《Hybrid's Possession: Possessive Alpha's Book 1》Talk of What to Expect



I didn't bother getting dressed after our little shower together. My cock is so hard it would be too uncomfortable with clothes on. Besides maybe if I'm lucky, Ellie will have some fun with me. After I tell her everything that is to come in two days. Transitioning can be a beautiful experience if you have someone help you through it. I will be there every step of the way. My lips pull back into a knowing smile.

The door to the bathroom opens, pulling me out of my thoughts. Ellie must be getting more comfortable around me, and confident in her skin since she too is stark naked. Must remind myself that we need to have a serious talk. She needs to know what's happening with her body, and what to expect. It could freak her out, and I don't want that. Don't want her to feel afraid of the change she will be experiencing soon.

"Ellie, please, begging you to get your fine ass over here in the bed, and cover up." Her face falls. I realize now how that came out, and she must have taken it the wrong way.

"No beautiful, didn't mean it like that. I love your body, cannot get enough of it. You know that." She smiles at my words. "We just need to talk about everything you're feeling, and I can't have this talk with seeing all that glorious skin of yours."

I see she wants to say something, but she thinks better of it for now. She walks over to her side of the bed, lifts the covers, and climbs underneath. She turns her body towards me and gives me her full attention.

"Are you comfortable?" She nods at me. I can see the excitement to finally getting her answers to all the questions that have been floating along in her pretty head of hers.

"I know your body feels like it's on fire all the time. Almost like your so horny, your body hurts." She looks down at her hands, feeling shy at my use of the word horny.

I place my hand under her chin and lift her face to look at me. "It's okay baby, all Fae and Witches and warlocks have gone through it. This happens to all of us when we hit twenty-one."

"You don't have to say anything, just nod your head if you understand me." She smiles and nods. Warms my heart knowing she is feeling more comfortable with what her body needs.

"The only thing that will make it feel better is to have many orgasms. It takes away the pressure that is building within your body. Because what's happening is your powers are all growing at once, and your body needs release."


"Unfortunately, sweetheart, it's about to get a lot worse." Her face falls.

"I just mean that in two days, you reach the age of them growing beyond what your body can handle. That's why I said there will be sex between us eventually. That act alone, makes the experience that more pleasurable, instead of painful." I stare her down with the intensity I feel.

"I will be right here with you every step of the way. You know that don't you?" She nods her head again.

Licking her lips, she asks "how long does transition last?"

My eyes follow that sweet pink tongue of her as it licks her bottom lip as I answer, "it varies, can be a couple days to a week."

Her eyes have grown looking like saucers. I can't help but laugh at her frightening look. "It won't be non-stop pain, or pleasure baby. The feeling comes and goes throughout. So basically, you just climb on top of me whenever your body starts to ignite, and I'll take good care of you." I give her a wink.

It's her turn to laugh at me, "Okay, so whenever the urge comes during that time, I just find you if you're not near, and we strip, I climb on top of you, and take you for a ride?"

Her eyes are now dilated, and her breathing has picked up. I thought I was hard as a rock before, but my cock has grown to the point of pain now. Can smell her arousal grow, it's filling the room, and her eyes are now hooked onto the python between my legs as she says.

"Baby girl," Her eyes pop up fast to looking into mine. I can't help it I have to touch her. My hands have reached around her waist bringing her body glued to my side.

"There is no way in hell I'm leaving your side throughout the transitioning. And if you think either of us are going to be wearing clothes at all during that time," I take my hand and place some hair that is in disarray along her face behind her ear.

Bringing my face to her neck, I nip and lick down to her collarbone. Working my way up to her ear, I suck it into my mouth and whisper "you're sadly mistaken." A whoosh of breath comes out of her mouth, and I catch it with mine.

Fusing my mouth on hers, I lick the seams of her lips. Asking for permission to enter that sweet mouth of hers. She opens for me, and I start to play with her tongue with mine.


One second, we are side by side, the next she's beneath me and I'm holding her hands above her head along the pillows with mine. I have my leg in between her legs, and her body is writhing against mine.

"I can't," she breathes out in a whisper, "can't get friction." I know what she needs. I move my body and align my hips in between hers, so she can get that friction she craves. Little pants are coming out of her mouth, and her pussy is soaking my cock in her delectable juices.

Not being able to help myself I rub my cock along her pussy lips, turning her pants into full blown moans. She's trying to move her hands out from underneath mine. I know it killing her not being able to touch me like she wants to, but I kind of like teasing her this way.

"Please Kayden, let me touch you." She pulls her lips from mine and looks deep into my eyes. Hers pleading with me to let her have what she wants. Under her stare I cannot deny her any longer, and I give into her desires.

As soon as I release her hands, they are all over my body. She's like a woman starved. As though she hasn't had a drink in forever, and I'm her glass of water she needs to gulp down to survive. I love this!

Her hand along my body feels excruciatingly good. Not being able to hold back, I rub faster against her, giving myself what I need. Her hands go from my shoulders, make their way down my back, and grab handfuls of my ass. She pulls me closer to her still.

Really want to ask her if she would want to do more than just feeling one another's bodies, but I don't want her to think I'm not enjoying myself. Taking my hands, I grab both of her legs and spread her legs as far out as they can go. So, I can rub harder against her clit. It has the effect that I was hoping for.

She Cries out and comes so gloriously. Seeing her face, how beautiful it is, I spill onto her outer lips and some on her lower stomach. My head drops to her neck, and her arms hold me in a tight embrace. A huge part of me wishes we could stay like this forever. Just us two in this bed holding one another. The other part knows that's not possible.

Lifting my body up from her neck, I brush her hair out of her eyes. She gives me a smile, as I get up out of the bed. Making my way to the bathroom, I grab a washcloth. Getting it wet, I bring it into the room to clean between her legs and lower stomach. I don't want her to be all sticky after she had just taken a shower.

Once I'm done cleaning her up, I lift the blanket up over our bodies. Drag her close to me and spoon her from behind. With my hand along her breastbone, and leg covering both of hers. Feeling her heartbeat centers me. Calms me to a place of peace even if its only for a while.

I kiss the top of her head and tell her to get some sleep. Tomorrow is her last training day for a while. Following day is her birthday, and we will be occupied together for days. I cannot wait to finally be inside of my woman. To feel her wet, hot heat around me. Squeezing my cock in the most glorious way.

"Kayden, do you think maybe tomorrow we could," She breaks off for a minute. The sound of her sleepy voice pulling me from my devious thoughts.

"We could what sweetheart?" I whisper in her ear.

"I was thinking maybe, you know. Actually, make love with one another?" She says the last part quickly. Almost as though she is embarrassed to ask me.

Moving her body so she's facing me, I hold her face so she's looking up at me. "Is that truly what you want?" She nods. Almost as though in fear to say the words.

I roll her over on her back, bracketing her in with my arms on either side of her. "Baby, you never have to ask that. I will make love with you anytime you want. I've been holding back thinking you were too afraid. That you didn't want to do that until your birthday."

She bites her bottom lip. Touches her hand to my face, and floors me with "I want you now, I don't want to wait."

She looks into my eyes, and I see the truth in her words. Not waiting another moment, I kiss her with everything I have. If she wants this as bad as I do, then we aren't getting any sleep tonight. I'll make sure my baby girl gets what she wants right here and now. That she won't be able to walk tomorrow. I'll give it to her so good, she won't want to stop.

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