《Bellatrix Lestrange》Chapter 16


Rodulphus, Lucius, Narcissa and Bellatrix were sitting in the living room. It was quiet, no one really knew what to say and were sitting awkwardly , except Bellatrix who was too busy making her fingers walk along her enormous stomach. She was wearing a black hoodie, but it was enormous so it was more like a dress on her.

"So.." Narcissa started, not sure where she was going with it.

"Bella, may I say you are looking particularly enormous today," Lucius remarked, with his smug grin.

"Not as enormous as you ego," Bellatrix muttered, just loud enough for Lucius to hear. Then Lucius's grin widened suddenly.

"What is it, I'm pregnant not a clown," Bellatrix said, raising her voice and frowning.

"I believe, Bella, you have, as the muggles say, wet yourself,"

Bellatrix' s eyes widened in shock. Her voice added a tone of immediacy. "Cissy, what's the date?"

"What, are you tracking your little accidents?" Lucius said, laughing at his own joke.

"SHUT UP YOU IMBECILE!" Bellatrix roared. Then after composing herself, Narcissa replied.

"It's September 19th 1979,"

"I knew the year," Bellatrix said, rolling her eyes.

"What's wrong Bella?" Narcissa asked, looking sincerely concerned.

"It's early." Bellatrix whispered. "The baby's early."

Narcissa's eyes widened in shock. She felt her hands start to shake and had to breath in hard to calm herself down.

"Okay. Okay. Rodolphus, can you help me take Bella up to the bedroom, Lucius can you please prepare some towels-"

"I'm not a house elf." Lucius snapped. "I'll get Muffy to do it."

Rodolphus and Narcissa helped Bellatrix through the door, and Lucius slid infront of them.

"Have fun," he said at Bellatrix, winking.

"Shut up." She said, but it was feeble, she clearly wasn't in the mood.


***** 7 hours later*****

"What is taking so long?"

Rodolphus snapped, he was pacing in the living room, accompanied by Lucius.

"I don't know, ask your daughter." Lucius replied. Rodolphus had been asking the same question for the last three hours. Then, like an answer to Lucius's prayers, Narcissa emerged from the room.

"As Bella predicted, it's a girl." A smile spread across her face. There was blood on her hands and she had the biggest bags under her eyes, but her smile conquered all.

Rodolphus sprinted into the room, and knelt by his wife. Bellatrix was cradling her baby, she wasn't crying, but lifting her hand to meet Bella's. Tears formed in Bellatrixs's eyes.

"Cordelia..." Rodolphus whispered, his eyes also watering. He reached out and touched her hand. She gurgled and kicked her feet. Cordelia had brown hair, like Rodolphus, big shared her mothers pale and fair features. Her eyes were big and dark, with long, dark eyelashes to accompany them.

"You know Cordelia is the name of one of Uranus's moons?" Bellatrix said.

"So your the warrior star, which one is she?"

"She beautiful," Bellatrix said lovingly, looking into her daughters eyes.

"Have you decided on a middle name?"

"Yes. Narcissa." Bellatrix said.

"I was kind of hoping I would have a say in it..." Rodolphus muttered.

"Hey!" Bellatrix snapped. "She's got your hair, what else do you want?"

Rodolphus laughed; Bellatrix came out with the oddest of comments.

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