《I Need You (Min Yoongi X Depressed Reader)》Rain


I lay there in my bed, alone, I'm always alone, no room mate to chat with and no family that comes to visit. I've always been lost, sad, angry, just those emotion's. Maybe it's to do with my family or maybe it's just because I've never truly loved myself. I don't know.

I sigh loudly and lift myself off my bed. I put my earphones in and press shuffle, the first song to come on is BTS's you never walk alone. I feel trapped in my room so I leave my apartment and decide to go for a walk. It's quite late now but I still make my way to the park, a place I often come and sit on the swings. I gently push myself forward and hum to the song and I think and write. I write words with no particular meaning, it helps take stress off my mind I think. My long black hair flows freely in the wind. I'm only wearing a long oversized jumper and a pair of long socks that go up to my knees with thick black boots. I wish I wore something else now because the wind hits the exposed skin on my legs like a knife on paper and sends shiver's down my spine, I still sit there though.

I write the words "Sombre, a dark passageway I find myself, lost and alone. I see the end but only in the distance, I need guidance but no one is there...." *drip* *drip* water droplets fall on my page, it's raining. I quickly hop off the swing and run to the nearest bus stop and plop myself down under cover. There is no way I'm walking home in the rain, I'll just catch the bus, I say to myself.

My clothes are soaked and I'm freezing. I pull my legs up to my chest and hold myself tightly to try and produce a little bit of warmth. I'm shivering, I'm going to get sick I can tell. The bus probably wont be here for a while either. Life really likes poking me in the face every chance it gets.

I rest my head on my knees and close my eyes. I'm still listening to music and honestly this entire time I've only just been listening to BTS. Their songs are comforting, they help.

"Ah excuse me"

I feel someone poke my shoulder and I look up slowly opening my eyes, I thought I was alone but apparently not. "Hmmm, hello....." I stop breathing, It's Min Yoongi. I rub my eyes and take a better look. Yep that is definitely Min Yoongi. My body goes into a state of panic and I forget how to function properly.

"Are you okay? Your clothes are soaked and your shivering, plus I don't think the bus will be here for a while. Do you wan't me to take you home?" Yoongi says to me, he looks concerned.

"um ah, no it's ok-okay. I'll b-be fine" I stutter a lot and it causes me to drop my phone. It's exposes my lock screen which is a picture of BTS. I try and pick it up as fast as possible but he's already seen it. He's laughing.

"Ah I see now, your an Army, that's why your acting strangely" he says with the biggest smile.

My face goes red, really red.

"It's okay, don't be so nervous, what's your name?"

"M-my name is y/n" I say quietly, gripping tightly onto my phone.


"Well y/n I want to take you home, I don't want to leave you alone in the rain"

As he saying this Jin pulls up in a car. My inner fan girl is freaking out but I contain myself, I don't want them to think I'm some strange idol obsessed fan.

Jin rolls down the window. "Who is this Yoongi?"

"This is y/n, I don't want to leave her so I offered to take her home"

"Ah nice to meet you y/n"

"Nice to meet you Jin...." Yelp I said his name. Yep good job y/n, now he's going to think your a crazy fan. I grip tightly onto my wrist and squeeze. A shot of pain shoots up my arm.

"So your an Army" I nod my head.

"Where do you live y/n?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, I live in the Rosewood apartments"

"What! That's quite far away, you'll freeze before you can get home. Come back to our dorms and have a shower and change" Yoongi says, it takes me a while to process what has just happened.

"Y-you want me to come back to your dorms?" I ask confusingly.

"Yep" Yoongi is smiling.

"I'm fine with that" Says Jin.

Before I know it Yoongi is holding my wrist, it hurts a lot. He pulls me into the car. My brain still can't process what is happening. I sit down next to him and butterfly's fill my stomach.

Jin starts to drive off.

"Seat belt"

"Huh" I say staring at his face. I was taking in all his features. He's much cuter in real life.

"Your seat belt y/n"

"Oh right, sorry"

I pull my seat belt across my body and as I do so my selves roll up and my wrists are exposed. Cut's, scars and even bruises become visible. Yoongi sees them. His eye's quickly turn sad. He knows.

I quickly pull my sleeves down and act as though it didn't happen.


I try to change the subject.

"Why where you at the bus stop? I never thought I would see someone like you catching the bus" I feel panicked.

"Well sometimes when I find my self uninspired I hop on a random bus. I'll look out the window and try to find something that interests and inspires me. I'll sit there and write lyrics and sometimes I don't" He looks sad.

"I guess that makes sense" Stupid, stupid, stupid I say to myself.

"We are here!" Jin interrupted.

We hop out of the car and my lips have turned blue. I'm freezing.

"Come on quickly y/n, I don't want you to freeze to death" says Yoongi pushing me into the dorm.

Jin walk's past me. "BOYS!" he yells.

The rest of the members make their way to us from all different parts off the apartment and instantly I'm overwhelmed, this is not how I thought my day was going to go.

"Who is this Jin hyung?" says Jungkook, he's much taller in real life, towering over my small body.

"Everyone this is Y/n, Yoongi found her" Jin says introducing me.

"Ooooooo Yoongi has a girlfriend" Tae says laughing.

"Shut up" Yoongi snaps and Tae just frowns, it makes me laugh.

"She's cute, let's keep her" Says Jimin peering over Jungkook.

"Brrrrr, N-Nice to meet you all" I'm shivering, I think my body is frozen.

"Quickly, go into the shower before you freeze to death. We will continue introductions later" Rm says stepping in.

"I have no dry clothes"


"You can wear mine" Says Yoongi.

"Ooooooooo" Tae and Jimin say together.

Yoongi death stares them.

"Are you sure that's okay?"

"Yep!" He quickly runs to his room I presume and come back with a large black hoodie, and tracksuit pants that I can already tell are way to big for me.

"I hope these will be okay" I nod my head and smile.

Jin shows me the bathroom and I step in closing and locking the door.

I take of my clothes and look into the mirror. I really don't have the nicest body. I find myself back in my apartment not looking into mirrors because it makes me want to break them. I quickly turn around ignoring my reflection and hop in the shower, the hot water hits my back and I'm instantly warmed up. I look at my wrists and they are bad. I had an episode last night. Negative thoughts just consuming my mind and I just couldn't take it. The blade being the most comforting thing I own but also does the most damaging.

I'm in the shower for about 10 minutes or so and I hop out. I put on Yoongi's clothes and look into the mirror. It feels surreal, I'm wearing Min Yoongi's clothes. Many dream of this and here I am. I quietly giggle to myself and walk out of the bathroom.

6 of the 7 boys are sitting on the couch. Tae and Jungkook sit there snuggled together while Jimin tries to join in. Jin is in the kitchen cooking something. Yoongi and Namjoon are both on their phones and I think Hoseok is reading.

I walk over.

"I should probably leave now. I think the rain has stopped. I don't want to intrude your home anymore"

Yoongi look's at me. I think he's blushing, I suddenly realise that I'm wearing his clothes in front of him and I suddenly feel a little embarrassed.

"What no, you can't leave yet. Jin hyung is preparing dinner" says Jimin pouting.

"But don't you feel uncomfortable with me here. I really feel as though I'm intruding"

"I agree with Jimin" says Jin from behind me.

"Stay and eat with us Y/n! We don't get many visitors" Hoseok says smiling. All the boys nod their heads.

"Okay" I say smiling.

We are all seated at the table. On one side of me is Yoongi and the other side is Jungkook.

"Do you have a job y/n?" Namjoon asks.

"Yes I do actually. I teach English and sometimes Korean"

"Wooooow you must be smart like Namjoon to speak 2 languages y/n" says Jimin

"I'm not that smart actually, I just found an interest in it when I was younger and now here I am"

"I think your smart" Yoongi says out of nowhere not even looking up and just continues to eat. I think I blush.

"Oooooo Yoongi has a crushhh" Tae teases.

"Ya! Do you want to die" Yoongi snaps again.

We continue to laugh and talk for ages. I think this is the happiest Iv'e been in a long time.

I help Jin clean up after dinner. I clean the dishes and pack them away. The other boys sit quietly on the couch. I think they are watching Avengers.

As I put the last plate away I see Yoongi get up from the couch. He walks over to me and taps me on the shoulder.

"Y/n...can I talk to in my room please" he asks, he looks so soft and gentle. I can't refuse.

"Yeah sure"

Yoongi and I walk upstairs. I enter his room. It looks a lot like mine. The walls are painted black, the cupboard is painted black. He even has a black desk, I like it.

He sit's me down on the bed. It's awkward.

I break the silence between us. "Sorry, I know you probably didn't anticipate me staying this long"

"What no, I haven't thought that all, honestly you feel like a close friend already" Yoongi says making my face feel hot.

"Oh thank you, I don't really have any friends" I begin to feel nervous and play with my fingers.

"That isn't what I wanted to talk about though" His face looks serious.

He moves closer to me, our legs are basically touching and our breathing is matching.

"Y/n... your wrists. I saw in the car and when you were doing the dishes. D-did you do that to yourself?" His facial expression changes, he now looks sad.

This hit's me hard. I look down at the ground. I can't make eye contact with him.

"I..I" I can't make out words and start crying instead. My hands hide my face. I'm completely embarrassed, here I am in Min Yoongi's room crying about cutting myself. I'm so selfish.

He rubs my back. His touch is soft and calming.

"It's okay, I know things feel hard but it will get better. Trust me"

"I've been like this my entire life though. For as long as I can remember, I've felt lost and alone. Sorry I must sound so selfish".

"I don't think that at all y/n.... I think you're real, not fake. You're kind not selfish"

I don't say anything. I just continue to cry.

"Give me your phone" Yoongi demands and I don't hesitate.

"Here is my number, call me whenever you feel like hurting yourself or even if you just wan't to talk or hang out. Anything and I'll do it for you"

I smile and try to wipe my tears away. "Thank you".

He walks to the door of his room.

"Oh by the way y/n, you look really cute in my clothes" Yoongi says smiling. My heart is racing, he just called me cute.

I quietly follow behind him and walk back to where the other boy's are. I feel like a shadow.

"Y/n!" Hoseok says loudly jumping in front of me. "We have decided to let you stay tonight"

"What? No I can't do that, I'm basically a stranger" I then sneeze.

Jimin stands up. "We all already consider you a friend y/n".

"Plus it's started raining again and it's freezing outside. It also looks as though your getting sick. Jin will take you home tomorrow" Jungkook says stuffing his face with marshmallows.

"I'm still not sure but if you insist, okay then. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No!" Yoongi yells. "You'll sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch" Tae and Jimin look and giggle at each other with Yoongi's sudden out burst.

"I can't do that. You've already done so much for me"

Before I can say anything else Yoongi picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Min Yoongi put me down!" I command, I think I'm laughing.

"Nope you've given me no other choice"

He carries me to his room.

"I think Yoongi has a crush" Namjoon says to Jin.

"I think you're right"

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or if it feels to rushed. I'm really trying.

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