《Little More Love || Completed》Dear Diary - 02


( 11 Years ago )

Dear Diary,

I don't really have the mood to write but I can't express my feeling to anyone and I need to spill it out so, I'm writing it down.

Today when I returned home from school, I saw momma lying on the floor in the hall, groaning in pain, she usually gets head aches but this time it was unbearable, it was something else, I never saw her crying, I immediately called an ambulance which took her to the hospital, I went along with her.

Inside the hospital, it seemed like time wasn't moving at all, every second was more harder than the previous one, anxiety was overwhelming me, after like 15 minutes, which were more like 3 hours, I saw a familiar face, it was Daddy, he arrived directly from his office, I ran toward him and hugged him tightly while he wiped my tears and said “ Don't worry, now I am here. ”

Around 4-5 hours later, after so many tests and scans, doctor uncle updated daddy with momma's condition. I couldn't hear much but doctor was saying something about 1 month, I was getting bad thoughts but I kept telling myself that he might be telling daddy that she has to revisit him after a month, and nothing more. When I asked daddy, he told me everything is fine, momma will be home soon.

I really wanted to stay with her, I know she would've felt good in my presence, if I could hug her hard all her pain would have been vanished, or I could just sit beside her, holding her hand telling her that I'm here and she will be fine, but at the same time I couldn't see her in that condition, they made her body a living syringe holder, there were needles injected all over her body, she was lying on a machine something called venticator or venantiator, I don't really remember.


Daddy sent me back to home with driver uncle, while he's still in hospital, I know he told me everything is alright, but I feel like something's very wrong and no one's telling me the truth, I'm trying my best to think positive but I'm getting millions of bad thoughts, my heart is frozen, I can't feel my skin, I can't resist tears coming out of my eyes!

What if... No no I can't imagine a minute without her! I need her, we need her!

I will pray for her all night and also go to church tomorrow, I know Jesus Christ will give her strength.

Love Noriana.


Hello, it's me, Again lol!

❁ So what do you think about these " Dear Diary " chapters, actually I'm not a big fan of flashbacks, but I needed to write the backstory of Nora as a requirement of the story, so that's the idea I came up with.

❁ Is it confusing?

❁ Did you realise that Nora was just a 13 years old kid when she wrote all this?

May your stomach becomes flat without working out (❁'◡'❁)

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