《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 18



It had been two weeks. Bellatrix was becoming more and more paranoid by the hour, not leaving Cordelias side. She was standing in the nursery, Cordelia was crying so she picked her up and cradled her.

"Shhh," she whispered. "I'm here, you don't have to be scared anymore,"

Cordelia stopped crying, she settled and waved her hands in the air making her mother smile. Bellatrix but her back in the crib and looked at the pastel green wall, Narcissa had picked it out. She felt the air in the room unsettle and knew what had happened; apparition. She didn't need to turn around.

"Sirius, I will give you 30 seconds to get out of my house," She didn't want to take her eyes of Cordelia.

"Hey! I just wanted to meet my little niece," he replied. Bellatrix was really trying to stop herself killing him right now, but didn't want to risk getting caught, and being sent away from her baby. "What's her name, Dilly?"

Sirius walked up to the crib and touched the baby's forehead.

"GET OFF MY BABY." Bellatrix said sternly. "And her name is Cordelia,"

"Ooh big difference," Sirius mocked, he had always been like that. He could never take these things seriously. "But anyway, hate to break it to you, but unfortunately I must take dill..Cordelia off your hands,"

"What, now?" Bellatrix mocked, praying that he was joking, even though it was a bizarre topic to joke on. "I'm sorry, I just never saw you as the motherly type,"

"Hand over the baby, Bella,"

"CRUCIO!" Bellatrix yelled, no longer being able to restrain herself. "You'll never touch her you filthy blood traitor!"

She blinked and then saw her cousin, he had been slammed against the wall and his face was covered in blood. He started laughing.


"You won't win cousin, but you already knew that,"

"CRU-" Bellatrix said before feeling something cold touch the back of her neck.

"Mrs Lestrange, I believe we have what we came for," Dumbledore said.

Bellatrix felt tears fall down her cheek. "You evil, evil man," she sobbed, and started to hear Cordelia cry. She turned to face the old wizard. "You say you fight the dark lord because he is evil, but what your doing now is no less evil,"

"Good day Mrs Lestrange," and then they both apparated away before Bellatrix could do anything.

Bellatrix collapsed on the floor in tears, she was inconsolable for weeks.

***** Meanwhile *****

Sirius and Dumbledore apparated to grimmauld place, where Lily, Molly and some others were waiting for them.

Dumbledore walked in cradling baby Cordelia, who had erupted in tears.

"Oh you silly old man, give her here," Molly said, her arms held out wide taking the baby. "What's her name?"

"Cordelia Narcissa," Sirius said. "But that must be changed."

"What about Lucy?" Lily said. "It's common, easy to pass off,"

"No, no," Molly said, looking in the baby's eyes. "She looks like a... A Hermione,"

"That's perfect, Molly," Dumbledore said. "It's time to say goodbye to Cordelia Lestrange, and hello to Hermione Granger. I will drop her off at her new home in a few hours."

For the rest of the year, Bellatrix searched for Cordelia, but to no avail. The longbottoms, who were aware of her whereabouts, were tortured into insanity when Bellatrix was becoming desperate, but she was captured and sent to Azkaban. Hermione Granger was treated well; she lived a happy life with her muggle parents, and on her before her twelfth birthday she received her letter to hogwarts. A couple of years later, Bellatrix escaped Azkaban, and restarted her search. This time however, success would fall to her...

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