《Little More Love || Completed》Chapter 8 : Black Coffee


❁ If you are sure you understand everything that is going on, you're hopelessly confused. ❁

I walk outside of the Aquarium building, as it became impossible for me to bear him anymore.

I start looking for a cab, it's better to go back to home before that Male Bitch catches me again and starts digging the past, but I'd be lying if I say his behavior was not shocking for me, what did he mean by I stole everything from him, I didn't steal anything but he did, my happiness, my sanity, my purpose of living and my heart too.

Leave it!

I will inform Josie later, it's better not to disturb the love birds.

Thankfully, a cab stops right next to me.

I open it's back door and sweep the seat with some tissue papers that I always keep in my bag, making sure no germs are left before sitting inside, and then throw my bag to the corner of the seat like I will never need it again.

Confession No. 15 - Side bags annoys the hell out of me.

" 5748 S, Blackstone Ave." I tell the driver while closing the door, correction, while trying to close the door but I couldn't, Why?

Because Mr. Male Bitch doesn't want to let me take even a single breath of peace.

He resists the door from closing by putting his hand in between the door and the frame, and then opens it slowly by himself.

" I don't really like when someone leaves a conversation unfinished. Do I need to drag you out? " He smirks while taping his fingers on the door.

" No need " I sigh and step out of the cab knowing there's no use of arguing, he won't let me go even if the last option left is to lift me in his arms he will do it, like I don't weight nothing.

This is what he always used to do.

" Mr. Cab thank you for your unappreciated eavesdropping, but you rather move now. " he barks on the Cab driver making the cab driver look at him with mad eyes and then puts fuel to the fire by adding " Haven't your arse heard me! "

" Hey I am sorry for his words, actually he's way too upset because his girlfriend just spat on his face and dumped his ass for his rival who is much taller and dashing than him, I'm so sorry, please go. " I apologize to the cab driver before he comes out and creates a scene while he looks at Hans with sympathetic eyes , and this time I make it up, while Male Bitch is too busy staring at me to react.


" Are you freaking out of your mind. You have no right to talk to anyone like that! " I palm him on his arm not before the cab went past, while he grabs the opportunity to hold my hand in his one hand, then he slowly runs the fingers of his other hand around my lips, and a chill runs through my whole body by just a little touch of his," Well there's still one thing common between you and the former you, this mouth still doesn't know how to lie. "

Thankfully I'm wearing a full sleeves dress so he can't see my goosebumps!

" And these lips, they still makes me vomit! " his soft touch converts into a hard grasp, the madness in his words is negligible compared to the amount of anger dripping off his ocean blue eyes.

" Keep your hand away! " I throw his hand away from my face.

" Oh my apologies, my apologies, how can I forget you're ' Germophobic ' " he puts his hands up in the air in a surrendering manner, and emphasis the G word while using his fingers as quotation marks.

" Would you fancy a cuppa'? " he smirks stuffing his hands in his knee lengthened coat and looking nowhere but my eyes.

How dare you still have the courage to look into my eyes without any sort of guilt.

" No thanks. " I reply.

He moves his orbs away from my direction while giving no considerable reaction to my reply, he takes out his one hand which he put inside his coat a few seconds back just to get his grip over my wrist tightly and drags me to I don't know where," Oops Wrong answer. The ideal answer is ' Yes Hans darling I would fancy a cuppa with you ' innit? "

I so wish to twat him!

He releases my wrist as we reach a cafe. He asks for a table for two and makes me sit facing his not so facable face.

Is that even a word?

" So does your boyfriend knows that you're out on the pull, or what is it called here in America, oh yeah to hit on hot men. " He sneers while placing his elbows on the table and his face balances on his clasped fingers.


" Excuse me. " I blurt.

Before I could say any futher the waiter interrupts, asking for our order.

" One Moch-- " I try to order myself a mocha but Hans cuts me off," A simple tea for me and a Black coffee for this Gentlelady. "

I can't help but roll my eyes.

" So does your Blonde Booby knows that you're here with your assistant on a so called coffee date. " I snap with a question as a reply to his earlier question, making the same posture as his.

" I must admit I like that name, but you sure you are not jealous?" he smirks.

Jealous? This word doesn't even exist in my lexicon.

" Why would I be jealous, I just have some pity for her that's it. You asked me about my boyfriend, I asked about your girlfriend. We're even. " I lean my back on the chair while giving no considerable expression on my face.

" Hm Fair enough. " he clenches his jaw because he really wanted to see me reacting over-dramatically like ' How can you do this to me ' or ' I'm hurt ' or at least shed some tears, I know him way too well.

" I must appreciate the efforts you have put in to change yourself into a totally different person, even your accent, you are actually sounding like native Americans. " he comments trying to extend the conversation.

Oh I'm so done with it!

" Okay will you please tell me what the hell is going on, why am I sitting with you, and why are you talking like those relatives who cliché ' You were so little when I last saw you ' in every single family meet. " I burst out.

And I don't know what did I say that makes him grin.

Oh heavens, it has always been a difficult task to stay calm and normal when he smiles, the way he closes his eyes and the way dimples forms on his cheeks always creates an urge in me to bite them.

He might have got an evil mind and a devilish personality, but he indeed got a heart sinking smile.

I adore his smile without realising that I'm staring at him like an idiot, when suddenly a message pop up sound attracts both of our attention towards his cellphone.

" Oh well, I should take my leave, we'll continue our conversation later. Goodbye love. " he rushes towards the exit of cafe after reading the message.

" Like I was the one who stopped you for this futile conversation. Male Bitch! " I mumble to myself.

" Noriana... " he calls me over his shoulder.

" What? "

" May God have mercy on you, because I won't, Goodbye. " he asserts.

" May you rot in hell, Goodbye. " I grunt back.

I put my head down on the table to think of some nice swear words to curse him, when a waiter comes up with a tea and a black coffee in his tray.

Great timing!

" I don't want it. " I blurt placing my hands on my forehead in frustration.

" Excuse me. " he looks at me in confusion.

" I said I don't want it. " I almost yell.

" Okay Ma'am, but the bill? "

Wait, Will I have to pay the bill for both the orders? And here I was trying to spend as less as I could. What the bloody hell!

May God really blast you Male Bitch!

" Place it on the table. " I say while dropping a few drops of sanitizer on my palm.

What? If I pay for it, I will drink it. It's my right! Period.

My phone's screen lights up and shows an incoming call from Josie.

" Nore leave everything and meet me at the entrance, right now! "


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