《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Published Lies


"You need to eat"

"No, I'm fine. I'll have something later"

"Yoongi I swear to god if your ass doesn't eat I'm going to force feed you food"

"Seriously Hoseok I'm fine. Please just go away"

"Please Yoongi"

"No I'll have something later. Now please go away I have some songs I need to work on"

"Fine. Whatever" And with that Hoseok left Yoongi alone.

"Any luck?" Hoseok shakes his head and immediately Namjoon's and Jungkook's faces are disheartened and filled with grieve.

"He has to have something. I haven't seen him eat in days"

"I know Jungkook, but what can we do?"

"I don't think he'll be better till this whole situation with Y/n is sorted out"

"Wow, stating the obvious Namjoon" Hoseok says with sad eyes and a stern face.

"Do you know how that's going?" Jungkook asks trying to lighten the mood.

"No idea. All I know is that they still haven't figured anything out yet"

"Why is it taking them so long. How difficult can it be"

"Apparently it's really difficult"

"Aish Why did this have to happen?"

After what seems like hours of the three boys trying to come up with ways to try and get Yoongi to eat they decide to send Jungkook in hoping that it will encourage him to eat.

Jungkook walks into his studio with a plate of fruit. The room is dark with only light appearing from the monitor, the air is cool and crisp and the energy is black.

"Yoongi Hyung, I have some fruit for you. Please have some when you can" Jungkook speaks with a soft voice and flutters his eyes hoping that Yoongi will sense that he truly cares for him.

"Thank you Jungkook. Just leave them there" His voice had no emotion to it and his words seemed lifeless like he was only saying them to make the poor boy go away. And with that Jungkook left the room, saddened to see his Hyung struggling so much.

"How did it go?" Both Namjoon and Hoseok ask at the same time.

"He took the fruit.... but I don't think he will eat it" Jungkook's eyes turn to face the ground, the stress of the situation bringing him down constantly.

"It's okay Jungkook, you tried your best"

"Hoseok is right. It's one step further than we were before"

Yoongi continues to sit there. The world around him couldn't be moving any slower. With a large sigh he lifts his body up struggling to make his way to the door due to the lack of energy. He leaves the dorms with out a word. All he wants to do is walk and listen to the world around him hoping to clear his head.


He walks down a path not really sure on where he is heading. The sky is clear with only a few clouds covering the blue surface and the buildings around him reflect the sun. What would only make this moment better if Y/n were here with him, holding his hand, smiling, laughing, he misses it all. It had been almost two weeks since he last spoke to her, the hardest two weeks of his life. What was she doing now? Is she at work? Home? Or maybe she was walking as well, she likes to do the sometimes. Just leave her apartment and walk for god knows how long.

As Yoongi continues to walk down the path he sees in the corner of his eye two girls, one in which is holding a large camera and the other is standing next to her. Both wearing masks and hoodies hiding their face and identities. It must be a fan site, or some company hoping to find a story to publish. He tries to not it let it bother him as he was used to this feeling now. Someone always watching. This was his life.

After 20 minutes or so he finally had lost the two girls and could finally walk in peace without the constant feeling of someone being there. He finds himself in a familiar neighbourhood. The buildings he had recognised and the scent coming from the flowers by the path, he remembers it so clearly... It was Y/n's neighbourhood. He had subconsciously walked there without noticing. With that he was standing under a tree in front of Y/n's apartment.

Should I go see her? No that's stupid, she will be put in danger. I just want to see her face, her smile.

As Yoongi was standing there thinking to himself he hears the foot steps of person approaching. Quickly he hides hoping that whoever it is hasn't seen him.

He peeps his head around the tree and immediately he recognises who the person is. Long black hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin that is scattered with cute little freckles, it was Y/n. His heart was put ease instantly as he saw her. She looks so beautiful, so so beautiful. All Yoongi wants to do right now is run up and hold her tightly. He wants to tell her how much he loves and adores her, that she is his entire world, that she is all that matter to him. He wants to forget about everything around him and kiss her rosy lips. What did she do today? Was she at work? At a cafe? Or simply just walking? He wants to so badly ask. An impulse that he wants to act on yet he doesn't. He lets her walk inside with out a word, a wave, nothing. He does nothing. Instead he walks away not satisfying his need for her love. He decides to not be selfish even if it makes him sad and lonely. He has to be strong until this whole thing is over. Until he can finally hold her again without the constant fear and worry of someone watching. He has to hold back until he doesn't have to anymore.


I enter my apartment, exhausted from the day. Food right now is what I need. I find myself having lots of ingredients to choose from so I decide to cook something from Jin's recipe book. After I finish cooking I eat alone. You would think a girl my age would have lots of friends but I don't, other than the boys of course. It sucks to be alone all the time.

After I finish eating I decide to have bath, I always seem to have showers. I place my body in the warm water instantly heating up relaxing my muscles. I lay there my body absorbing the steam making it a little difficult to breathe. I place my head under the water, closing my eyes and holding my breathe. The water filling my ears so all I can hear is the movement of the water. Deep and low sounds are all I can hear due to the movement of my head as I adjust. A few seconds felt like forever. My mind constantly going, taking me to different places. Sometimes they are dark and depressing other times they are dreams, good ones.

I bring my head back up from under the water. My face is now red and my body continues to heat up, my breathing still heavy. I lay there for a few minutes more. After that I leave drying my body. I want to feel closer to Yoongi so I put on one of his hoodies he left here that one time. It's large, far to large for my small body. A thick black material consuming my torso going all the way down to my knees. It's funny but when you see Yoongi in photos he looks quite small but in real life he's much more broad, muscular hence the large hoodie I'm now wearing. It still smells like him even though it's been hiding away on a chair in the corner of my bedroom.

My hair is still wet so I spend a few minutes trying to dry it with a fluffy towel. While I sit on the couch drying my hair I grab my phone. No notifications, not surprising. I open it up and I spend a few minutes going through old photos, messages anything to jog some memories that Yoongi and I made together. It's funny, I'm making it seem like we've broken up even though that isn't the case, it still feels like it. I then open twitter, an app I barely use but for some reason I had a sudden impulse to check. I scroll and scroll the light come from my phone illuminating my face. I keep scrolling nothing really catching my eyes until I see a number of articles published on Yoongi. Instantly my heart begins to race as I believe the worst has happened. Immediately after reading the title it wasn't what I expected it to be. It was still horrible, bringing tears to my eyes, my throat becoming dry. It isn't news about Yoongi having a girlfriend, it was something else. The title of the article reads...

"Min Yoongi suffering from extreme weight loss"

I continue to read. The article is about how fans are worried about Yoongi's mental health due to the obvious change in his body over the past two weeks. It shows of a before photo of a happy and healthy Yoongi and a photo that was taken of Yoongi today. His body lean and slim, his face pale and sad. My heart shatters as I continue to read further and further down the page. This is all my fault. Everything continues to get worse and worse no matter what I do. Why do I do this? Why do I keep causing everyone problems? Maybe I should just leave forever.

"Yoongi! Yoongi!"

"What do you want Jimin?"

"Please don't be upset but look what is trending on twitter" Jimin sadly looks at Yoongi showing him his phone, his throat dry and his voice sounds fragile as the pressure builds up.

"You have to be fucking joking"

"Yoongi the article may be exaggerating but....you aren't healthy at the moment. You aren't looking after yourself at all and it's causing me and the rest of the boys so much grief because we love you so much and it hurts us to see you go through this. Please imagine how Y/n would feel if she saw you like this, she's probably already seen the article by now as well. Please just don't give up, it will all be over soon"

Yoongi sits there, guilt begging to build up in his heart. "I'm sorry" Is all he can say.

I don't know why but I feel as though this chapter is written weirdly.

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