《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Catching Up



Once Kayden leaves the room, heading for his office, I turn to my brother and Liz. They both have stunned looks on their faces. Both of their mouths are hung open. This is going to be a rough talk; I can feel it in my bones.

"So, how have things been these last few weeks while I've been away?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear. Neither answer right away, so I make my way past them into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of ice-cold water, I take a big gulp. Need to cool down, after that kiss, my body is over heated, and I'm sticky once again between my legs.

"Oh no, don't try to act all normal missy. What in the hell was that?" Liz interrupts my thoughts.

Before I can answer her, she continues with, "I mean that kiss made my panties combust." She fans herself. That is when I notice her cheeks are red. Wow, Liz is blushing, I haven't seen her do that since we were in Elementary school, and she had a crush on our fifth-grade teacher.

"But I thought we hated him. He beat the shit out of your brother," She points to Keith who now has a stern look on his face, and his arms are crossed over his chest.

"Then, he forces you to move in with him. Doesn't give you any say in anything. Just tells you to pack up all your stuff and say goodbye to the two people that mean the most to you in this world. Like what the actual fuck!" Ooh, now she's got herself all worked up.

Before answering her, I close the fridge door, and walk right up to her. This close to her I can see the tears welting in her eyes, making me feel horrible. I know neither of them understand because they don't know about our past. I bring her into my arms and give her the tightest hug I can manage.

"It's all okay, I can explain everything." I say into her hair.

Her body shudders with sobs, as I feel tears run down her cheek and landing onto my shoulder. Once she's composed enough, she lifts her head, and quickly wipes away the tears. She doesn't like to show any signs of weakness if she can help it.

"Start talking." She says making me laugh a little. Leave it to Liz to go from pissed off, to crying, and stern all in a matter of minutes.

"Let's go into the living area and get comfortable." They both nod in agreement and follow me to the room. Once there Liz and I sit on the wrap around couch, and Keith takes the chair.

Grabbing Liz's hands, holding them in mine, I look her in the eyes, so she knows just how serious I am. "I promise you he hasn't hurt me at all. He's treated me like a queen. We are in love."


"Bullshit!" Liz and I both jump from Keith's sudden outburst.

"You mean to tell me you are in love with that monster that beat me practically to death?" He's up and pacing the floor now.

His hands are in his hair and he's yanking on his hair so much I'm afraid he may pull some of it out of his head. "I mean when we saw you a couple weeks ago you were terrified of him. You saw me laying on the floor in a puddle of my own blood. And now here you are kissing that monster and who knows what else." He is waving his arms around dramatically.

Taking a deep breath I reach for calm, "There's a lot you don't know, and let's be honest you were laying on the ground beaten and bloody because you gambled away half a million dollars and couldn't pay the money. To the Monroe family none the less. After how many times I have begged and pleaded with you to stop, and to stay away from the Monroe casinos?" I point out.

I know my face is red with the rage that is building in my bones. It's not a good thing when I get over emotional before I got all this power. I can only imagine what could happen now that I have it.

"Don't change the subject, you did this to save me, and I'm grateful I am. But now we need to think of a way to get the hell out of here." He stops his pacing and points his finger in my face.

Standing from the couch I get right into my brothers face, "actually we cannot go anywhere. There is a war brewing, and we are safest here."

"A war? Are you kidding me, what the hell has he gotten you into?"

"He hasn't it started when I was little, before you even came into my life!" It takes me a minute to see that my brother has backed away from me. My blood feels as though its on fire and not in a good way.

"Problem here?" We look towards the entrance to the room, and there's Martin looking calm and relaxed. He has his back to the wall, one foot bent behind him placed on the wall. His arms folded with a bored expression on his face.

"No, we were just catching up." I say while flexing my fists. Trying to calm down the beast inside of me. So, I don't accidentally rip my brothers head off.

However, my brother just can't let it go, he walks right up to Martin and gets toe to toe with him. Pointing back at me he asks, "what the hell did your boss do to my sister?"

Martin looks behind him to me. He looks my body up and down, not in a sexual way, but like he's looking for trauma or something on my body.


Looking back to my brother he calmly states, "she looks fine to me."

We all stay in silence for a second. Liz still on the couch watching all this transpire, me standing next to the couch wondering if my brother will be stupid enough to try something, and Martin looking calm and collective. But you can see in his eyes he's almost daring my brother to try something. His body is looks to be begging for a fight.

"Why don't we all just calm down and take a break from this topic. We'll just let Ellie explain what she has to tell us about the past." Liz breaks in. Trying to diffuse the ever-steaming situation.

"You do what you want. I can't listen to another bit of this. They clearly brain washed her, and I think it's safe to say she's no longer my sister." Keith says as he stomps down the hall to one of the spare rooms. We hear the door slam.

My body sags with sadness. How can he think that? Better yet how can he say such cruel things?

"You just have to let him cool down sweetie. You know how Keith gets." Liz grabs a hold of my hand and pulls me down next to her on the couch.

Wrapping her arms around me she holds me through my emotional time. I fight the tears that want to fall from my eyes. Don't need this right now, and he's making things worse for me.

"It'll be all right. Just let him be for a while." Liz says into my hair. I give her a nod and take a couple deep breaths.

Then I notice how Martin is the only one here. "Wait where's Kayden?" I look up at him.

He stares at me a moment. Almost like he's trying to work out the words he wants to say. "He had an important errand; he'll be back later tonight."

"Oh, well what is he doing exactly?" I know I'm pushing when I shouldn't be, but I need to get my mind off what just happened with my brother.

"He'll explain everything when he gets back." Yes, because that doesn't sound ominous at all.

"He didn't go after his father or anything did, he? Oh no, is he in danger." I try to burst up from the couch now in a panic. Liz holds my body down.

"No, no he's fine. It's just to get some intel so we can make a plan to go from here on our next move." Martin says making my body relax.

After a few minutes have gone by Liz asks me what I wanted to explain about my past. We get comfortable, her sitting Indian style, and me with my legs up folded, and my body to the side facing her.

"Kayden and I knew one another as children." Her eyes get big, "we were constantly together, and our families were friends. There was a prophecy that was told, and his father didn't like what he learned. He ordered for my family and I to be executed."

Her mouth hangs open as a stuttering breath leaves her lips. "Oh, my goodness, how could someone do that? And to his friends." She says in outrage.

"Kayden saved me that night. He tried to save my parents, but he couldn't. He made me forget until it came closer to my twenty first birthday. I'm like him a Hybrid. I have a little of everything in my blood line. Since I have which and Fae in me, I go through transition."

"Yeah, that can be a real bitch." We both laugh a little.

"Well, mine was amazing and orgasmic." My cheeks turn red in a blush remember all the dirty things Kayden did with me.

"You little hussy I cannot believe it. You finally did the deed?" She screams with glee.

"Yes, we did. Many, many times." I fan myself to show her just how hot it was.

We laugh together for a second. Both of us holding our bellies. This feels good. Feels right just two best friends having girl talk. Almost like everything is normal.

"Anyway, you were saying." She waves her hand telling me to continue.

"Kayden is the person I share a blood bond with. I meant it when I said I am madly in love with him. He's everything to me." A tear runs down my cheek. I hadn't realized I was getting so emotional.

"Oh sweetie," she wraps her arms around me. "I'm so happy for you. And I get it. Well, I mean I don't understand it haven't found my blood bond mate, but I have heard and seen firsthand just how serious that is." She smiles.

"Yes, well that's great." I get quiet.

"What is it? You can tell me anything you know that."

"His father now knows I am alive. He knows I didn't die that night. That Kayden saved me. There's a war coming, and that's why we need to stay here. We are safe here."

"I understand. We will stay here, and I will talk to Keith about all this. He may listen to me better because of the situation." We both nod in agreement.

After a couple minutes of silence, with me worrying my lip she asks me what else I need to tell her. I give her a sad smile Liz knows me so well.

"My mom, my biological mother she's alive."

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