《Hopeless (Yandere Homeless Boy X Female Reader)》Chapter 19: Peace


(A/N: Last Question of the day: What's your favourite season?)

Chapter 19: Peace


Your turn around at the mention of your name, your (H/L), (H/C) hair whipping into your (E/C) eyes. You blow your hair away before focusing your gaze upon the boy who had called your name. You let a smile grace your pink lips as you wave at the boy with brown hair and shining blue eyes.

"Hey Kevin." You greet your best friend as you link your arms with his.

"Ugh! I really don't want to go to school!" Kevin whines dramatically as you roll your eyes at him and laugh.

"Doesn't everyone?" You question back.

Kevin frowns at you, "Alright smarty pants."

You laugh at his annoyed expression as you both make your way to school.

It's been 5 months since Jay was arrested and 5 months since you've been living with Kevin. You spent that time trying to recover from your traumatic experiences, although it was hard, Kevin was there to help you and was with you every step of the way.

Now you had a job at a local bakery, where you could show off all your cooking and baking skills. You were still trying to find another place to live, after what happened in your old house, you decided you wanted to sell it due to the bad memories there and in fear of Jay finding you again even though he was in jail. Kevin assured you that he doesn't mind if you stay with him, but you still wanted to find another place.

You and Kevin were nearing the entrance of your school. You watch as you see other students running to their friends, laughing and talking with them. You smile at the familiar scenery of your school.


You both enter the school and made your way towards your lockers, which were conveniently right next to each other. You gathered your books before making your way to your first class together, as you did you walked past two familiar lockers, that were opposite each other. Both were covered with flowers, candles and pictures.

You smile sadly as you stare at both lockers, you first turn to your best friends locker. You stare at the picture of her smiling towards a camera as her blonde hair flew behind her while her emerald green eyes shone brightly. You then turn around to the other locker and look at the picture of your ex boyfriend, whom you still had feelings for till this day, you just didn't realise it until he was gone. You stare at the picture of him smiling and wonder why it had to be them? You wondered if you had never invited Jay to your house, then would they have still been alive right now?

You frown sadly at your thoughts as you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders, you look up to see Kevin smiling sadly at you, "They're in a better place now."

You nod your head at him, "I just miss them so much." You say, trying not to burst out into tears.

"I know, I do too. They had such bright futures ahead of them." Kevin frowns.

You look at him and smile softly, "Yeah, but they're at peace now. They both deserve it."

Kevin smiles at you and quickly pulls you into an embrace, one which you immediately return. You both saviour the few seconds, just being in each others comfort, before being interrupted by the bell ringing.

You both pull apart and stare at each other with wide eyes as you realise no one was in the halls, meaning lessons had started. It was then you also realised that your class was on the other side of the school. You both let out a groan of annoyance before Kevin grabbed your hand and started to pull you.


"Quick (Y/N)! We're already late!" Kevin yells as he drags you behind him.

"I'm coming! Jeez." You laugh back as you let him drag you.

While you were running, you quickly turn around to both lockers, you send them a small smile before whispering, "Rest in peace guys."

You turn back around as you follow Kevin to your next class.

It was now the end of the day, Kevin had told you to go on home without him since he had to stay behind to tutor another student. You said your goodbyes to him as you started making your way towards his house.

Kevin lived about 5 minutes from your house, so the walking distance wasn't too different. You began walking the familiar path down to your house. To get to Kevin house, you had to walk past your house. As you were walking you noticed a boy, around the age of 18, sitting on the pavement, near to the spot where Jay used to sit. The boy was sitting on the pavement in nothing by a t-shirt and shorts. The poor boy seemed freezing, but you knew better then to make the same mistake again.

However, you weren't a cold-hearted person, taking pity on the boy, you took your coat off and grabbed some money from your bag, you walked up to the boy who looked up at you in confusion. You handed him the coat and the money, "It's not much, but I hope it helps you." You state before walking away.

The boy just stared at your retreating figure with a small smile, thinking, 'there is some goodness in this world.'

However, you just continued walking down the rest of the path, while vowing, never to take that path again, after all, you never want a repeat of what happened with Jayson, ever again.

Tadaaaaaaa!!!!! This book is officially finished!!! Well not officially, since I'm going to write an alternative ending for the story, but this is the final chapter of the story!

I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I did writing it, this is my first yanderexreader book so I apologise if it wasn't as good and if it seemed kind of rushed. If you guys want me to write another book, then pop up in the comments section about what you want it to be about.

If you would like to read another book of mine, check out my reading list, you'll find a book named 'Zodiac Lovers'. That's another book that I have written on my main account, so be sure to check that out soon!

Other then that, I hope you all have an amazing day today! I hope you've enjoyed this book, if you have, don't forget to vote and comment!

Love you all so much,

Peace out,

Foodlover xx

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