some good news soon." He slowly sits in the chair across from me. He bends his body down, placing his elbows along his knees, and has his face held in his hands.

"It was that bad?" I know that can be a loaded question with me right now, but I must know.

"Yea, it was horrible. He said we brainwashed Ellie, and basically called her a whore in nicer terms. Then, later when Liz tried to talk to him, he said he didn't care about your guys' past and screamed at her until she left the room."

Not thinking about my actions, I jump from my office chair and make my way around the desk. Joshua jumps in front of the door, Tony and Martin are up and not far behind me in a matter of seconds.

"Move Josh." I barely ever not use his full name. He hates being called just Josh, but I'm too pissed off to care.

"Think about this. You go in there and do something stupid to him Ellie may not forgive you a second time." Joshua holds out his hands to me.

I stand there for a moment, letting his words sink in. I move my head from side to side cracking my neck. My hands are in fists so tight my knuckles have turned white. I give him a slight nod and turn away making my way past Martin and Tony to my alcohol.

Pouring a glass of bourbon, I gulp it down in one shot, letting the burn that I feel all the way down my throat to my stomach calm me. I do those two more times, before I walk to the window, and look out to the forest. Trying to get my thoughts together and to calm the fuck down.


I can see all three of their reflections in the window, they look as worked up as me. It seems I'm not the only one that this is hard on. Knowing all three of them as well as I do, I know they want to rip his head off just as much. Picturing them doing just that makes a smirk come to my face.

They must all see it, and step away from the door. "What are you going to tell Ellie?" Tony asks once the air in the room has simmered.

"Nothing, until I know for sure her mother wakes up and all is well." I watch them nod in the window.

"I did some research and may have found where your father is hiding." Martins' words have me turning around so fast, I almost feel dizzy. Or maybe it's the alcohol.

"Where?" A growl is released from my throat. Just mentioning that monster makes my skin crawl. I almost want to strip away all my clothes and let the beast free.

Martin walks over to the map we have placed on the table in the room, of the city. He points to the red dot that hasn't moved since I was a kid. That red dot signifies my fathers favorite place of all. It's where you can't tell a lie, but you can manipulate the truth. Things aren't always what they seem in a place like that.

It's where some of the most dangerous monsters like to play. Can make you feel like you're high just from picking up a simple flower. A place where the occupants can make you dance like a monkey, sing like a canary, and fuck you without even touching you. The land of the Darkened Fae.

"Fuck." We all say at once.

"This isn't good at all." Joshua murmurs.

"Fucking got to be kidding me man. This is bullshit!" Tony is livid beyond belief.

I wipe my hands down my face and rub the back of my neck. Trying but failing miserably to stay calm. This night just keeps getting better and better. Now I may really need to let the beast be free just to calm the fuck down.

"What do you want to do?" Martin looks me dead in the eyes.

The room is blanketed in silence for what feels like hours but is only minutes. All you can hear is our heavy breathing. Each one of us trying to calm our asses down. Especially since I need to think rationally about this.

"How well is Ellie trained?" I ask no one in particular.

"Very well but I don't know how she could handle this." Martin answers honestly.

"We will have to prep her. As well as Liz and Keith. We will need everyone on board. It's their fight as well." We all nod our heads in agreement.

"Want me to prep our men?" Joshua asks from the door.

"Yes, tell them where we will be going. If all goes well, we leave in just a few days. We need to end this. It's time." I tell them all and watch as each one makes their way out the door.

Moving to the window, looking out into the woods I think about everything I have learned these last few days. Think about what's to come and it scares me to my bones. This isn't something I feel often, but there it is. The truth. I feel terrified, something I have never felt before.

I know it's because I'm worried about Ellie. This is all new to her and she doesn't even get to enjoy her new world. She's being thrust right into a war. The age-old tale of good versus evil. Just knowing that we will fight this war together makes the ache lessen.

Thought I needed to run. To get all this worry and stress out of my bones, but what I really need is Ellie. Not waiting another second, I walk out of my office, and make my way upstairs to get my little minx.

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