《Poems And Some Deep Thoughts》WORDS


To write something great

One should see the beauty of the words

Feel the power that those words behold

Appreciate the way those are written

Feel it's meaning as emotions

Feel those meanings even if it's a lie

Enjoy the outburst of emotions you feel after reading it

Cherish those words as if it's a treasure

Use every single one of it carefully as they hold the pain of the dagger hitting a chest and pleasure the same heart with it's comfort

Make others see the depth these words contain

And how risky it is to carelessly use.


This is written by me.

I will be updating some poems soon...I just read a really amazing book,it was very beautifully written.Hats off to all the authors out there for making those masterpieces.OHH!! How do I even express my happiness (with words of course)

AWKWARD |Bye for now :-)

Have a good night/day :-*

[I didn't felt like using emojis and pics today]

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