《Princess with blue eyes | completed》Prologue
Арван хоёр сарын туршид эхийнхээ хэвлийд бойжсон ураг төрөх болж гараг даяар хөл хөдөлгөөн ихэсжээ. Хэдэн сая жилийн туршид харгис хэрцгий хаантай байсны эцэст шинэхэн хаантай болж,гүнж эсвэл ханхүүтэй болох гэж буй иргэд. Хаан өмнөх хаанаасаа илүүтэйгээр энэрэх,хайрлах сэтгэлтэй тул ард иргэд ихэд жаргалтай байгаа юм.
Хаан ч сандарч бүх албатуудтайгаа хатныг төрсний дараагаар яах ёстойг асууж байв. Учир нь шинэхэн хааны анхны үр учир юу ч мэдэхгүй байх агаад албатууд нь өөрөөс нь ахимаг насны хүмүүс учир асуух зүйл их ажээ.
Хатан өвдөлт өгч,хажууд буй хүмүүс сандралдаж,гарагийн хамгийн хүчтэй шидтэнийг авчрав. Хатан дуншиж өвдөх тусам зүрх нь бага зэрэг айдсаар дүүрч байлаа. Би эсэн мэнд төрөх болов уу?
Шидтэн 7 хуруу нээгдсэн амсрыг харж ханцуй шамлан ажилдаа орлоо. Хатан тэсэхээ байж,ухаан санаа нь орж гарч байсан ч шүдээ зууж байв.
Удалгүй хүүхдийн цас хийх дуу сонстож,гарагийн хүмүүс бүгд шидээ ашиглан тэнгэрт өөрсдийн хүчээр хүүхдийн тоглоом хийж байв. Иргэд шинэхэн хүчтэн төрлөө хэмээн хэдэн сая жилийн дараа анх удаа хүчээ ашигласан нь энэ буй. Олон сая тоглоом болоод хайранд мэндэлсэн гүнж.
Бяцхан гүнжийг эхийнх нь гарт өгөхөд гүнж мэдсэн шиг нүдээ нээхэд хатны нүд томрох нь тэр! Хатан хөдлөхөө байж яах ёстойгоо мэдсэнгүй.
"Хааныг хурдхан дууд!" хэмээн өрөөнд байсан шидтэнийг явуулав.
Хатан гүнжээ харан гайхах ба удалгүй хаан сүр сар орж ирэн,нүүрэнд инээмсэглэл тодорсон байв.
"Ханхүү юу? Гүнж үү?" гэж асуухад хатан том том нулимс унаган ийн хэллээ.
"Цэнхэр нүдтэй гүнж"
Цэнхэр нүдтэй гүнж төрсөнд хаан багагүй баярлаж бас гуниглаж байв. Учир нь маш олон сая жилийн өмнө өөр нэгэн Neptune гараг дээр зочилсон ба тэр үед гарагийн хүмүүс гадны хүн гэж бүх төрлийн шидийг ашиглан гэмтээсэн аж. Тэр үеийн хаан гадны зочин гийчинд тун дургүй бөгөөд гарагийн иргэдэд тушаал буулгасантай холбоотой. Өнөөх шидтэн үхэхээсээ өмнө Neptune гарагийг хараасан байжээ.
Тэр шидтэн ч биш Чөтгөр байсан юм...Тэр цагаас хойш хаан дэндүү харгис болж,Neptune гараг цусаар будагдаж байв.
Хаан зарлиг буулгаж, гүнжийг Neptune гарагаас алс хол,маш олон сая гэрлийн жилийн зайтай гараг руу явуулжээ. Тэр бага балчир тул энэ зовлонг үзэх хэрэггүй гэж шийджээ. Учир нь тэр гарагийн гэрэл билээ. Хэдэн сая жилийн турш зовсон тас харанхуйн гэрэл.
Гүнжийг тэнд хүн ам цөөтэй мөн өөрийн ид шидийг удирдаж сурах мөн өөр зүйлд суралцах бүрэн чөлөөтэй аж. Гүнж насанд хүрмэгцээ ирэх ба өөрийн эгэлгүй нэгнийг олох хэрэгтэй. Хаан гүнжээ явуулахыг хүсэхгүй байвч дахин уулзана гэсэн бодолтойгоор гүнжээ явуулав.
Хаан өөрийн итгэлт албат болох Пистоныг охинтойгоо хамт явуулсан бөгөөд гүнжийн хүч,ямар нэгэн шидийг зааж өгөх үүрэгтэй байв.
Пистон гүнжийг насанд хүрсэн үед энэ гарагаас гарч болох ба тэр хүртэл түүнд юу ч хэлэх ёсгүй юм. Харин насанд хүрч,бүрэн хүчээ эзэмшээд галактик даяар явах ажилтай.
Neptune гарагийн гүнжийг Жэнни гэдэг. Энэ галактийн шинэхэн хатан. Neptune гарагийг хараалын эзэн мөн хараал тайлж чадах цорын ганц эгэлгүй хүчтний гүнж.
А.Мишээл 2018.08.31💙
Re: Evolution Online
Liam was a nobody, whether it was grades or sports or appearance or social life. Not because he didn't have a brain but because his luck was just that bad. However, everything changed when a mysterious game called 'Evolution Online' was suddenly launched. The world he knew changed upside down!There was blood, death, and carnage everywhere. While everyone from small companies and big governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game, some people's lives turned for the better and some for the worse.Liam, unfortunately, being the latter, still somehow ended up at the bottom of the barrel. His insignificant life was squished like an insect and his loved ones were destroyed right in front of him. In the end, he was already dead without ever having a single chance to fight back.But his story did not end there. Liam found himself returned back to the time before everything began!Watch as the young man who was once a nobody reaches for the pinnacle of strength and power wreaking havoc on the world that destroyed him once! This time everything will be different! [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 389The Sorcerer
This is a fanfiction based on Harry Potter, written by JK Rowling. BEFORE YOU LEAVE, as fan fiction isn't what royal road is known for unless your book is called Borne of Caution, hear me out. This is based 200 years into the future. Hogwarts will be very different, and besides some references, we will follow no characters from the book. In my opinion, this is more of a new, mature, and more realistic version of that universe. If we want to put an analogy to it, I'm borrowing the house, but it's my furniture and things on the inside. Synopsis - 200 years since the battle of Hogwarts. The muggles know - magic is no longer a secret. Wizards and witches show their magical traits much later in life now, their powers weaker than previous generations... and to make matters worse, there is a steady decline in the wizarding population. Follow along as Lux, a muggle-born, shows the world what one determined young wizard can do. Cover credit - https://br.pinterest.com/pin/480688960218579620/ ***Release schedule once a week, Sunday or Monday.***
8 66Underworld - Level Up or Die!
A thousand year old succubus has grown tired of devouring men. With the help of a lich lord, she invents a new spell that will allow her to grow more powerful in a much less distasteful manner. Elorion is just your average high school student lazing around during summer break and thinking about bacon. After a solid gaming session, he removes his VR headset to find a monster waiting to kidnap him. He wakes to find that he’s not alone. Nineteen other students have also been taken. The last thing he expects happens next. He is given the ability to use magic and level up! There’s a catch. With his dormant talents unlocked he must grow in power to please his new master. To level up he must face the monsters of the Underworld. If he doesn’t fight he will die. But if he does fight, will he survive? Note: This book has been published and only 10% of the first few chapters are here on RoyalRoad.com. facebook.com/official.apollos.thorne apollos-thorne.com
8 177The Deepest Dive
The world changed when the first portal to another reality was opened. Then it changed again when magic became codified in the laws of our universe. Now humanity fights the dungeons which spring up around the world, killing their cores and sealing the breaches in the universe. Chris and his team are part of this fight, dungeon divers, and today they're bringing a new diver with them, whether they want to or not.
8 192The Prophet's Ascension
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Mara, a science teacher, was reincarnated on the body of a child named Nefaaya after dying while trying to save her student. But it seems she wasn't the only one who was transported in this world, as she learned that the student that she tried to save died with her and was born on a body of a boy named Renaeril At first she thought it was perfect, she had a loving family and she was experiencing things that she didn't experience in her previous life. But just after eight years, a war broke out, her father was forced to join the army. She remained hopeful that everything would go back the way it was, but it was immediately crushed when a mysterious group of people in white robes attacked their village. At the moment when Nefaaya was about to die, her mother sacrificed herself to save her and Renaeril. As she buries the corpse of the village folk, Nefaaya decides to go on a journey to look for her father and at the same time vowing to avenge the death of her mother. Note: updates are every other day.
8 179three idiots
8 174